Saturday, April 21, 2012

Grey Day for Prom!

Katie and Ani are going to Prom tonight...I hope they don't get washed out!! Did I tell you Tommy broke his Thumb this week plus has poison ivy...double trouble!
It's not raining yet, but they say it will happen soon. I got up and took some Tylenol at 6:30 and went back to bed and slept till 8:30 or so. I guess I needed it. I've been getting up early most of the week.
Yesterday was a busy day. I picked Bonnie up at 11:10 and headed for Acapulco in New Brighton for lunch with Rosie, Sandi and Carole. Sandi and Carole were celebrating their birthdays. Lunch was great and we had a great time doing very little shop talk...but a little did slide in here and there.
From there Bonnie and I did a little shopping at Kohls with her 30% off coupon, and I then went to Shakopee to visit my cousin Judy who is at a rehab center with her new knee. I must say we did play cribbage, and I won both games, but at the end of the day we realized we weren't playing with a full deck!! Not that we ever are, but we really weren't, cause we found 2 cards on the floor under her chair. A 10 and a Jack, and I still won without them!....or Judy lost without them. lol
Today I need to do some shopping and get some food in the house. May stop at Costco to get one of their chickens and a few other things. Other than that no plans for the day.
Judy is doing well, her sister had a colonoscopy yesterday and that came out great, and cousin Louie is up at Bay Lake for a retreat and enjoying it, so God has blessed us all this week. Love and Prayers, m

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