Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 2, Round 6

Well, yesterday came and went as expected....I first had to see Dr. Londer, which I wasn't scheduled for....but glad I did, he checked on my kidney functions again this week, and they were back to normal....which was good, and okay-ed the chemo. I then got to play cribbage with Judy, and this week the cards were not sick either!! I won 3 out of 4 games. So I was happy!
I got tired like expected as well, Judy drove me home and just dropped me off without coming in, as she new I was going directly to the couch to take a nap. I slept till about 5:45 and woke up and decided I better find some dinner....not that the cupboard was bare, but nothing looked like it would be instantly ready to eat....I opened the freezer and saw a pizza that had been in there for months, and decided it was time to eat it. I put it in the oven, and when it was done proceeded to cut it, and wondered why the thin crust was so hard to cut through before realizing I didn't take it off the cardboard before putting it on the pizza pan. Oh well, it tasted okay!
After dinner (if you call it that) I went back to the couch and watched TV from there till about 8:30 and then got up and went to the computer and voted for some of "The Voice" singers....and then watched "Smash" my favorite show this year.
About 10:45 I headed to bed only to lay there for hours on end looking at the clock sometimes in 10 minute intravals...which is also expected the first night of chemo, and then when I do fall asleep for a few minutes I wake in a night sweat. So glad this is over for at least six weeks.
I do have to go back next week for an infusion of Erbitux, but that doesn't effect me in the same way as the chemo does....and tomorrow to get unplugged.
I get to play cards tonight with card club, and have to run a few errands later this afternoon....bank, and pick up a prescription refill. Other than that, no big plans for the middle of the day. Keep those prayers coming, love and prayers, m

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