Thursday, April 26, 2012

Busy Morning

Sorry I am just getting around to writing....I just got home. I had to leave at 7:50 a.m. this morning, and didn't get up till 7:10 and didn't have time to write. I drove to Shakopee and picked cousin Judy up from the rehab center and took her to the doctors office where she had her stitches removed. Then on the way back we stoped at her house and picked up a few things she needed, and got a chance to measure her shower stoll so she can order a chair to fit in it. Then we went back to the rehab center and got her back to bed and just in time for her lunch to come. We had hoped to play some cards, but after lunch the OT came to work on her cooking skills! So it was time for me to leave. On the way home I had to stop at HP and pick up the latest drug for my collection. I hope to go to the track meet this afternoon at Centenial, and called Bill to see if I could ride with him, but got no answer. So I may have to go by myself. Yesterday I did little till it was time to go to Matt's Bar in South Mpls for dinner with my brother Phil, his daughter Theresa and her family and boyfriend CJ, and my son Jimbo and Ann and Ann's neice Emma. The Juicy Lucy's were great as usual, and it was a fun evening. Drove by the old house on 15th Ave. on my way home, and see there are putting on a new roof and windows. But they really need to replace the front makes the place look really junky. Well, that's all I have to report. Love and Prayers, m

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