Thursday, September 23, 2010

Walking in the Rain!

Or running between the drops!!!  Hardly, it has been pouring here since yesterday afternoon when we left for Faribault.  The news is claiming 8 inches in some areas of Rochester, and Randy's rain gauge in Faribault had 6 inches of water in it.  I am considering building an ark.  The rain and wind were so bad yesterday when we left we could only drive 20 miles an hour and that was risky.  It took us forever to get to the lake home, and I was exhausted.  I had seen 5 different doctors and then had to stay yesterday afternoon and get a gallon (it seemed) of fluids and potassium pumped into me.  I had told the oncologist early in the day that I had had three bouts of dizzyness or lightheadedness in the last week, and he said my potassium was low, hence the 2 hours of being filled with fluids.  So it was  a very long day, and the rain and long drive added to the exhaustion.

This morning, we had to be back here at 9:40 which meant we had to leave at 8:15 a.m., and again it was pouring all the way.....driving the speed limit was not recommended.  The fields were lakes and the ditches rivers.  Roads near Owatonna south were closed as they were underwater....but I had Janet park the car and took off running to make my 9:40 appointment.  When I got to the 12th floor of the Mayo building, I checked in and then took my buzzer and headed to the bathroom.  While sitting on the toilet my buzzer goes off that they were calling me for my appoinment....needless to say I then had to run back down the hall to get taken to a room where I undressed and waited for the plastic surgeon to come into the room.  Well, 45 minutes later the nurse comes in and says hasn't the doctor been in yet? and I said she said she would go and yell at him.  About 5 minutes later he finally came in and we had a nice visit....he explained what he was going to do....but I never needed to take off my close, and I never got out of the chair.   So from there I had to run down to the sublevel of the Charlton building for my radiation treatment which I was now 10 minutes late for, but luckily they got me in pretty quick.

While we were driving over this morning the phone rang and Janet dug it out of my purse to answer it....but was too late, but she saw that it was the Hope Lodge calling, so she called them back and wanted me to talk on the phone....but I was a nervous wreck trying to drive much less talking on the phone, so she pretended she was me and got the word that we could move in this afternoon.  Great news!!!  However, that meant that we had to drive back to Faribault in the rain.....pack up and drive back to Rochester again in the rain!

Once we did that, we got a tour of the building, unpacked the car, and then headed down for dinner.  I tried to get on the WiFi in our room, but couldn't get it to work, so had to come down to the dining room to do this.  So I have loads of people around me, and a women is about to entertain us with her guitar.  So I am finally started to calm down.....unfortuantely Janet is up in the room missing this.  I suppose I should go get her.  m

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mary, so sorry you are having a rough time. I hope you are satisfied with the accomodation. I do remember that first time you were lightheaded last week. You need more bananas and Dark Greens. Next week we will do some salads. We have the same rain and I am not getting my deck sanded. Mike did say he would come over this Sunday. Love Ya JV
