All year while the confirmation students were preparing for their big day, members of the parish have been praying and sending encouraging notes and gifts to the students. Each guardian angel has a student that they personally pray for. Today we get to meet that student and they get to find out who was their angel. Nicole figured her's out early in the year....almost right away, but most of the students never figure it out, and so today is a lot of fun. I have been in charge of one of Nicole's friends and a boy I've known since he as about six. He and his family sat right behind Nicole during the ceremony yesterday, and he and Nicole also made their First Communion together years ago. So I'm excited for him to find out it was me.
This all happens after the 8:30 Mass this morning, and then they have a little reception in the old gym for all of their families too! After that, I'm not sure what the day will bring....Bonnie and I may go to a movie....or we may watch a couple she picked up at the library.
Yesterday the service was very nice, and in spite of all four or five parishes confirming students, everything went smoothly and fairly fast. Jimbo and I arrived early (like some of the first 15 or 20 in the church)....but it filled in fairly quickly after that. After the ceremony we hung around and took a ton of pictures was a beautiful day. Then we went to Olive Garden for lunch, and Nicole's neighbor Jackie and Nick joined us (grandparents and godfather and family). After that we all said we were going home to take a nap....I'm not sure anyone else did, but I sure did. For some reason or other, I just couldn't get motivated to do anything the rest of the day.
I did get a call from Sharyl Boes last night. They just arrived home from Arizona and wanted to get caught up on how I was doing etc. We talked for quite a while.
Also read a note from Lottie, that her CTscan looked good for the area they were treating with the chemo, but she has a few spots on her liver that they are going to she is worried about that. Say some prayers for her. Which reminds me, I said Sharon had cancer in her liver and kidney...and that was is liver and lungs. Either way it is shrinking in those areas. Sonja also reported yesterday that she is doing well, and hopes to go home soon....but so far don't have a timeline for that. Didn't get a report on Judy yesterday, but hope you keep praying for all on my list. Love and prayers, m
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