Monday, April 9, 2012

Twin's Home Opener!

The sun is shining, but there is a cold strong wind out there to go with it. Don't let the sun fool you and bundle up if you're going to the game.
I won't be!!....but I do have plans for the day. I will be going to lunch with the retiree's and wannabees, and then this afternoon, I am going into town to experience my first acupuncture session...I'm really excited to see how and if it works. I have 3 sessions scheduled and hope to do it again if Pathways will allow.
After all the activities yesterday, my back was really aching by the time I went to bed last night. I ended up getting up at about 12:30 and took some pain meds....and slept pretty well, cept I woke with a night sweat this morning...damp all over! It seems like the side effects of the chemo are getting stronger and last longer each time. So glad that tomorrow will be the last Erbitux infusion, and then I will be done for a least I don't have any more chemo scheduled for now. I am getting anxious about the CT scan....prayers please!!
Yesterday's activities really made for a great day. Nicole picked me up for church on schedule, we got a seat right where I always sit without a problem, and then returned to Annie's for a great brunch. Matthew had already had two Easter egg hunts and also hide eggs for his dad to find....but after breakfast he encouraged Doug to once again hide 55 eggs out in the yard so that he could find them again. I even promised to hide a few eggs in my yard so that Matthew could find them when they came for dinner. He had no problem finding the dozen I hide either.
The dinner turned out a hit!! even though we had no chairs to sit on. Bill had borrowed all my folding chairs earlier this winter, and I didn't realize they hadn't been when Doug set up the folding table for me, and went looking for chairs we had none. Luckily it didn't change the taste of the dinner, and we all had plenty to eat!
The best part for me is being with everyone and getting caught up on their poor Allie who tore a ligament and part of the bone it was attached to on her hip during a track race last Tuesday. She is on crutches for long distances, and won't be running for awhile.
Track season has started and all the girls (including Ani the exchange student) and Tommy are all running. Annie is busy coaching. Matthew is playing T ball, Jack and Nick baseball...and trips and events are all being planned.
To end the evening, I got a call from Tom and Karen, and got to visit with both of them. All and all it was a wonderful Blessed Easter!! Jesus Christ has Risen Today, was the icing on the cake! Love and prayers, m

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