Monday, February 13, 2012

Maybe Some Snow!

At least to the South....maybe see a flake or two up here in the northern suburbs. Weirdest winter I can remember. I dislike the brown grass!
I've been up since 7 a.m....actually the last 4 or 5 days I've been getting up a little after 7 a.m. which is really unusual for me....I like to sleep in....I'm a night person not a morning one...but obviously even though I got up at 7 a.m. I'm not writing this till now.
Yesterday turned out to be a fairly busy day for me....I went to church and came home to make myself breakfast (none of my friends were there to go out for breakfast with) but I had the ingredients for a great mushroom and spinach omelet. As I was eating, Bill drove up and came to get tables and chairs for a pasta party for the Nordic ski team at their house. So we proceeded to visit and get caught up on what they and Katie and Tommy have been up to since before I went on vacation.
Funny, as I write this blog and some of them read it daily and know what I'm doing, I don't get much information on what the family is doing unless I see something on Facebook or they happen to drop by....or I need them for something.
Then I did a little shopping, got a few new things for my trip...but will go out again today shopping as I still have 3 presents to buy...I didn't get them anything yesterday.
From there I went to watch Matthew play hockey....he's on a Mites league, and then don't have a it's pretty fun to watch. I was amazed at how much he and the others have improved since I saw them before Christmas. I even got to see him score a couple of goals. Even though they weren't keeping score, I think Matthews team had more goals than their opponents. Annie and I got to visit too, so then I got caught up on a little of Nicole and Allies lives too!
I came home and spent the evening watching the Grammys and all the tributes to Whitney Houston.
No updates on my list of prayer needs. So please just keep up the prayers of all those in need. Love and prayers, m

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