Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bright Sun Gave Me Too Much Energy!

So much, I forgot to do my blog till now!! OMG I'm so sorry!! I got up my normal 7:15 a.m. and then I got involved in my Nook, trying to get it ready for vacation. I've downloaded some new apps and as well as some music. I started organizing all the cords and headphones etc. for each my new ipod (that's another story), my Blackberry, my Nook, and my Camera, so when I leave I have everything I need. So that's what I've been up to, as well as reading my email etc.
Yesterday, I took my Nook over to Barnes and Noble to figure out how to download books from the Anoka Cty Library, bought some bread at Cub, and dropped off a book for Fr. Chuck at St. Tims, and got home about 1:15 p.m. They explained at Barnes and Noble that I needed to download the book onto my home computer, and then move it to the Nook. I guess I hadn't read the instructions well, so I then read them carefully and got to the point to add my library card number and pin....well I didn't have a called the library to find out what I had to do to get a card had expired and so I need to get a new one....which meant I had to go to the library (which is across the street from Barnes and Noble). Finally back home again I started browsing a couple of books I thought I'd like to read, and wouldn't you know it, but both books I picked were not available and I had to be put on a waiting list for them. I'm hoping that before I leave, that will happen, as I won't be taking my computer along with me, and don't know if I can make this happen from Kathleens computer....but maybe Gary can help me with that.
When I went back to the library, I got the idea that I wanted an ipod so that I could put some music on and maybe a audiobook too. So I stopped at Best Buy and got myself a little ipod nano. Gene's ipod is at the cabin and you can't see what you are listening to anymore...the screen is blank, so I really needed a new one. I'll transfer all his music to mine next time I go to the cabin.
I spent a lot of time last evening putting music onto the ipod....Garth, Cash, Ray Price, and Johnny Mathis...I may go to the basement and find some more goodies from Gene's collection today.
I also got to spend the evening with Matthew. Annie and family were going to the Blaine HS Girls Hockey team who were in the playoffs for the State Tournament, and Matthew didn't want to go along, so we got to play together. He spent some time building a RR Track all across the living room floor, then some time on his DS playing some games, and then he decided he wanted to play some games on my computer, so we found a couple, and the last being a golf game, and he played the first time alone and scored big time. The next time he played against the computer, and beat the computer too! Even got a hole-in-one. So that's what we were doing when they came back to get him. I realized that I won't be seeing them again before I leave, so I gave Annie her birthday present early, so she could use it for the trip they are taking to Texas for Spring break. They will actually be gone when I get home, so it will really be along time. So I got big hugs and kisses from everyone on their way out. So glad I got the time to spend with Matthew as it will be awhile, almost Easter when I see him again.
I did get an update on Lottie, and evidently taking her medicine as directed etc. at the hospital has really helped and I guess she told her daughter that she was even smiling when she was talking to her last night. So the prayers are working, but she requested we not stop. Nothing other than that. Love and Prayers, m

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