Another early morning and I'll have to be quick....I need to be ready to leave in 1 hour, and I have to shower and do my hair etc.
Judy's surgery went well yesterday. I only got to stay till 11:30 and she had just gone into surgery at that point. At about 10:30 her sister June, husband Len and neice Brenda showed up to help in the waiting process. We all got to visit with Judy till they wheeled her away a little after 11 a.m.
Then I headed home and ate a quick final egg salad sandwich for lunch. I packed up my grass and headed to the Schwanns Center to decorate for today's NSWC Brunch. The place was a buzz with help, and by 2 p.m. the tables were all set. Each table had a center vase with three tulips, surrounded by three pots of grass with cute little signs with a sticker of a cute bug in each.
Then each place at the table has a cupcake liner filled with chocolates and a pile of coupons from the stores we are modeling clothes for, a program and a copy of the club collect. The stage and run way were lined with lavender and pink mums donated by a local florist. It looked so nice when we left.
Today, I am getting picked up by Jimbo (Nicole's godfather) and heading for the Cathedral of St. Paul, for the Confirmation of Nicole (Annie's oldest daughter). I'm not sure how the rest of the day will go, but at some point we will all celebrate at the Olive Garden. I know it will be a fun day.
Well, I better get moving here or I won't be ready when Jimbo get's here.
Love and Prayers, m
Have fun today. I always enjoyed this day. Hopefully someday I will be in town to attend again.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are at the St. Paul Cathedral, look for my son's coloring books that he is selling there. He and his buddy created and published it!!
Oops, Mary! Forgot to sign my name.
Sorry I didn't read these comments till this morning. I wish I would have known that before. It was a wonderful celebration and the day was perfect weather wise as well, for pictures. m