Sunday, April 29, 2012

Waiting for the Sun to Shine

I just finished reading my cousins blog on Caringbridge, and he used most of the blog poetically talking about how wonderful the rain was yesterday and how much he loved it. Unfortunately I don't like days like yesterday....but he did make me think twice about how I feel about it. I was complaining on my phone call from Kathleen about how I thought the drugs were making me tired and listless....not interested in doing anything but taking a nap. But I then got an email from Mary Brue saying she felt the same way I did on rainy days, and I realized it probably wasn't the drugs....but the druery day instead. I did accomplish getting 3 load of wash done and folded and mostly put away....some only made it to the bedroom....cause I may need it for packing today. I plan on going to the cabin and getting ready for the painter. First I need to get dressed and go to church. I may try something new and go to the later service. This 8:30 a.m. stuff is brutal. I need to pick up a few items...not many. Then I'll pack up and head for the cabin. i think I'll take the computer with me, as I'll be there for a couple of days. I'll take my Nook as well, so I can see how well it works at the cabin. There is lots I can do while I'm there. New bedding to put in my room, new cushions and pillows to put on the long as the sun is shining....and ornamental grass to plant. I may not actually plant it....we'll see how I feel. Also got a 40 lb bag of food for the birds, but I don't think I can get that out of the car. I may bed the painter to help me with that. I got a new feeder for the squirrels and some corn cobs for that should be fun watching them go after that. Hoping those wrens and orioles are back and building nests too! I'm sure I won't be bored....of course I can watch the painter and the plumber too! I think I feel the same way about watching the birds and squirrels as Louie feels about watching the rain. I wish I could write as beautifully as he does. Please keep Louie and all my family and friends in your prayers....and thank you for all those that have felt them and are healing. Love and Prayers, m

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