Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Warming Back Up!

Sixty's predicted for the day, but right now it is 35 degrees. I'm hoping it's even warmer in Rochester as that is where I'll be heading this afternoon.
Yesterday I did a lot of organizing for the week. I set up a painter to come to the cabin on Thursday to give me a bid, and I also called the plumber to come on Thursday as well, and install a faucet on the lake side of the cabin and also look at the kitchen sink that had some damage from the cold last December, when the heat was off. (My mistake for not changing the thermostat from cool to heat) Then I called my friend Bonnie and asked her if she wanted to come with me to the cabin on Thursday morning. So all is set. Maybe get some cards played as well. I also have made plans to have lunch with a few birthday women on Friday. Bonnie and I will join Rosie to celebrate Carole Fuller and Sandi Hitch's birthdays. Along with all of that I also made plans to go to Chicago Memorial Day Weekend for Emily's graduation ceremony.
I got to talk to Aunt Loretta for a few minutes before I had to leave for my appointment. She told me that Pandora has agreed to come to Vegas with her in July. Hurrah! I have been encouraging her to come with us, but she didn't know if she'd be up to it....but finally has decided to come! I think that puts the number over 20 so far.
Later in the afternoon I went into town for my second acupuncture session at Pathways. They worked on my sciatic nerve that has been bothering me for a while now. It felt so much better when I left there, so we'll see how long it lasts. I do get to go back for one more treatment next Monday. Plus this morning I am going back to Pathways for Tui Na Massage. It is supposed to use a lot of acupressure and other deep muscle massage techniques. I'm really interested to see how it works. This morning, my back is aching like it does most mornings, and I really need the massage.
I also talked to Judy last night. She has been moved to rehab at St. Gertrude's Nursing Home in Shakopee and she said she is in a lot less pain that she thought she would be in....but also that the happy pills they give her have made her really happy!
Tonight I'll be in Rochester with cousin Janet by my side. I hope to visit a friend from the NSWC who also had knee surgery and is in rehab in Rochester. Tomorrow I have to be at Mayo bright and early for blood work and then my CT scan at 9 a.m. I have set up a lunch with Jim Arnott a good friend who works at Mayo (but used to teach for us at ARCC). Then at 1:45 p.m. I get to meet the new oncologist and get the results of the scan. Please pray it's good news! Love and prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. Praying for good results tomorrow, Mary!!!!

