Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 2, Rd 5 and The Sun is Shining

I got up this morning at about 8:30 and had to go to the bathroom, so I got off the couch and went to the bathroom, and as I was washing my hands, I heard someone at the door, I stepped out, luckily presentable (except my hair) and it was Doug. (I did step back into the bathroom and brush my hair which had been standing straight up)  He had gone to HP to pick up my prescriptions, (I had forgotten that he was going to do this on his way to work this morning) and only one of the three was there.  So we checked online and for some reason the order I had done over the weekend didn't appear to have been ordered, so I redid the order, and it says they will be available to pick up at 4:30 this evening, so Doug will go back this afternoon and get them.
Back to yesterday.  Rita picked me up, but when she got here I was in the middle of ordering train ticket to Chicago the end of the month.  So she let me finish and then we were on our way.  Things went smoothly for a change...I got a blood return on the port right away; I had good blood counts and urine sample was good as well of my blood pressure; Dr. Londer came in within minutes of us sitting down; He said I could hold the potassium, cause the last check it was good; he ordered the CTscan for Oct. 12th, and I will get the report on Monday when I go in for my last chemo; and told me I looked great and said he knows he almost always says that, but that I really  did!
So on to the chemo, and then I remembered that I had forgotten to give Dr Londer my log of bp that I had taken for the last two weeks.  So my nurse took it over to him, and after reviewing it, he came over and said that he was going to put me on a low dose of bp med (Atenenol) to see if they could bring it down some. So that was the prescription that Doug brought this morning, so I took that at 9 a.m. this morning.
The day went well and poor Rita got beat three times and one was a skunk, and one she was just one peg past the skunk mark.  I guess my luck has changed....cause that is what Judy was doing to me two weeks ago.  I can't remember when my luck was good playing cribbage with anyone.  The strange thing about the day was that I came up with cutting the 3 of diamonds in a row!  Then the 3 of diamonds became significant in 3 more ways as we were playing.  Then Rita left to get us lunch, so I decided to play a pyramid type of solitaire where you lay out the cards in a pyramid shape, and then take them off with combinations of 13's, I got down to the last  "7" cards, and the card that was blocking me and causing me to lose was the "3 of diamonds" now this was the 7th time it appeared in a little over an hour.  So we goggled the 3 of diamonds and it said that it had something to do with Creativity.  Then I checked my email on my phone, and I had an email advertising a coming phone presentation on "The 7 keys to Creative Manifestation".  Now both Rita and I thought this was freaky!!  I told Kathleen about this last night on the phone, and she said she and her daughter Blair always think the number 3 always means mom is around and I know mom is always with me, and so this is a reminder that she definitely was with me.  Thanks mom!!  So now what the 7 and creativity have to do with me we'll have to see.
Tallked to Annie last night, and she wants to take me on the 15th to hear the results of the CTscan, so I called Rita and told her she didn't have to come till 10:30 or so, as Annie had to be back at school by 11 am and since Annie didn't play cribbage she would have to see if her luck has changed and can win at least one game that day.
I also talked to Kathleen, and Gary is doing really well, and she had taken him on two walks yesterday, one before she went to work, and another when she got home. He is napping a lot, but is feeling so much better than last week.  Thank you all for the prayers, they really worked well.
My cousin Louie is asking for prayers today for their best friends who are going under the double surgery of a kidney transplant of one of hers to one of his.  Please keep all on my list in your prayers, and keep me in them too!  Love and Prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. Prayers and Love from CA and don't beat up on Rita tooooooo bad. Hope you are feeling good. jv
