Sunday, April 22, 2012

Another Gloomy Morning!

But they say we'll have sun this afternoon. Church will bring lots of friendly faces and will make up for the sun not being out...I will still see the Son.
Yesterday was kind of a lazy day, but I did do a lot of shopping. First I went to Kohls and got the two free pillows I was supposed to get on Friday, only I needed to bring in the add to get them. The I stopped at Costco, and then Target for sheets to match the comforter I bought at Kohls, and then on to Cub to finish picking up a bag of groceries....yes "a" bag of groceries. Thirty some dollars and only one bag.
Other than the shopping, I didn't accomplish anything. I don't have much more than church planned for today either. I may wash a load of clothes or empty the dishwasher or something like that. Eciting huh?
No health updates either. My back is still bothering me, and can't wait to talk to Dr. Londer about that. Oh, I did get my schedule for my next CTscan at Mayo....July 11, 2012. So I better hurry up and get those chemo sessions started. Love and Prayers, m

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