Friday, April 27, 2012

Oh No....Snow?

That's what they are saying for tomorrow....but just a few flakes at our end of the State. I'm sure we won't see any, but they love to scare people at the end of April. I do remember having 6 inches of snow on my birthday in May. They are also predicting rain west of us today, but the sun has peeked out now and then this morning. For some reason my blog site has updated the site, and when I put in a return at the end of a paragraph, it isn't showing up when I post it. So please know, I do have paragraphs noted when I write it. Yesterday, I ended up writing late in the afternoon, as I left home at 7:50 to pick up Judy and take her to the doctor back at Methodist Hospital to have her stitches removed. She is doing well, and looking forward to returning to her house, and being able to do things on her own again. This is the first time she has ever had to be the patient and not the caregiver. It was also my first time being her caregiver and driving a wheelchair....which I didn't do well....but I got her back to the rehab center without any new bumps or bruises. We both's so nice to have each other! I picked up my new drug yesterday before I came home and took one last night early in the evening, and felt it made me really grogy so I will continue to only take it later in the evening from now on, and Tylenol during the day so I can function normally. Taking the Oxycotin as directed seems not to effect me at all....or atleast I don't think it is. It may take off the edge or add to the Tylenol's strength. But anyway, I'll continue to follow orders and take it every 12 hours. The mailman rang the door bell and gave me a package from my sister Kathleen and her husband Gary. I know my birthday isn't till next week, but I opened it immediately...couldn't wait to see what was inside. She sent a great sweater that I can't wait to wear....and along with that was a yellow pitcher which is part of the Fiesta line of dishes that I have, and she had in her kitchen and I always told her I wanted it! So she sweetly shared it with me. I love it!...and will display it prominently in my kitchen. Thanks Kathleen and Gary, love you! I put out a plea to a few (3) friends to take me to chemo next week, and Rita couldn't but will do it on the 14th when I have my second session. Then LaVonne volunteered for the first round next week. So I have two of the three sessions in May covered. Now just need someone for the 29th. Judy hopes to be back taking care of me in hopefully that will happen as planned. I hope to do some shopping today, and get some things to take to the cabin when I go on Sunday. So as long as the rain holds off till I'm done, I'll be fine. I heard that Sonja is hoping to be home in a couple of weeks and is doing well. Please continue praying for all those I have on my list and those I've forgotten to put on the list. Oh, and pray for me....I'd love to have all those stubborn spots gone for good...and this new med to make by tailbone heal, work too! Actually my tailbone needs the most prayers, cause I don't have any problems with my lungs as far as pain goes. Love and Prayers, m

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