Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 2, Round 4 and Ash Wednesday

Had my usual bad night of the first night after chemo....par for the course. I spent the night in and out of sleep...but mostly out of sleep. I finally gave up and got up a 7 a.m. I have gotten a lot done since then, not just sitting around drinking my morning coffee. I've added several things to my suitcase..things I remembered while laying awake last night. Made myself an omelet for breakfast and called to get an appointment at HHH.
Yesterday's chemo went well, and Judy brought the cribbage board and cards, and I had the most unusually great hands (a 24 hand and several 20's) needless to say I beat Judy twice, but not by much, she had some pretty great hands as well. Judy went and got us lunch, which was Chinese take out, but instead of ordering a single serving for each of us, ordered 1 qt of chicken chow mein and 1 qt of beef and broccoli and a side of fried rice. She asked for brown rice, but the person taking the order thought she meant fried rice. So we had fried and white rice. About enough for 3 or 4 meals a piece. I know I took the chow mein home and ate some last night, and will have enough for lunch again today. The smaller 1 pt would have been more than enough. Sherri Cady showed up for a short visit to give me some information about Pathways a health crisis resource center, and offers many free classes etc. for those with life threatening diseases like cancer. Then Judy and I played 2 hands of Gin and it was time to pack up and head for home. I was winning!
I don't know if it was a full dose of atropine during the chemo that made me extra drowsy, but I had to sing Happy Birthday to everyone with birthdays in March that I could think of to stay awake. When I got home I went to the bathroom and directly to the couch and slept for almost 2 hours. I usually do take a nap when I get home from chemo, but it really hit me early yesterday. Luckily next time I have chemo Judy will be driving me all the way home, as she is picking me up at the airport on Monday night, taking me to chemo on Tuesday morning and then home after the infusion. So I won't have to worry about falling to sleep while driving.
After my nap I did some things like putting holds on mail and newspaper. Did some cards and gifts for my confirmation student so he gets some while I'm gone. Paid some bills and watched the Biggest Loser (which I don't like very much this year)and Parenthood, which I really like.
I also gathered some note cards and get well cards to start my Lenten plan to either call, write, send a card or email someone on my prayer list each day. As I was coming up with this idea and then wondered if my reason for living, was to be an inspiration to those going through their life threatening illnesses. So this seems like the perfect lenten project for me.
Today I have more errands to run, the bank to make a deposit, HealthPartners to pick up a couple of prescriptions I ordered refills for last night, and then back to HHH for a urine sample, they forgot to get from me yesterday, and while I'm there I need to get two more refills, so I have enough to carry me through my three week vacation. Then I'm going to Sheila Judd's for another Qigong session, and finally will go to church this evening for Ashes!
My suitcase is packed with the addition of those prescriptions I'm picking up, and I'll be ready for Bill to pick me up at 11:15 a.m. tomorrow and then get unplugged and off to the airport and Salt Lake City, where Kathleen will be waiting for me.
Hope you have a great day, Love and Prayers, m

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