We celebrated last Sunday, but today is really his birthday....and the sun is shining and it's brisk. Great day for a birthday1! They'll celebrate again this evening in Duluth at the Edgewater waterpark.
I suppose you wonder how I know it's brisk? I forgot to put my garbage out last night...so in my pjs (I put my coat on over them) and slipper, I rushed out right after I got up and did it. It was brisk.
Yesterday was so windy (gusts up to 40 mph) and I went out shopping and when I got home (what little hair I have) was standing up straight....so when I later went to Tommy's cross country meet I was wearing a baseball cap! This may not sound unusual to you, but I don't think anyone has ever seen me wear one. It only blew off once
and I was able to hang onto it after that.
Tommy did well, but thought they were going to be running a 2 mile race, but the bike rider that lead them around the park, took a wrong turn and their not sure how far it was....but probably about 1 mile....or a little more. It only took Tommy 7:41 and he was the first of the Coon Rapids boys to finish. They were all so surprised when they saw the finish line. Tommy said if he knew it was only going to be 1 mile, he would have ran a lot faster from the beginning.
Today I am going down to Shakopee to Judy's to take her out for her birthday. I am meeting June and Len there too. Today is not only Matthew's birthday, but would have been Judy and Franks 50th Anniversary. So we're hoping to bring some cheer to the day. She plans on going to the cemetary this morning before we get there.
Should be a fun day for all. Other than my allergies driving me crazy (helped by the wind blowing all those allergens around) I'm doing great. Even the rash is toning down. Thank you for your prayers. Love and prayers, m
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wow What a Beautiful Day
The sun is shining for the second day in a row....but beating yesterday will be really hard. Phil reported this morning that the lake was gorgeous too! He hated leaving....oh and the "no wake rule" has been lifted. Hurrah!!
I did do some shopping yesterday and finished folding the last load of laundry from the day before. Doug came and mowed my lawn. I didn't do much around the house but it felt like I was busy all day.
Today I'm going to Tommy's cross country meet. Haven't been able to see any of my four cross country runner's meets yet this fall, and Tommy is the only one I can see this week, as the girls are running in Duluth on Saturday. It's really windy, but with the nice sunshine it should be perfect for watchers....not sure how the runners will like the wind.
It's Judy's birthday today, and June and I are taking her out to lunch tomorrow...she is celebrating with family this afternoon. Happy Birthday Judy!!
Nothing else to report, Love and prayers, m
I did do some shopping yesterday and finished folding the last load of laundry from the day before. Doug came and mowed my lawn. I didn't do much around the house but it felt like I was busy all day.
Today I'm going to Tommy's cross country meet. Haven't been able to see any of my four cross country runner's meets yet this fall, and Tommy is the only one I can see this week, as the girls are running in Duluth on Saturday. It's really windy, but with the nice sunshine it should be perfect for watchers....not sure how the runners will like the wind.
It's Judy's birthday today, and June and I are taking her out to lunch tomorrow...she is celebrating with family this afternoon. Happy Birthday Judy!!
Nothing else to report, Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The Sun is Shining.....Yeah!!!!!
Love it! I always feel so much better when the sun is shining. I should get a lot done today...although at this point I don't have any specific plans.
It did finally rain yesterday, but not a hard heavy rain, just a light sprinkling. I'm sure the flowers and grass appreciated it anyway.
I got some more cleaning done....don't know what got into me, but I vacuumed two days in a row....not the same floor....the basement this time. Also did wash three loads of clothes. So even though it was a rainy day I did accomplish somethings. Then last night or at around 5:15 I left for Debbies to see Denise who was in town from California. Jeannie and Janet also were there, and several of Gary's family and friends as it was Gary's birthday. Didn't realize that in advance....so didn't go prepared with a gift.....but we did sing Happy birthday and had him blow out a candle (only 1...they didn't have 58)...and he still needed his grandson to help.
Denise and Debbie had made a trip to Kimball and Knaus's meat market to pick up several pound of their sausage. While they were there, they got to visit with the original owner's son (now in his 70's) who remembered my dad, so he had some stories to tell them about some of dad's visit to the meat market, and they even got their picture taken with him and several yards of sausage!!! Debbie was willing to share that sausage with us last night, but Denise was saving her's to take home and savor in weeks to come. Conversation for the evening was a lot about our parents and all the fun they had as we were growing up.
Adding to the reminiscing for the day, was my lunch time TV watching. Most noon hours I watch "Polka Spotlight" a local cable program that has local old time and country western bands and dancing. As I was watching yesterday, they played "Sue City Sue" one of the favorites of my Uncle Ray and he would play and sing it for Doris, his wife who was from Iowa. When we were growing up and the family would gather, one of the uncles (or two or three) would play guitar or harmonica and we would always have songs fests! So that and "You are My Sunshine" were always sung. Most of yesterday was filled with lots of great memories and "Sue City Sue" played in my head all afternoon.
I still don't know what today will bring....I may do some shopping for the October birthdays, but for sure I will get out and enjoy the beautiful day. Love and prayers, m
It did finally rain yesterday, but not a hard heavy rain, just a light sprinkling. I'm sure the flowers and grass appreciated it anyway.
I got some more cleaning done....don't know what got into me, but I vacuumed two days in a row....not the same floor....the basement this time. Also did wash three loads of clothes. So even though it was a rainy day I did accomplish somethings. Then last night or at around 5:15 I left for Debbies to see Denise who was in town from California. Jeannie and Janet also were there, and several of Gary's family and friends as it was Gary's birthday. Didn't realize that in advance....so didn't go prepared with a gift.....but we did sing Happy birthday and had him blow out a candle (only 1...they didn't have 58)...and he still needed his grandson to help.
Denise and Debbie had made a trip to Kimball and Knaus's meat market to pick up several pound of their sausage. While they were there, they got to visit with the original owner's son (now in his 70's) who remembered my dad, so he had some stories to tell them about some of dad's visit to the meat market, and they even got their picture taken with him and several yards of sausage!!! Debbie was willing to share that sausage with us last night, but Denise was saving her's to take home and savor in weeks to come. Conversation for the evening was a lot about our parents and all the fun they had as we were growing up.
Adding to the reminiscing for the day, was my lunch time TV watching. Most noon hours I watch "Polka Spotlight" a local cable program that has local old time and country western bands and dancing. As I was watching yesterday, they played "Sue City Sue" one of the favorites of my Uncle Ray and he would play and sing it for Doris, his wife who was from Iowa. When we were growing up and the family would gather, one of the uncles (or two or three) would play guitar or harmonica and we would always have songs fests! So that and "You are My Sunshine" were always sung. Most of yesterday was filled with lots of great memories and "Sue City Sue" played in my head all afternoon.
I still don't know what today will bring....I may do some shopping for the October birthdays, but for sure I will get out and enjoy the beautiful day. Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Still Waiting for That Rain
I was grumbling about the clouds and overcast morning yesterday, and within hours the sun was shining and it turned out to be a beautiful day. But last nights weather forecast for today said it would probably rain during the night and today more so. I don't see the sun...but don't see any rain.
The sprinkler people did come and blew out the system so now we really will need some rain to keep it green.
I had a great day yesterday. Lunch at Pizza Hut was a huge success....I think the most people we have ever had. Even four men!! Bruce Ripley brought Pat (who is just 10 days out from Hip replacement surgery) and Lynette brought her husband Jack, and then Roger and Ed from the maintenance department showed up! People just kept coming. I think we had fourteen or more. Fun lunch!!
I then came home and actually did some work. I dusted and vacuumed and ended up in a fit of sneezes. My nose doesn't like dust!!! and I must have raised a bunch of it.
For dinner I met the FF group at Biaggi's in Maple Grove and not only was the conversation and company great, the food was too!
Today I don't have much to do till evening, and I'll be heading down to Eden Prairie to cousin Debbie's house where she is hosting a party for Denise who is in town from California. Looking forward to seeing as many cousins as can make it.
I don't think I've commented on my health the last couple of days, my normal rash (the one that comes with Erbatux) is peeking out in spots on my face...but so far not as bad as it had been last month. My unmentionable is becoming more and more unmentionable...I think it is healed. My butt is totally healed, and my spots are stable....so your prayers are working. Thinking about it....you've had a lot to pray for, and I really have been feeling well, so don't give up....keep them coming....I have less for you to pray for....so you can focus on your adopted spot!!
Thank you for being there for me and supporting my journey. Love and prayers, m
The sprinkler people did come and blew out the system so now we really will need some rain to keep it green.
I had a great day yesterday. Lunch at Pizza Hut was a huge success....I think the most people we have ever had. Even four men!! Bruce Ripley brought Pat (who is just 10 days out from Hip replacement surgery) and Lynette brought her husband Jack, and then Roger and Ed from the maintenance department showed up! People just kept coming. I think we had fourteen or more. Fun lunch!!
I then came home and actually did some work. I dusted and vacuumed and ended up in a fit of sneezes. My nose doesn't like dust!!! and I must have raised a bunch of it.
For dinner I met the FF group at Biaggi's in Maple Grove and not only was the conversation and company great, the food was too!
Today I don't have much to do till evening, and I'll be heading down to Eden Prairie to cousin Debbie's house where she is hosting a party for Denise who is in town from California. Looking forward to seeing as many cousins as can make it.
I don't think I've commented on my health the last couple of days, my normal rash (the one that comes with Erbatux) is peeking out in spots on my face...but so far not as bad as it had been last month. My unmentionable is becoming more and more unmentionable...I think it is healed. My butt is totally healed, and my spots are stable....so your prayers are working. Thinking about it....you've had a lot to pray for, and I really have been feeling well, so don't give up....keep them coming....I have less for you to pray for....so you can focus on your adopted spot!!
Thank you for being there for me and supporting my journey. Love and prayers, m
Monday, September 26, 2011
Rain in Sight
I think we are stuck in this crummy weather system for a few more days. Actually these clouds may bring us rain this evening. Would be great, as today I'm having the sprinkling system flushed out and turned off for the winter. The lawn looks great right now, so hopefully mother nature will take over from here.
Yesterday's birthday party was really fun in-spite of the Viking loss. Matthew loved the balloon bouquet and opening all his presents. Thomas the Train and Cars2 were both hits. Colie and Allie got mostly gift cards which I'm sure were loved and will be well spent, but are not as fun to watch as they open them. A large crowd attended, and lots of good food was devoured. When I left Matthew had all his new toys in his room, and had erected his new glow in the dark train track, and was waiting for it to get dark so he could test it out!
Today I have a lunch date with some retiree's from the college, but several of those still working. Then this evening our First Friday group will be gathering for dinner. Won't have to worry about what to do. Looking forward to both opportunities to be with friends. You all are my Sunshine!!! Love and prayers, m
Yesterday's birthday party was really fun in-spite of the Viking loss. Matthew loved the balloon bouquet and opening all his presents. Thomas the Train and Cars2 were both hits. Colie and Allie got mostly gift cards which I'm sure were loved and will be well spent, but are not as fun to watch as they open them. A large crowd attended, and lots of good food was devoured. When I left Matthew had all his new toys in his room, and had erected his new glow in the dark train track, and was waiting for it to get dark so he could test it out!
Today I have a lunch date with some retiree's from the college, but several of those still working. Then this evening our First Friday group will be gathering for dinner. Won't have to worry about what to do. Looking forward to both opportunities to be with friends. You all are my Sunshine!!! Love and prayers, m
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Up Before the Sun
It's not that I'm up so early....just that the sun is coming up so late! It officially became Fall the other day and soon we'll be switching to Daylight Savings time just so that we don't have to get up in the dark.
Went to bed a little earlier last night as I knew I had to get up early for church. For years Mass was at 9 a.m. and it seemed just right, now it is 8:30 and it seems so early. You wouldn't think a half hour would make such a difference. I really don't like it. Most of the same people are there, but missing a few friends. As I'm signed up for Communion distribution at 8:30, I guess I'm stuck with it.
After church today, I get to go to Matthew, Nicole and Allie's birthday party. We're going to watch the Vikings and munch through it, then have cake and ice cream. I'm hoping the Vikings add to the celebration and not ruin it. I can't wait to see Matthews face when I come with the balloon bouquet.
Yesterday I did more cleaning and a little shopping. Went to that Asian store and got some Yam Noodles (looks like spaghetti and tastes like it too) but they have 0 calories. I don't know how, but Gary found them this summer and introduced me to them. You don't have to cook them either...just warm them up....or eat them cold. I also bought some for Judy. It's hard to find them, so while I was there I bought several packages for both of us.
The sunshine is now peeking out over my shoulder....guess I better jump in the shower and get to church. Hope you all have a great day. Love and prayers, m
Went to bed a little earlier last night as I knew I had to get up early for church. For years Mass was at 9 a.m. and it seemed just right, now it is 8:30 and it seems so early. You wouldn't think a half hour would make such a difference. I really don't like it. Most of the same people are there, but missing a few friends. As I'm signed up for Communion distribution at 8:30, I guess I'm stuck with it.
After church today, I get to go to Matthew, Nicole and Allie's birthday party. We're going to watch the Vikings and munch through it, then have cake and ice cream. I'm hoping the Vikings add to the celebration and not ruin it. I can't wait to see Matthews face when I come with the balloon bouquet.
Yesterday I did more cleaning and a little shopping. Went to that Asian store and got some Yam Noodles (looks like spaghetti and tastes like it too) but they have 0 calories. I don't know how, but Gary found them this summer and introduced me to them. You don't have to cook them either...just warm them up....or eat them cold. I also bought some for Judy. It's hard to find them, so while I was there I bought several packages for both of us.
The sunshine is now peeking out over my shoulder....guess I better jump in the shower and get to church. Hope you all have a great day. Love and prayers, m
Saturday, September 24, 2011
I See the Sun
I'm guessing it's going to be a great day! Don't have any big plans but as long as the sun is shining I'll get a lot done.
Just a small note of thanks to Lynnette and Pat and Larry Wood who actually wrote comments to my blog the other day. Each morning, I check to see if anyone has commented, and almost every time there is none...so I was really surprised to see two!! I have almost a month before I get to go to Georgia, but it will be just what the doctor ordered.
Yesterday I met Doug (Annie's husband) at Menards, and we bought the shed for the cabin to store our lawnmower and snowblower in. We also had to buy some lumber for the floor....now we have it all....or Doug has it all. During the next couple of weeks things will start to move up there. Rick will put up the shed, Heath will start the landscaping project, and the 4 stumps will be removed. Hopefully the weather will continue to be favorable and it'll all get done.
Didn't do much else of interest, some cleaning etc. Did stop on my way home and bought a few more groceries. I bought a few things to make a recipe I had found online for Korean BBQ pork and sesame noodles....at least I think that is what it was called. I was able to use the pulled pork Judy and I cooked last week, and also some of the garlic and peppers I had left over. It really turned out great, and I'll eat the leftover for lunch today. I'm thinking of running over to a Asian store and pick up some Yam noodles today, cause I used the last package I had yesterday in the dish, and I haven't been able to find them again at Cub.
This summer when Kathleen and Gary were here, we went to six or seven Asian stores looking for them and finally found them at one in Fridley, and I think that is where I will go today. I also have to wrap Matthew and Nicole's presents so I'm ready for the party tomorrow.
That's all for today, love and prayers, m
Just a small note of thanks to Lynnette and Pat and Larry Wood who actually wrote comments to my blog the other day. Each morning, I check to see if anyone has commented, and almost every time there is none...so I was really surprised to see two!! I have almost a month before I get to go to Georgia, but it will be just what the doctor ordered.
Yesterday I met Doug (Annie's husband) at Menards, and we bought the shed for the cabin to store our lawnmower and snowblower in. We also had to buy some lumber for the floor....now we have it all....or Doug has it all. During the next couple of weeks things will start to move up there. Rick will put up the shed, Heath will start the landscaping project, and the 4 stumps will be removed. Hopefully the weather will continue to be favorable and it'll all get done.
Didn't do much else of interest, some cleaning etc. Did stop on my way home and bought a few more groceries. I bought a few things to make a recipe I had found online for Korean BBQ pork and sesame noodles....at least I think that is what it was called. I was able to use the pulled pork Judy and I cooked last week, and also some of the garlic and peppers I had left over. It really turned out great, and I'll eat the leftover for lunch today. I'm thinking of running over to a Asian store and pick up some Yam noodles today, cause I used the last package I had yesterday in the dish, and I haven't been able to find them again at Cub.
This summer when Kathleen and Gary were here, we went to six or seven Asian stores looking for them and finally found them at one in Fridley, and I think that is where I will go today. I also have to wrap Matthew and Nicole's presents so I'm ready for the party tomorrow.
That's all for today, love and prayers, m
Friday, September 23, 2011
Slim to None!
Pretty cloudy....and I don't move very fast when it's not bright and shinie ....thus the late entry again today. I stayed up late last night....couldn't go to bed after all the excitement of the evening. I stayed in bed till 9 a.m.....so I got my 8 hours in.
I was getting ready to go shopping yesterday when I got a call from Jan Ranum (long time friend and beautician). She said she had a gift for me that someone had given her and she thought I should have it. I scarfed down my lunch and headed over to pick it up. OMG it was a beautiful one-of-a-kind and limited edition textile art-to-wear. (that's what the tag says) It's actually called a shawl but hard to explain unless you see it. I told Jan I was going to the college foundation event and would wear it...and I did. I got so many compliments on it....it is shades of green, and I wore a goldie green top under it....along with my cool green boots I got at Tom and Karen's store last winter. I was told I looked like a fashion plate....and felt really good in-spite of my very very thin hair...which is also very gray. I'm afraid to have it colored and lose what little I have left. Now that I'm done with chemo for awhile, I'll wait till before I go to Georgia. There are a few fuzzy area's where new hair it coming in. Not that it will be much longer three weeks from now.
Besides looking great, or my outfit looked great, I had a great time last night as well. I bid on about six items, but only came home with one, a restaurant gift certificate. I bought a mum plant they were selling after using for decorations, and then I got to bring home this huge bouquet of balloons. It's Matthew's birthday party on Sunday, and I'm hoping they still look great then.
Along with all of that the food sampling was good and the visiting with people I hadn't seen in ages was the best. Some I didn't expect to see and others I knew would be there. All and all it was what I needed to boost my spirits!
Not a lot planned for today, cept shopping for a shed for the cabin with Doug. He said he would let me know when he is available and meet me at Menards. Also have to get a list of wood for the floor that Jimbo left for us. (Jim and Ann are in Cleveland watching the Twins this weekend) Jimbo emailed yesterday and said the permit for the landscaping finally came through, and he had called to get the utilities marked so the landscaper can start next week....finally!!! I thought it would start the first of September not October. The guy who was supposed to take out the stumps two weeks ago hasn't done that yet either. What is it with these guys? The weather this week hasn't made me miss the cabin. I'd prefer being there when the sun is shining and it's warm. But looking forward to seeing it when the landscaping is done.
That's it for today....love and prayers, m
I was getting ready to go shopping yesterday when I got a call from Jan Ranum (long time friend and beautician). She said she had a gift for me that someone had given her and she thought I should have it. I scarfed down my lunch and headed over to pick it up. OMG it was a beautiful one-of-a-kind and limited edition textile art-to-wear. (that's what the tag says) It's actually called a shawl but hard to explain unless you see it. I told Jan I was going to the college foundation event and would wear it...and I did. I got so many compliments on it....it is shades of green, and I wore a goldie green top under it....along with my cool green boots I got at Tom and Karen's store last winter. I was told I looked like a fashion plate....and felt really good in-spite of my very very thin hair...which is also very gray. I'm afraid to have it colored and lose what little I have left. Now that I'm done with chemo for awhile, I'll wait till before I go to Georgia. There are a few fuzzy area's where new hair it coming in. Not that it will be much longer three weeks from now.
Besides looking great, or my outfit looked great, I had a great time last night as well. I bid on about six items, but only came home with one, a restaurant gift certificate. I bought a mum plant they were selling after using for decorations, and then I got to bring home this huge bouquet of balloons. It's Matthew's birthday party on Sunday, and I'm hoping they still look great then.
Along with all of that the food sampling was good and the visiting with people I hadn't seen in ages was the best. Some I didn't expect to see and others I knew would be there. All and all it was what I needed to boost my spirits!
Not a lot planned for today, cept shopping for a shed for the cabin with Doug. He said he would let me know when he is available and meet me at Menards. Also have to get a list of wood for the floor that Jimbo left for us. (Jim and Ann are in Cleveland watching the Twins this weekend) Jimbo emailed yesterday and said the permit for the landscaping finally came through, and he had called to get the utilities marked so the landscaper can start next week....finally!!! I thought it would start the first of September not October. The guy who was supposed to take out the stumps two weeks ago hasn't done that yet either. What is it with these guys? The weather this week hasn't made me miss the cabin. I'd prefer being there when the sun is shining and it's warm. But looking forward to seeing it when the landscaping is done.
That's it for today....love and prayers, m
Thursday, September 22, 2011
You Are My Sunshine!
I had so many warm wishes and love coming my way, that even though the sun wasn't shining yesterday you were all there for me. Today the sun is doing it's own thing, and I feel the love today too! Thank You!
I was pretty much a slug all day yesterday....didn't even bother to get dressed and get the mail. It was cold and windy and that didn't give me any reason to go out either. I did get a few things accomplished!!! Emptied the dishwasher and then went through the cupboard that had my plastic containers in and actually threw away about half a dozen with no mates! (Thanks LeAnn and Annie) Saturday we did the same thing in Kim's kitchen as we were moving things in. Now when I grab for a container, I know there is a cover that matches it there. I also did some sorting and filing of a bunch of stuff that had piled up by my computer. So feel good about that too!
Kathleen called later in the afternoon, and suggested that she and Gary come to Athens for Joe's birthday celebration, and then Judy and I go with them on a trip to Savannah, Charleston and points East and North, circling around and returning to Atlanta the following Sunday or Monday. So I got all excited and called Judy and we both were in. Being retired and not having any responsibilities to worry about is so nice. (Also no chemo) So then I called and got my return flight changed....for a slight charge....but the ticket was free to begin with (frequent flyer miles). I'm so excited...not only will Kathleen and Gary be there for the weekend celebration with all the other cousins coming to town, but then Judy and I get to travel with them for another week. Judy says she see's more cards in her future!! I've never been to Savannah or Charleston....so looking forward to seeing them, also the end of October, the leaves should be turning in that area, and I expect some great color!
Today I have birthday shopping to do for Matthew and Nicole, and then get ready for the ARCC foundation "Prairie Home Delight" fundraiser. Looking forward to that! It should be fun....as a bunch of us retiree's will be there....along with a lot of friends from the college.
I am reminded to take advantage of each day God gives me, and I'm off to do that....Love and prayers, m
I was pretty much a slug all day yesterday....didn't even bother to get dressed and get the mail. It was cold and windy and that didn't give me any reason to go out either. I did get a few things accomplished!!! Emptied the dishwasher and then went through the cupboard that had my plastic containers in and actually threw away about half a dozen with no mates! (Thanks LeAnn and Annie) Saturday we did the same thing in Kim's kitchen as we were moving things in. Now when I grab for a container, I know there is a cover that matches it there. I also did some sorting and filing of a bunch of stuff that had piled up by my computer. So feel good about that too!
Kathleen called later in the afternoon, and suggested that she and Gary come to Athens for Joe's birthday celebration, and then Judy and I go with them on a trip to Savannah, Charleston and points East and North, circling around and returning to Atlanta the following Sunday or Monday. So I got all excited and called Judy and we both were in. Being retired and not having any responsibilities to worry about is so nice. (Also no chemo) So then I called and got my return flight changed....for a slight charge....but the ticket was free to begin with (frequent flyer miles). I'm so excited...not only will Kathleen and Gary be there for the weekend celebration with all the other cousins coming to town, but then Judy and I get to travel with them for another week. Judy says she see's more cards in her future!! I've never been to Savannah or Charleston....so looking forward to seeing them, also the end of October, the leaves should be turning in that area, and I expect some great color!
Today I have birthday shopping to do for Matthew and Nicole, and then get ready for the ARCC foundation "Prairie Home Delight" fundraiser. Looking forward to that! It should be fun....as a bunch of us retiree's will be there....along with a lot of friends from the college.
I am reminded to take advantage of each day God gives me, and I'm off to do that....Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Happy "20" Anniversary Jim and Ann
Wow, I can't believe twenty years ago I had survived 3 weddings in five months!...now I've survived almost 5 months of chemo. Sorry to say the spots are still there....but they are STABLE, and the chemo will stop for at least the next 3 months till they do another CT scan and then will access and see what's up. I know the last six weeks or so, I have been praying that I would be done with chemo....at least for awhile....and I guess those prayers have been answered. I also know I would not have made it through these last few months without all of your support. Your notes, cards, emails, phone calls, card games, lunches, smiles, laughter, hugs, kisses and love mean so much to me....and I thank you all so much.
Strange thing, the last two days in a row, I heard a Garth Brooks song on the radio when I was in the car...and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it means. It's "Unanswered Prayers" and the words are something like...."remember when your talking to the Man upstairs, just because He doesn't answer doesn't mean He don't care" and yes I know he cares....cause he's sent me all of you...but what does he have planned for me?...or what do I need to do?....I have to work on that!
Yesterday was a long day....had to fight with the department that checks on my port....as they again didn't want to accept the 2 forms of identification that I have for it saying it is a "Power Port" (needed to do the CT scan) so delaying my CTscan by an hour. The nurse I talked to actually has put in a call to my surgeon at HP to have him put it in my permanent record at HP and fax it down to them so that it can be put in my permanent record at Mayo....which he had sorta done, but it was a handwritten note that he signed...and that's what they were questioning yesterday (funny it was good enough the last 3 times I had a CT scan there this year.) Oh well, I'll worry about that in 3 months when I go back for the next CT scan.
I didn't get home till 7 p.m.....just in time to watch the Biggest Loser and crash. I was tired and teary for a few hours, but Kathleen and Gary called and by the time I was off the phone I was laughing and feeling so much better! (Thanks guys) They may come to Georgia for Joe's birthday....hurray!!!
Nothing planned for today, slept in till 9 a.m. and haven't even eaten breakfast yet....much less get dressed....been on the computer or phone since I got up. Also have a request for prayers, for a close friend of my daughter-in-law Karen, who's dad may not have long to live, and she has to travel from Paris to Seattle and back to Chicago before she can even see him. She knows that the Kiecker's have a great prayer community and asked Karen for help in that area. You all are well known for your great prayers!! I'm living proof!!! Love and prayers, m
Strange thing, the last two days in a row, I heard a Garth Brooks song on the radio when I was in the car...and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it means. It's "Unanswered Prayers" and the words are something like...."remember when your talking to the Man upstairs, just because He doesn't answer doesn't mean He don't care" and yes I know he cares....cause he's sent me all of you...but what does he have planned for me?...or what do I need to do?....I have to work on that!
Yesterday was a long day....had to fight with the department that checks on my port....as they again didn't want to accept the 2 forms of identification that I have for it saying it is a "Power Port" (needed to do the CT scan) so delaying my CTscan by an hour. The nurse I talked to actually has put in a call to my surgeon at HP to have him put it in my permanent record at HP and fax it down to them so that it can be put in my permanent record at Mayo....which he had sorta done, but it was a handwritten note that he signed...and that's what they were questioning yesterday (funny it was good enough the last 3 times I had a CT scan there this year.) Oh well, I'll worry about that in 3 months when I go back for the next CT scan.
I didn't get home till 7 p.m.....just in time to watch the Biggest Loser and crash. I was tired and teary for a few hours, but Kathleen and Gary called and by the time I was off the phone I was laughing and feeling so much better! (Thanks guys) They may come to Georgia for Joe's birthday....hurray!!!
Nothing planned for today, slept in till 9 a.m. and haven't even eaten breakfast yet....much less get dressed....been on the computer or phone since I got up. Also have a request for prayers, for a close friend of my daughter-in-law Karen, who's dad may not have long to live, and she has to travel from Paris to Seattle and back to Chicago before she can even see him. She knows that the Kiecker's have a great prayer community and asked Karen for help in that area. You all are well known for your great prayers!! I'm living proof!!! Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Rain Rain go Away Come Again Another Day
Thought I got up before the sun, but it actually is raining, and no sun allowed when it rains!! The weatherman claims we may see the sun this afternoon, maybe it will come out when I get the results of my CT scan.
Yesterday I ran a few errands before picking Judy up on my way down to Rochester, then after we checked in to the hotel, we went for dinner, and then over to the Day's Inn to visit with Judy and Tom Schander. He is doing pretty good, but not sitting well, (boy do I know how that feels) and chose to meet us in the lobby where they had a big leather couch that he says is the most comfortable for him to sit in. He will be here for another couple of weeks, and hopes he will be able to sit and walk by then. He is getting some hyperberic chamber treatments to aide in the healing, and it takes about 2 hours each day. Sounds like I'd be closterphobic in there. Glad I didn't have to do that.
After visiting for a short time we left and went back to the room to play cards...Judy beat me in Gin royally!!! When she passed 500 I was only at 264. If we were playing cribbage it probably would have been a skunk.
This morning I got up early had breakfast at the hotel lobby, and then headed to Mayo for my bloodwork. That took a while, and then I came to the waiting room for the CT scan....a lot early, but knew I could find a computer here to use. So far so good...I'll let everyone know later this afternoon what the verdict is.
I heard that not only did Nicole turn 16 yesterday, but she passed her drivers test! She now is a legal driver...Congrat Colie!!
Love and Prayers to you all, m
Yesterday I ran a few errands before picking Judy up on my way down to Rochester, then after we checked in to the hotel, we went for dinner, and then over to the Day's Inn to visit with Judy and Tom Schander. He is doing pretty good, but not sitting well, (boy do I know how that feels) and chose to meet us in the lobby where they had a big leather couch that he says is the most comfortable for him to sit in. He will be here for another couple of weeks, and hopes he will be able to sit and walk by then. He is getting some hyperberic chamber treatments to aide in the healing, and it takes about 2 hours each day. Sounds like I'd be closterphobic in there. Glad I didn't have to do that.
After visiting for a short time we left and went back to the room to play cards...Judy beat me in Gin royally!!! When she passed 500 I was only at 264. If we were playing cribbage it probably would have been a skunk.
This morning I got up early had breakfast at the hotel lobby, and then headed to Mayo for my bloodwork. That took a while, and then I came to the waiting room for the CT scan....a lot early, but knew I could find a computer here to use. So far so good...I'll let everyone know later this afternoon what the verdict is.
I heard that not only did Nicole turn 16 yesterday, but she passed her drivers test! She now is a legal driver...Congrat Colie!!
Love and Prayers to you all, m
Monday, September 19, 2011
I still don't see the Sun
....but I know the Son is with me. Oh my Gosh! JUST AS I wrote that the Sun broke through the fog, and is shining brightly....I think that is a good sign. Thank you God for all the blessings you shine on me!!
Today is Nicole Rose Stalboerger's "16th" birthday. Happy Birthday Nicole, a.k.a. Dole, Colie Rose or Colie Monster!!! Good Luck with the CC meet today, and also with your drivers test later this week. Love ya, Lots!
Yesterday turned out a lot different than I thought, I went to church and watched the Vikings like I thought, and did run to Costco and Menard's, but when Bill came to pick up tables and chairs for their big spaghetti dinner for the Cross Country girls and boys teams, he invited me to come and help. So by 4 p.m. I was there....and you know I feed off of having people around...well this was great...lots of smiling faces...lots of good conversation....lots of cooperation in the kitchen and lots of helpers!!....and lot's of Thank You's from the teens....great bunch of kids. We thought their could be about 100 and I think that we came close if you count the parents and grandparents who helped.
Kim had a ton of spaghetti noodles left like 2-2gallon bags full, and a few containers of the different sauces...but they have a scout dinner to go to tonight....so they hope to get rid of some then, plus they will be eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next month! or so!! But all in all it was a great success, and amazing that they could pull it off one day after moving-in to the new house. Thanks to a lot of help from friends and relatives and Kim's mom, Donna.
I got home about 8:30...so not so bad, and finished watching football and my fantacy football scores....and I think I may win again this week....I'm playing Tommy this week, and he has one player left to play tonight, and I'm done scoring...but I'm about 20 points ahead...so I'm thinking I won! Sorry Tommy!
Today I will go down and pick up cousin Judy this afternoon, and head for Rochester. My CT scan is tomorrow morning, so it's easier to go down and stay over night than get up at 4 a.m. and drive down in the morning. Obviously I'm not a morning person. I also found out over the weekend that a work friend of ours, Tom Schander (worked with Gene at the StarTribune and carpooled with him for years) is being treated for prostrate cancer...well he had surgery and is now having some treatments to help him recuperate quicker or better at Mayo. So I talked with his wife and will try to see them this evening or tomorrow during the day...but with all my appointments, I think tonight will be the best time.
Tomorrow I have blood work at 8:30, CTscan at 10:30, see my surgeon at 1 p.m. and the oncologist for the results of the CTscan at 2:15. So it will be a long day....hoping to come out with a positive diagnosis! "SPOTLESS"! I believe I am...but there is always the possibility that bits are left...so lets pray they all turned into beautiful butterflies and flew away! Far Far AWAY!! Love and prayers, m
Today is Nicole Rose Stalboerger's "16th" birthday. Happy Birthday Nicole, a.k.a. Dole, Colie Rose or Colie Monster!!! Good Luck with the CC meet today, and also with your drivers test later this week. Love ya, Lots!
Yesterday turned out a lot different than I thought, I went to church and watched the Vikings like I thought, and did run to Costco and Menard's, but when Bill came to pick up tables and chairs for their big spaghetti dinner for the Cross Country girls and boys teams, he invited me to come and help. So by 4 p.m. I was there....and you know I feed off of having people around...well this was great...lots of smiling faces...lots of good conversation....lots of cooperation in the kitchen and lots of helpers!!....and lot's of Thank You's from the teens....great bunch of kids. We thought their could be about 100 and I think that we came close if you count the parents and grandparents who helped.
Kim had a ton of spaghetti noodles left like 2-2gallon bags full, and a few containers of the different sauces...but they have a scout dinner to go to tonight....so they hope to get rid of some then, plus they will be eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next month! or so!! But all in all it was a great success, and amazing that they could pull it off one day after moving-in to the new house. Thanks to a lot of help from friends and relatives and Kim's mom, Donna.
I got home about 8:30...so not so bad, and finished watching football and my fantacy football scores....and I think I may win again this week....I'm playing Tommy this week, and he has one player left to play tonight, and I'm done scoring...but I'm about 20 points ahead...so I'm thinking I won! Sorry Tommy!
Today I will go down and pick up cousin Judy this afternoon, and head for Rochester. My CT scan is tomorrow morning, so it's easier to go down and stay over night than get up at 4 a.m. and drive down in the morning. Obviously I'm not a morning person. I also found out over the weekend that a work friend of ours, Tom Schander (worked with Gene at the StarTribune and carpooled with him for years) is being treated for prostrate cancer...well he had surgery and is now having some treatments to help him recuperate quicker or better at Mayo. So I talked with his wife and will try to see them this evening or tomorrow during the day...but with all my appointments, I think tonight will be the best time.
Tomorrow I have blood work at 8:30, CTscan at 10:30, see my surgeon at 1 p.m. and the oncologist for the results of the CTscan at 2:15. So it will be a long day....hoping to come out with a positive diagnosis! "SPOTLESS"! I believe I am...but there is always the possibility that bits are left...so lets pray they all turned into beautiful butterflies and flew away! Far Far AWAY!! Love and prayers, m
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Where is the Sun?
I have a hard time dealing with cloudy mornings like yesterday and this morning. I move very slow. I was about half way done with this blog entry, and for some reason the computer shut down...so I now have to run to church before I am late for that too. So please come back later today and I will actually rewrite this blog. Love, m
Okay, I'm back from church and I've had my breakfast....no one around to go to breakfast with....which I really prefer....so came home and made myself a mushroom omelet. Tasted okay, but prefer the company of friends on Sunday morning. Along with the overcast gloomy day...I'm kinda in a fog too.
Yesterday was also a gloomy morning, and it took some effort to start some moving and get into the moving mode. I got to Bill and Kim's new house a little before noon (everyone else had been working for hours) and left soon after on a pizza run, so the crew could eat lunch and rest before they went back for another load. They had several minivans, a couple of pickup trucks and a trailer that helped with the move. So lots of help....when they left for the second load for all the vehicles, Matthew and Kiara decided they would stay back with me....so after cleaning up the lunch plates and glasses, I got to play school with Matthew and Kiara....singing the ABC's several times....like maybe 12 or 15....I lost count. But then being graded after each time and Matthew gave me an F several times.....but I did get a couple of A's, E's and Z's. When the gang came back with the second and final load for the day, we spend lots of time helping to put things away and organize it in such a way that Kim wouldn't have to redo it as soon as we left. They are hosting a spaghetti dinner for about 100 boys and girls on the Cross Country team this evening....are they crazy or what? But all in all by the time we ate dinner, celebrated their 17th Anniversary and their friends 23rd Anniversary, and then Tommy's 14th birthday with cake and ice cream we were all having problems keeping our eyes open. Got home around 10 p.m. and was one of the last to leave...so I think Bill and Kim were pleased with all the help...but also happy to see everyone go.
I was supposed to go to two other birthday parties yesterday, but just didn't have the energy to do. I hope they will understand. But the week was just a little much...I need to slow down a bit. Hoping that I get good news on Tuesday, so my life won't be tied to chemo for a while. It would really help my calendar to calm down. I'm trying not to get to disappointed if the news isn't the spotless news that I am hoping for doesn't come on Tuesday...I hope going in with not such high expectations will help....but I really want good news....and I really need good news. Please keep me in mind on Tuesday....I need all the help I can get.
No big plans for today...might have to make a run to Costco. That's it for today, Love and prayers, m
Okay, I'm back from church and I've had my breakfast....no one around to go to breakfast with....which I really prefer....so came home and made myself a mushroom omelet. Tasted okay, but prefer the company of friends on Sunday morning. Along with the overcast gloomy day...I'm kinda in a fog too.
Yesterday was also a gloomy morning, and it took some effort to start some moving and get into the moving mode. I got to Bill and Kim's new house a little before noon (everyone else had been working for hours) and left soon after on a pizza run, so the crew could eat lunch and rest before they went back for another load. They had several minivans, a couple of pickup trucks and a trailer that helped with the move. So lots of help....when they left for the second load for all the vehicles, Matthew and Kiara decided they would stay back with me....so after cleaning up the lunch plates and glasses, I got to play school with Matthew and Kiara....singing the ABC's several times....like maybe 12 or 15....I lost count. But then being graded after each time and Matthew gave me an F several times.....but I did get a couple of A's, E's and Z's. When the gang came back with the second and final load for the day, we spend lots of time helping to put things away and organize it in such a way that Kim wouldn't have to redo it as soon as we left. They are hosting a spaghetti dinner for about 100 boys and girls on the Cross Country team this evening....are they crazy or what? But all in all by the time we ate dinner, celebrated their 17th Anniversary and their friends 23rd Anniversary, and then Tommy's 14th birthday with cake and ice cream we were all having problems keeping our eyes open. Got home around 10 p.m. and was one of the last to leave...so I think Bill and Kim were pleased with all the help...but also happy to see everyone go.
I was supposed to go to two other birthday parties yesterday, but just didn't have the energy to do. I hope they will understand. But the week was just a little much...I need to slow down a bit. Hoping that I get good news on Tuesday, so my life won't be tied to chemo for a while. It would really help my calendar to calm down. I'm trying not to get to disappointed if the news isn't the spotless news that I am hoping for doesn't come on Tuesday...I hope going in with not such high expectations will help....but I really want good news....and I really need good news. Please keep me in mind on Tuesday....I need all the help I can get.
No big plans for today...might have to make a run to Costco. That's it for today, Love and prayers, m
Saturday, September 17, 2011
No Sunshine....But the Son is Shining!
Moving a little slow this morning, didn't get out of bed till 9 a.m. and not motivated to move much at all with no sun...but I need to get going to see what I can do at Bill and Kim's big move in day. I have a party to go to this afternoon, and then back to Bill and Kims for Tommy's birthday party....his birthday was really 2 weeks ago, but finally found a time when they could celebrate. Annie has had the same problem with her family and has finally scheduled a party for all three of them next Sunday...close to Matthew and Nicoles but Allie's was in July.
I did get a few things done yesterday...like taking my newly awarded certificate for Defensive Driving class to the insurance agent to get my $77 discount. So I guess it was worth the two evenings of classes. It will give me that same discount for 3 years.
Then I went to Costco and got gas....I was really low...I don't usually let it get that low, but it took 17+ gallons....eek! From there I headed over to Kohls....as I had a 30% discount coupon, so I picked up a couple of outfits for Matthew, and some clearance items for myself. Was looking for a dehumidifier for the cabin, but I guess I'll have to check out Menards for that....or maybe Target. Then I went over to HHH to get unplugged. YIPPEE!!
When I got out of the car at HHH I was light headed, and have had that happen when I get up fast ever since I got hooked up on Wednesday. So they spent a little time checking my blood pressure etc. But all seemed to be fine, so they told me to stop taking the lasix...since it didn't seem to be helping much...make sure I was drinking a lot of water...which I haven't been....and let them know if I'm still having the problem on Monday. So I drank almost 1/2 gallon of water during the afternoon and evening. Only got up to go to the bathroom once during the night. I don't know where it went, cause my ankles look pretty good this morning.
On the way home from HHH I stopped at Cub to get three items, and came out with about 9...went in for salsa, crystal light peach tea and banana's (as my potassium is still low) and came home with lettuce, zucchini, avocado, cilantro, chips and the things I went in for.
Got home and relaxed for a while, then headed for the laundry...only had two large loads to do, and I succeeded in getting it done, but it was about 11 p.m. before I finished. I forgot to take my 5 p.m. steroid, and took it around 9:30...so needless to say, I was up till almost 1 a.m. this morning...thus sleeping to 9 a.m. and not moving fast this morning.
I also fit in some chicken broth making with the chicken I bought earlier in the week at Costco. Pulled all the meat off the bones and cooked it up. I need to skim the fat off the top this morning, and then I'll make some soup....boy I'm really in the cooking spirit this week.
Well it's about time to get moving and get over to the house to help Bill and Kim move in. Don't know what help I'll be....but I'll at least be there for moral support.
Talked to Uncle John last night, and he asked the doctor and they won't let him travel to Athens for Joe's birthday party, but he is doing pretty well. Keep saying those prayers for him. He said he is able to walk around the house now, which was something he couldn't do before the surgery. Thank you God!!
Looking forward to great results of my CT scan on Tuesday. Love and prayers, m
I did get a few things done yesterday...like taking my newly awarded certificate for Defensive Driving class to the insurance agent to get my $77 discount. So I guess it was worth the two evenings of classes. It will give me that same discount for 3 years.
Then I went to Costco and got gas....I was really low...I don't usually let it get that low, but it took 17+ gallons....eek! From there I headed over to Kohls....as I had a 30% discount coupon, so I picked up a couple of outfits for Matthew, and some clearance items for myself. Was looking for a dehumidifier for the cabin, but I guess I'll have to check out Menards for that....or maybe Target. Then I went over to HHH to get unplugged. YIPPEE!!
When I got out of the car at HHH I was light headed, and have had that happen when I get up fast ever since I got hooked up on Wednesday. So they spent a little time checking my blood pressure etc. But all seemed to be fine, so they told me to stop taking the lasix...since it didn't seem to be helping much...make sure I was drinking a lot of water...which I haven't been....and let them know if I'm still having the problem on Monday. So I drank almost 1/2 gallon of water during the afternoon and evening. Only got up to go to the bathroom once during the night. I don't know where it went, cause my ankles look pretty good this morning.
On the way home from HHH I stopped at Cub to get three items, and came out with about 9...went in for salsa, crystal light peach tea and banana's (as my potassium is still low) and came home with lettuce, zucchini, avocado, cilantro, chips and the things I went in for.
Got home and relaxed for a while, then headed for the laundry...only had two large loads to do, and I succeeded in getting it done, but it was about 11 p.m. before I finished. I forgot to take my 5 p.m. steroid, and took it around 9:30...so needless to say, I was up till almost 1 a.m. this morning...thus sleeping to 9 a.m. and not moving fast this morning.
I also fit in some chicken broth making with the chicken I bought earlier in the week at Costco. Pulled all the meat off the bones and cooked it up. I need to skim the fat off the top this morning, and then I'll make some soup....boy I'm really in the cooking spirit this week.
Well it's about time to get moving and get over to the house to help Bill and Kim move in. Don't know what help I'll be....but I'll at least be there for moral support.
Talked to Uncle John last night, and he asked the doctor and they won't let him travel to Athens for Joe's birthday party, but he is doing pretty well. Keep saying those prayers for him. He said he is able to walk around the house now, which was something he couldn't do before the surgery. Thank you God!!
Looking forward to great results of my CT scan on Tuesday. Love and prayers, m
Friday, September 16, 2011
Day 3, Round 9...get unplugged this afternoon
I'm optimistic that this will be my final treatment....at least for a long long time. Judy brought me a gift to Day 1, Rd 9, and the card had a butterfly on it, and she added next to it "The last butterfly leaving". As you know the cancer meditation I have used has the cancer turning into butterflies and flying away...so let's hope that was it! She also had in the bag the cutest boiled wool red purse...I can't wait to change over to it...She thinks it looks just like me...hope I'm that cute!
Yesterday, Judy and I did a marathon cooking thing, while my brother Phil worked on our computers. I now have my desktop computer working fantastically, and Judy has her's working so much faster as well as her laptop working too. I really think he should go into the business...unfortunately we only paid for the parts and fed him lunch and sent him home with a bag of food.
When I left the house yesterday I was trying to get to Judy's house by 10 a.m. and had the car packed and ran out to the car at 9:20 a.m. but had to rush back in the house as I still had my slippers on....then drove off and got about 4 blocks away, and remembered I was supposed to bring some big kettles, so I turned around and went back home and now it was 9:31 as I left the second time. But still got to her house at about 10:10....so not too bad. We started the pulled pork recipe with 10 lbs of pork shoulder cut up in chunks and most of the fat cut off...but my roast was still frozen so we had to put it in the microwave to thaw for about 20 minutes...slowing down the process a lot....but by 11 I think we had the pork roasting with lemon, garlic, pepper and EVOO rubbed over the chunks....soon it was smelling fantastic. Then we started the Tomato sauce in a huge soup kettle (the one I went home for)...and also started a pot of succotash soup for lunch for the three of us. We had that ready to eat by 1 p.m. and then went on to the roasted veggies, peppers, onions, squash, and some smaller red, yellow and orange peppers. (Judy was in heaven). After that we roasting the chicken breasts and thighs. We both bought more chicken than it called for....so we just got more packages of chicken than we needed, but were happy to have it. The final job was making a huge kettle of rice pilaf. When that was done, we used some of the chicken and added it to the rice pilaf and had it for dinner. After packing all the different items in freezer bags in 1 or 1 1/2 cup packages, we each had a ton of food to freeze to make 20 different recipes or use some of our own. Great fun and food, and I was out of there by 7:22 and home by 8 p.m. Happy to sit in the car and happy to be done, but well worth it all.
Today I slept in till 9 a.m. and have not moved much from my chair and the computer...therefore this is a little later than it has been for a while....yesterday and all week I felt like I've been on a treadmill....each day was packed with mostly fun events...and a few required like the defensive driving classes or chemo. So today, I only have to go get unplugged at 2:30 so no rush this morning.
Just read on Facebook that Louise Hoyt is just finished with her final chemo treatment and gets really sick for 2 weeks following, so please keep her in your prayers too! Also saw a great magazine article about Kick's Shoes, congrats Tom and Karen great article and great picture of the two of you. Loved it. Enough for today, love and prayers, m
Yesterday, Judy and I did a marathon cooking thing, while my brother Phil worked on our computers. I now have my desktop computer working fantastically, and Judy has her's working so much faster as well as her laptop working too. I really think he should go into the business...unfortunately we only paid for the parts and fed him lunch and sent him home with a bag of food.
When I left the house yesterday I was trying to get to Judy's house by 10 a.m. and had the car packed and ran out to the car at 9:20 a.m. but had to rush back in the house as I still had my slippers on....then drove off and got about 4 blocks away, and remembered I was supposed to bring some big kettles, so I turned around and went back home and now it was 9:31 as I left the second time. But still got to her house at about 10:10....so not too bad. We started the pulled pork recipe with 10 lbs of pork shoulder cut up in chunks and most of the fat cut off...but my roast was still frozen so we had to put it in the microwave to thaw for about 20 minutes...slowing down the process a lot....but by 11 I think we had the pork roasting with lemon, garlic, pepper and EVOO rubbed over the chunks....soon it was smelling fantastic. Then we started the Tomato sauce in a huge soup kettle (the one I went home for)...and also started a pot of succotash soup for lunch for the three of us. We had that ready to eat by 1 p.m. and then went on to the roasted veggies, peppers, onions, squash, and some smaller red, yellow and orange peppers. (Judy was in heaven). After that we roasting the chicken breasts and thighs. We both bought more chicken than it called for....so we just got more packages of chicken than we needed, but were happy to have it. The final job was making a huge kettle of rice pilaf. When that was done, we used some of the chicken and added it to the rice pilaf and had it for dinner. After packing all the different items in freezer bags in 1 or 1 1/2 cup packages, we each had a ton of food to freeze to make 20 different recipes or use some of our own. Great fun and food, and I was out of there by 7:22 and home by 8 p.m. Happy to sit in the car and happy to be done, but well worth it all.
Today I slept in till 9 a.m. and have not moved much from my chair and the computer...therefore this is a little later than it has been for a while....yesterday and all week I felt like I've been on a treadmill....each day was packed with mostly fun events...and a few required like the defensive driving classes or chemo. So today, I only have to go get unplugged at 2:30 so no rush this morning.
Just read on Facebook that Louise Hoyt is just finished with her final chemo treatment and gets really sick for 2 weeks following, so please keep her in your prayers too! Also saw a great magazine article about Kick's Shoes, congrats Tom and Karen great article and great picture of the two of you. Loved it. Enough for today, love and prayers, m
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Day 2, Rd 9 and prayerfully the last!
They made an appointment for more chemo the end of September just in case...and as I related to Heather (Nurse Practitioner I saw yesterday inplace of Dr. Londer) I asked God to heal me before this all started last Spring, but didn't specify how. So I suppose chemo was the cure....I didn't give God a timeline for doing this either...obviously we know who is in control here...it's not me. He has definitely sent me more blessings and grace than I can count or begin to thank Him for. I hope thanking you with hugs and kisses as often as I can will do the trick. When talking to another nurse yesterday, she said "He must have something for me to do here"...as I am still here after all of the near misses I have had with death. He's keeping me here for some reason. He isn't through with me yet. Funny this all brought back thoughts of some statistics I used to relate in my Valuing Your Sexuality classes that at 16 you think about sex ever 20 seconds and about God once a day or something like that (I can't remember the exact number) and at 65 it was just in reverse, you thought about God every 20 seconds. I think I was clearly there yesterday. God continues to surprise me all the time.
It was a busy day as this whole week has been. It has been like being on a treadmill. I had an 11:00 a.m. appointment with Heather, then the chemo at 11:30, but as my ankles and feet swelling was still an issue, Heather ordered an ultrasound of my legs to make sure I didn't have a clot (I didn't)...so I started chemo, then got interrupted by the ultrasound, and went back for the chemo to resume, which now took till 4:15, but at 4 p.m. was feeling a little light headed and crampy, so they gave me more Atropine, and then when I got unhooked at 4:15 they made me sit around till 4:30 to make sure I was okay to drive home. I was, and then had to drive home and pick up my booklet for the defensive driving class and rush to Baker's Square for a dinner appointment with Bonnie Sass that I just got an invitation to around 2 p.m. while getting my chemo. So from dinner I rushed to Defensive Driving class and only got there about 3 minutes late. But now have my certificate and will bring that to the Insurance Agent tomorrow to get my 10% discount.
Today I am going to Judy's and we are going to do a marathon cooking of 5 things, pulled pork and chicken, roasted veggies, tomato sauce, and rice pilaf. Rachael Rae has 30 meals recipes you can make with these 5 items and so we are going to cook all together, and divide between us, then freeze and be able to make 15 meals or more...as we each are only cooking for one not a family of four. It should be a fun day. Phillip is also going to come and bring me my computer back and take a look at Judy's computer as well. So it should be a fun day.
Must get moving here to be there by 10 a.m. Love and prayers, m
P.S. the 10th person reading this today will be my 14,000 visitor. Congrats!
It was a busy day as this whole week has been. It has been like being on a treadmill. I had an 11:00 a.m. appointment with Heather, then the chemo at 11:30, but as my ankles and feet swelling was still an issue, Heather ordered an ultrasound of my legs to make sure I didn't have a clot (I didn't)...so I started chemo, then got interrupted by the ultrasound, and went back for the chemo to resume, which now took till 4:15, but at 4 p.m. was feeling a little light headed and crampy, so they gave me more Atropine, and then when I got unhooked at 4:15 they made me sit around till 4:30 to make sure I was okay to drive home. I was, and then had to drive home and pick up my booklet for the defensive driving class and rush to Baker's Square for a dinner appointment with Bonnie Sass that I just got an invitation to around 2 p.m. while getting my chemo. So from dinner I rushed to Defensive Driving class and only got there about 3 minutes late. But now have my certificate and will bring that to the Insurance Agent tomorrow to get my 10% discount.
Today I am going to Judy's and we are going to do a marathon cooking of 5 things, pulled pork and chicken, roasted veggies, tomato sauce, and rice pilaf. Rachael Rae has 30 meals recipes you can make with these 5 items and so we are going to cook all together, and divide between us, then freeze and be able to make 15 meals or more...as we each are only cooking for one not a family of four. It should be a fun day. Phillip is also going to come and bring me my computer back and take a look at Judy's computer as well. So it should be a fun day.
Must get moving here to be there by 10 a.m. Love and prayers, m
P.S. the 10th person reading this today will be my 14,000 visitor. Congrats!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Really Day 1, Round 9....Let's Hope!!
Is it really still summer? I know it's next week that we start Fall, but it feels like we are going right into winter. I feel really bad for the farmers and other's that this freeze and frost might effect tonight. I'll be bundling up before I go out today, and will be happy to be indoors cooking tomorrow, where the kitchen is warm.
I haven't talked much about the birds since being at home this week, and after I finished writing yesterday I had a whole flock come to the feeders at once. I had finch, chickadee, nuthatch and woodpeckers all here. It was like they all flew in to remind me that I hadn't mentioned them in the blog. Literately all at once...I must of had a dozen birds here.
Yesterday was a busy day, luckily it didn't start getting busy till 11:30 when I picked up the meals to deliver for Meals on Wheels. Then I came home and ate lunch did a little filing and sorting through the pile of mail that I've been ignoring. Then headed for the theater to meet Bonnie Sass. We saw "The Help" which I had read but Bonnie hadn't, it was really a good book, but she just couldn't get into it for some reason and gave it back to me without reading. But she really liked the movie and so did I. The movie didn't develop the characters as well as the book did, but it did keep to the story line of the book. Bonnie is giving second thought to reading the book now.
From there I rushed home and ate dinner and then headed out again to the "North Suburban Women's Club" meeting. It was really interesting. They had a couple of Alpaca's outside and some women spinning yarn out of their fur inside. So we got to see where the wool comes from (really cute animals) how they card it and then how they spin it. Very interesting program. Then we had our usual meeting, and got to visit with those I haven't seen all summer. Great Day all in all!!
Today I have that, what I hope, is my final round of chemo. It is the final before I go to Mayo next Tuesday, but the decision as to where I go from here will come from the results of that CT scan. Luckily I see the oncologist that same day, and will know before I come back home.
Judy will be coming down to Mayo with me, and she will be sitting with me again today. I don't see the doctor till 11 today, and then start chemo at 11:30, so I don't have to rush to much this morning....and neither does Judy. We'll maybe play some Gin, but do have to make some reservations for next Monday night in Rochester, and also for our hotel in Athens, GA when we go to Joe's 70th Birthday party in about a month.
Please keep the prayers coming my way, I'm really feeling done with this chemo thing, lets pray the Ct scan and doctors think the same. Love and prayers, m
I haven't talked much about the birds since being at home this week, and after I finished writing yesterday I had a whole flock come to the feeders at once. I had finch, chickadee, nuthatch and woodpeckers all here. It was like they all flew in to remind me that I hadn't mentioned them in the blog. Literately all at once...I must of had a dozen birds here.
Yesterday was a busy day, luckily it didn't start getting busy till 11:30 when I picked up the meals to deliver for Meals on Wheels. Then I came home and ate lunch did a little filing and sorting through the pile of mail that I've been ignoring. Then headed for the theater to meet Bonnie Sass. We saw "The Help" which I had read but Bonnie hadn't, it was really a good book, but she just couldn't get into it for some reason and gave it back to me without reading. But she really liked the movie and so did I. The movie didn't develop the characters as well as the book did, but it did keep to the story line of the book. Bonnie is giving second thought to reading the book now.
From there I rushed home and ate dinner and then headed out again to the "North Suburban Women's Club" meeting. It was really interesting. They had a couple of Alpaca's outside and some women spinning yarn out of their fur inside. So we got to see where the wool comes from (really cute animals) how they card it and then how they spin it. Very interesting program. Then we had our usual meeting, and got to visit with those I haven't seen all summer. Great Day all in all!!
Today I have that, what I hope, is my final round of chemo. It is the final before I go to Mayo next Tuesday, but the decision as to where I go from here will come from the results of that CT scan. Luckily I see the oncologist that same day, and will know before I come back home.
Judy will be coming down to Mayo with me, and she will be sitting with me again today. I don't see the doctor till 11 today, and then start chemo at 11:30, so I don't have to rush to much this morning....and neither does Judy. We'll maybe play some Gin, but do have to make some reservations for next Monday night in Rochester, and also for our hotel in Athens, GA when we go to Joe's 70th Birthday party in about a month.
Please keep the prayers coming my way, I'm really feeling done with this chemo thing, lets pray the Ct scan and doctors think the same. Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Fall Blew In
It was nice and warm yesterday...but as the sun went down, the wind blew and the temp dropped significantly. So it was 90 yesterday and now it is 57 and they are talking 37 by Thursday morning. I can't believe how fast it changes....but I love the sunshine, and it is shining brightly.
I had a lot of fun seeing the retiree's in Elk River and then took advantage of being there and went to the Diamond City Bakery and got two loaves of my favorite bread. There were 10 or 12 of us there, so lots of stories, smiles, laughter and love. When you work that many years with a group of women, you become family. I think I have a church family, a work family, my own family and then an extended family of cousins. I get love and support from all of them. How lucky am I?!!
After lunch I went shopping and got some food to have in the house...but also some things I needed to do some joint cooking at Judy's on Thursday. I'll talk more about that another day.
Last night I went to the first of two 4-hour classes of Defensive Driving so I can get a discount on my car insurance. It was very interesting, because the instructor was a former State Trooper and before she retired was the Chief for the State. She really had some great stories and lots of good statistics etc. Made the class fun and interesting. So going back tomorrow night won't be so bad.
Today I have a full schedule. I deliver Meals On Wheels at noon, then a movie with Bonnie Sass who is in town for a few days. Then this evening is the first Women's Club Meeting for the year. So again a chance to see a group of women I haven't seen since May at the brunch.
I feed off other people, so with the two days of seeing so many friends, I will be bolstered for this last round of chemo tomorrow. Thanks for being there for me. Love and prayers, m
I had a lot of fun seeing the retiree's in Elk River and then took advantage of being there and went to the Diamond City Bakery and got two loaves of my favorite bread. There were 10 or 12 of us there, so lots of stories, smiles, laughter and love. When you work that many years with a group of women, you become family. I think I have a church family, a work family, my own family and then an extended family of cousins. I get love and support from all of them. How lucky am I?!!
After lunch I went shopping and got some food to have in the house...but also some things I needed to do some joint cooking at Judy's on Thursday. I'll talk more about that another day.
Last night I went to the first of two 4-hour classes of Defensive Driving so I can get a discount on my car insurance. It was very interesting, because the instructor was a former State Trooper and before she retired was the Chief for the State. She really had some great stories and lots of good statistics etc. Made the class fun and interesting. So going back tomorrow night won't be so bad.
Today I have a full schedule. I deliver Meals On Wheels at noon, then a movie with Bonnie Sass who is in town for a few days. Then this evening is the first Women's Club Meeting for the year. So again a chance to see a group of women I haven't seen since May at the brunch.
I feed off other people, so with the two days of seeing so many friends, I will be bolstered for this last round of chemo tomorrow. Thanks for being there for me. Love and prayers, m
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunny Sunny Day
A nice morning in the city....no clouds, not cold, but no view of the lake....and no birds fighting over the feeder. Hot and Windy is the forecast. It looks like I won't be back there for quite a long time....probably not till a week from Wednesday. Wow....I may go through withdrawal.
Yesterday was a very nice day....I left the cabin at 9:30 and headed home, changed clothes and got to the ticket booth a little before 11:30. The booth was facing the sun...so we got a guy to turn it at a little angle and gave me shade in the booth, and then we propped the door open so their was an air flow through it, and it worked well. I'm sensitive to the sun with a couple of the drugs I take....so it was important to stay out of the direct sun. I only had to work till 2 p.m. and the replacement came a little early, so I was out of their on time. I then got dinner turned in my raffle tickets and spent some money at the bottle blast. By then I decided to go see how the moving was coming. I figured they would be hungry by then, so I checked to see if they would like me to bring some pizza. The answer was resounding "Yes", so I stopped at Papa Murphy's and got a couple.
The painter has already painted the Kitchen, Dining and Living Rooms. Bill's office and entry way. Love the colors and can't wait to see the finished product. While I was there, Wendy (Ann's sister and a.k.a. interior director and super party planner) came with paint chips in hand and a few new decisions were made on colors and confirmation of the choices already made.
Kim's mom and dad have moved their mobile home to the driveway, and will be there to let the painter and carpet layer in and out during the week, and then next Saturday will be the big move. Katie and friends already spent the night there on Saturday. So slowly but surely they will get moved in.
Today I get to have lunch with the retiree's and wannabee's and then this evening I have to go to my "55 and Alive" class so I can get my discount on my car insurance. I forgot and let it lapse (needs to be every two years) or I guess I was busy last fall at Mayo, so now I have to do the 8-hour class over....instead of the 4-hour renewal. So not only do I have to go today, but again on Wednesday evening. YUK!!
I'm looking forward to seeing all the retiree's as I didn't make last months luncheon.
Got a few hugs and lots of prayer promises yesterday at the carnival...and felt really bolstered by them. So I'm sure today will be the same. Thank you God, and thank all of you. Love and prayers, m
Yesterday was a very nice day....I left the cabin at 9:30 and headed home, changed clothes and got to the ticket booth a little before 11:30. The booth was facing the sun...so we got a guy to turn it at a little angle and gave me shade in the booth, and then we propped the door open so their was an air flow through it, and it worked well. I'm sensitive to the sun with a couple of the drugs I take....so it was important to stay out of the direct sun. I only had to work till 2 p.m. and the replacement came a little early, so I was out of their on time. I then got dinner turned in my raffle tickets and spent some money at the bottle blast. By then I decided to go see how the moving was coming. I figured they would be hungry by then, so I checked to see if they would like me to bring some pizza. The answer was resounding "Yes", so I stopped at Papa Murphy's and got a couple.
The painter has already painted the Kitchen, Dining and Living Rooms. Bill's office and entry way. Love the colors and can't wait to see the finished product. While I was there, Wendy (Ann's sister and a.k.a. interior director and super party planner) came with paint chips in hand and a few new decisions were made on colors and confirmation of the choices already made.
Kim's mom and dad have moved their mobile home to the driveway, and will be there to let the painter and carpet layer in and out during the week, and then next Saturday will be the big move. Katie and friends already spent the night there on Saturday. So slowly but surely they will get moved in.
Today I get to have lunch with the retiree's and wannabee's and then this evening I have to go to my "55 and Alive" class so I can get my discount on my car insurance. I forgot and let it lapse (needs to be every two years) or I guess I was busy last fall at Mayo, so now I have to do the 8-hour class over....instead of the 4-hour renewal. So not only do I have to go today, but again on Wednesday evening. YUK!!
I'm looking forward to seeing all the retiree's as I didn't make last months luncheon.
Got a few hugs and lots of prayer promises yesterday at the carnival...and felt really bolstered by them. So I'm sure today will be the same. Thank you God, and thank all of you. Love and prayers, m
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sunny Sonday!
What a great weekend for church festivals....not too hot....and no rain. I love it!
Yesterday we skipped the farmers market....Judy slept in after going to bed early... But then couldn't go to sleep last night. We really didn't need anything at the farmers market....but it's just kinda fun to go.
Then later in the afternoon we played some Gin and she finally won, so it was 2-1 with me being the weekend champ of Gin....however last night when we played cribbage....she beat me 3-2...so she was the champ of cribbage for the weekend....in the whole sceme of things....she is like 11-8 ahead of me in cribbage....that's for the last 2 weeks. We've been keeping a running total. If we did the same with Gin she'd probably be ahead there too.
Anyway we got cleaned up and went to the Polka Mass at 4 p.m. and then stayed for pork chop dinner....each bought a raffle ticket (to no avail) and we played some Bingo....both of us won one game....but only won $2.25 total and it cost us $5 to play...so we actually only lost $2.75 on that deal. So really a cheap afternoon of fun and food.
When we went to sit down at the table to play Bingo....we sat right across the table from the wife of one of the guys who worked with Frank, and also had a lung and kidney transplant. Almost the same time....although his turned out better, and he is still living. His wife (Pat) called him and let Judy talk to him. They have a cabin on Lake Louise about 5 miles from me. On the other side of South Haven. Funny what a small world we live in. I however only saw one person that I knew...and low and behold it was Phyllis. (The women who has the mansion down the road and doesn't want anyone else to have anything better....so we think!)
Not much other to report....I'm going to St. Tim's to work in the ticket booth for kids games this morning....almost ready to go. Judy has big plans for this afternoon, so she will follow me out of here. I hope to leave at 9:30. Won't be back till Friday afternoon....at least that is the plan right now...have a busy week ahead. Feeling great, Love and prayers, m
Yesterday we skipped the farmers market....Judy slept in after going to bed early... But then couldn't go to sleep last night. We really didn't need anything at the farmers market....but it's just kinda fun to go.
Then later in the afternoon we played some Gin and she finally won, so it was 2-1 with me being the weekend champ of Gin....however last night when we played cribbage....she beat me 3-2...so she was the champ of cribbage for the weekend....in the whole sceme of things....she is like 11-8 ahead of me in cribbage....that's for the last 2 weeks. We've been keeping a running total. If we did the same with Gin she'd probably be ahead there too.
Anyway we got cleaned up and went to the Polka Mass at 4 p.m. and then stayed for pork chop dinner....each bought a raffle ticket (to no avail) and we played some Bingo....both of us won one game....but only won $2.25 total and it cost us $5 to play...so we actually only lost $2.75 on that deal. So really a cheap afternoon of fun and food.
When we went to sit down at the table to play Bingo....we sat right across the table from the wife of one of the guys who worked with Frank, and also had a lung and kidney transplant. Almost the same time....although his turned out better, and he is still living. His wife (Pat) called him and let Judy talk to him. They have a cabin on Lake Louise about 5 miles from me. On the other side of South Haven. Funny what a small world we live in. I however only saw one person that I knew...and low and behold it was Phyllis. (The women who has the mansion down the road and doesn't want anyone else to have anything better....so we think!)
Not much other to report....I'm going to St. Tim's to work in the ticket booth for kids games this morning....almost ready to go. Judy has big plans for this afternoon, so she will follow me out of here. I hope to leave at 9:30. Won't be back till Friday afternoon....at least that is the plan right now...have a busy week ahead. Feeling great, Love and prayers, m
Saturday, September 10, 2011
All Quiet on the Home Front
The sun is shining and the lake is like glass, it's only in the 60's and not many birds around. The orioles are all gone....there was still one here on Thursday, but never saw him on Friday or this morning yet. The feeder doesn't look like any of the jelly is gone. Even had a half an orange out there for them...uneaten. My squirrels are here and so are the hummingbirds....I refilled their nectar yesterday with some stronger mixture for them. Two big Ravens are here this morning, I haven't seen them for a month or so. Even the sparrows leave when they are here squawking.
Judy and I had a real relaxing day....reading a GI diet book that I brought up and reading recipes in magazines and things like that while we waited for the plumber to come and check the air-conditioner that we thought was broken. When he came, he turned it on and it worked fine. Thinks that maybe the off peak program that I have, had it turned off when we needed it...that really hot day we had a few weeks ago....when the heat index was over 100. Anyway it's working fine and he didn't charge me a cent, and it's nice and cool in the cabin now. He did suggest we get a dehumidifier for the basement furnace room, as that would help the air-conditioner work even better. He visited with us for about 5 or 10 minutes, and he was on his way.
Played Gin again yesterday afternoon, but interrupted the game for dinner and then went back and I ended up winning again. We even got up and took a walk in the middle...Judy thought that would change her luck...but obviously didn't.
By 10 p.m. she was ready for bed, but I stayed up till about 11. She's still in bed this morning, so she must have been really tired. I wore her out!!
Today, we might go into the farmers market, however, I'm going to stop at the bakery in Elk River on Monday, so maybe we won't. We also have green beans and a zucchini left to fix, and we're eating dinner at the church this afternoon....so we don't need that either. At 4 p.m. the church has a Polka Mass, and then their dinner which I think is pork chops...at least that is what it was last year. They also have a silent auction and some kids games. Then tomorrow, I need to leave bright and early as I have to work at St. Tim's Carnival from 11:30 - 2 or 3. I think from there I will go to Bill and Kim's new house to see if they are even close to moving in. When I was at their house on Thursday, it didn't look like they were close to being packed. I sure hope all went well at the closing yesterday, and that the painter has started to do his thing.
On the home front (or my face) the rash is almost gone....it's really faded, and the scabs have fallen off. I almost don't need makeup....I said almost....but not concealer for sure. My unmentionable is about the same...not better....but not worse. I did get a call yesterday from Mayo and I will get to see Dr. Nelson (my surgeon) when I go down on the 20th. That is getting close!!! yippee!! I'll talk to her about my unmentionable if it's not better by then. I'll get some amoxicillin from her if I need to.
I feel pretty confident that the CT scan will show the spots are all gone....but that doesn't mean you can stop praying. I still have that ninth round of chemo on Wednesday before I go....and I can always use your prayers for that....and my hair...it's getting really thin....I mean really thin. So keep those thoughts and prayers coming and I'll keep praying for you. Love and prayers, m
Judy and I had a real relaxing day....reading a GI diet book that I brought up and reading recipes in magazines and things like that while we waited for the plumber to come and check the air-conditioner that we thought was broken. When he came, he turned it on and it worked fine. Thinks that maybe the off peak program that I have, had it turned off when we needed it...that really hot day we had a few weeks ago....when the heat index was over 100. Anyway it's working fine and he didn't charge me a cent, and it's nice and cool in the cabin now. He did suggest we get a dehumidifier for the basement furnace room, as that would help the air-conditioner work even better. He visited with us for about 5 or 10 minutes, and he was on his way.
Played Gin again yesterday afternoon, but interrupted the game for dinner and then went back and I ended up winning again. We even got up and took a walk in the middle...Judy thought that would change her luck...but obviously didn't.
By 10 p.m. she was ready for bed, but I stayed up till about 11. She's still in bed this morning, so she must have been really tired. I wore her out!!
Today, we might go into the farmers market, however, I'm going to stop at the bakery in Elk River on Monday, so maybe we won't. We also have green beans and a zucchini left to fix, and we're eating dinner at the church this afternoon....so we don't need that either. At 4 p.m. the church has a Polka Mass, and then their dinner which I think is pork chops...at least that is what it was last year. They also have a silent auction and some kids games. Then tomorrow, I need to leave bright and early as I have to work at St. Tim's Carnival from 11:30 - 2 or 3. I think from there I will go to Bill and Kim's new house to see if they are even close to moving in. When I was at their house on Thursday, it didn't look like they were close to being packed. I sure hope all went well at the closing yesterday, and that the painter has started to do his thing.
On the home front (or my face) the rash is almost gone....it's really faded, and the scabs have fallen off. I almost don't need makeup....I said almost....but not concealer for sure. My unmentionable is about the same...not better....but not worse. I did get a call yesterday from Mayo and I will get to see Dr. Nelson (my surgeon) when I go down on the 20th. That is getting close!!! yippee!! I'll talk to her about my unmentionable if it's not better by then. I'll get some amoxicillin from her if I need to.
I feel pretty confident that the CT scan will show the spots are all gone....but that doesn't mean you can stop praying. I still have that ninth round of chemo on Wednesday before I go....and I can always use your prayers for that....and my hair...it's getting really thin....I mean really thin. So keep those thoughts and prayers coming and I'll keep praying for you. Love and prayers, m
Friday, September 9, 2011
It's a Great Day in The Neighborhood
First of all I woke up at the cabin....secondly when I looked in the mirror, my face was almost totally healed...and the birds are here eating like crazy...what could be better than that?!!
I had lunch with my friend Laurie Lopez yesterday at Acapulco (our favorite place to eat) packed my bags, dropped off Tommy's birthday present and headed for the cabin. Lunch was fun....got caught up on all Laurie's kids and happenings and changes at the college in one lunch. Then stopping at Bill's I got caught up on their closing and move this weekend. I'll have to stop in on Sunday when I'm done working at the church carnival. I was scheduled to work 11:30 - 2 p.m.....but when they called to remind me, she said it could possibly be 3 p.m. and I said that would be okay.
Judy came around 5:30 and brought homemade chilli for dinner, so I didn't have to cook. We spent most of the afternoon and evening reading recipe books and talking, and then got into a game of Gin. It was a very close game right up to the last hand, when I was leading going in and she blew me away with a quick Gin and I had nothing in my hand that made anything....we didn't even add it up, I just said...."You Win". It was late and we just checked our email and went to bed after that.
I also got a call from my brother Phil, and a few weeks ago he took my old desktop computer home with him, cause we couldn't even get it turned on...so he bought a new powerpack and got it started and then the hard drive crashed, so now he has a new hard drive installed, and has worked day and night (till 3 in the morning yesterday) and was able to get almost all my documents, and somehow windows restored on the new drive. I couldn't find the old Windows XP disk, so I don't know how he did it...but he did get it put on the new drive, and now he just has to load the other programs that I could find the disks for onto it. He really should be a computer Geek for Best Buy!! Thanks Phil!!
This morning, I got up at 8 a.m. and made myself look presentable before doing anything else, cause a repair man is supposed to be coming sometime today to fix our air-conditioner. I haven't seen any sign of him yet, so maybe it will be this afternoon, and I'll actually be showered and dressed by then. At eight I just washed my face and combed my hair (what little their is left of it).
I think I am really glad that my chemo got postponed till next week. I think I really needed this break. My body and my mind. Either that....or you guys have been praying like crazy and I'm feeling the results of it!
Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers, the cards and well wishes by email or facebook. Love you all and keep all of you in my prayers as well. Love and prayers, m
I had lunch with my friend Laurie Lopez yesterday at Acapulco (our favorite place to eat) packed my bags, dropped off Tommy's birthday present and headed for the cabin. Lunch was fun....got caught up on all Laurie's kids and happenings and changes at the college in one lunch. Then stopping at Bill's I got caught up on their closing and move this weekend. I'll have to stop in on Sunday when I'm done working at the church carnival. I was scheduled to work 11:30 - 2 p.m.....but when they called to remind me, she said it could possibly be 3 p.m. and I said that would be okay.
Judy came around 5:30 and brought homemade chilli for dinner, so I didn't have to cook. We spent most of the afternoon and evening reading recipe books and talking, and then got into a game of Gin. It was a very close game right up to the last hand, when I was leading going in and she blew me away with a quick Gin and I had nothing in my hand that made anything....we didn't even add it up, I just said...."You Win". It was late and we just checked our email and went to bed after that.
I also got a call from my brother Phil, and a few weeks ago he took my old desktop computer home with him, cause we couldn't even get it turned on...so he bought a new powerpack and got it started and then the hard drive crashed, so now he has a new hard drive installed, and has worked day and night (till 3 in the morning yesterday) and was able to get almost all my documents, and somehow windows restored on the new drive. I couldn't find the old Windows XP disk, so I don't know how he did it...but he did get it put on the new drive, and now he just has to load the other programs that I could find the disks for onto it. He really should be a computer Geek for Best Buy!! Thanks Phil!!
This morning, I got up at 8 a.m. and made myself look presentable before doing anything else, cause a repair man is supposed to be coming sometime today to fix our air-conditioner. I haven't seen any sign of him yet, so maybe it will be this afternoon, and I'll actually be showered and dressed by then. At eight I just washed my face and combed my hair (what little their is left of it).
I think I am really glad that my chemo got postponed till next week. I think I really needed this break. My body and my mind. Either that....or you guys have been praying like crazy and I'm feeling the results of it!
Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers, the cards and well wishes by email or facebook. Love you all and keep all of you in my prayers as well. Love and prayers, m
Thursday, September 8, 2011
NOT Day 2 of Round 9
When I got to HHH yesterday, I found out that the city had broken the main waterline to the building, and they were unable to go about business as usual. They let me see Dr. Londer, but they rescheduled my chemo til next Wednesday. I was really disappointed but there was nothing I could do about it. Dr. Londer thought my face looked worse than when I was there two weeks ago, and I chuckled to myself thinking he should have seen me last week....I thought my face was really looking good. (This morning, it is even better.) He tried to find a better way to treat it on the computer, but what they recommended is what I was already using. He thinks my unmentionable should be getting better with the same antibiotic as my rash, so he didn't give me more amoxicilin...which disappoints me but we'll see. I think I will try to see the surgeon at Mayo who did my surgery last fall, and see if this has anything to do with the fistula I had in the Spring. I plan on making a call to Mayo today to see if I can get an appointment on the 20th when I am there.
Dr. Londer did give me a prescription for Lasix to get rid of the fluid I've been gathering in my feet and ankles since last week, and I took one as soon as I got home yesterday and I've already lost 7 lbs....crazy. I have ankles again!
Judy drove all the way from Shokopee to Robbinsdale (about 20 miles for those non Minnesotans) to sit with me...so I took her out for breakfast. She had lots to do, so it wasn't so bad, but I really appreciate her coming....she'll be back next Wednesday too.
As I don't have to get unplugged tomorrow, I'm going back to the cabin this afternoon. I have a luncheon date that I've changed twice so I figured I better keep it or Laurie would think it was her I was avoiding. It started out to be to celebrate her birthday which was 3 week ago.
Judy is coming up later this afternoon to spend the weekend with me. I'm sure we'll play some more cards. It is the St. Ignasious church celebration on Saturday and they have a polka Mass at 4 and then a pork chop dinner so Judy and I will take that in. On Sunday I have to be back to work at the St. Tim's Fall Carnival, so we will leave early on Sunday to come back to the city. Have a very busy week coming up....now that I've added chemo to it...it's even busier. Must get packing, Love and prayers, m
Dr. Londer did give me a prescription for Lasix to get rid of the fluid I've been gathering in my feet and ankles since last week, and I took one as soon as I got home yesterday and I've already lost 7 lbs....crazy. I have ankles again!
Judy drove all the way from Shokopee to Robbinsdale (about 20 miles for those non Minnesotans) to sit with me...so I took her out for breakfast. She had lots to do, so it wasn't so bad, but I really appreciate her coming....she'll be back next Wednesday too.
As I don't have to get unplugged tomorrow, I'm going back to the cabin this afternoon. I have a luncheon date that I've changed twice so I figured I better keep it or Laurie would think it was her I was avoiding. It started out to be to celebrate her birthday which was 3 week ago.
Judy is coming up later this afternoon to spend the weekend with me. I'm sure we'll play some more cards. It is the St. Ignasious church celebration on Saturday and they have a polka Mass at 4 and then a pork chop dinner so Judy and I will take that in. On Sunday I have to be back to work at the St. Tim's Fall Carnival, so we will leave early on Sunday to come back to the city. Have a very busy week coming up....now that I've added chemo to it...it's even busier. Must get packing, Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Day 1, Round 9
Well for sure I know this is the last chemo before the CT scan at Mayo, but my prayers are that is is the last chemo. That means that when I have that CT scan they find no spots, and that the oncologist at Mayo thinks that they should just watch me for 3 months and then have another CT scan. I believe that they would do a scan every 3 months for the first year. This summer the scan showed that the 3 spots had shrunk but were still there, and that was after 4 rounds of chemo....so 5 more should darn well have done the trick.
My face is a little better again this morning, and I was able to cover it up pretty well last night for card club, but I had to put a lot of concealer on as well as make up over that. They thought I looked good, so the concealer does work well. But I don't think I will put any on this morning, so the doctor can see that it hasn't improved since I was there two weeks ago. My unmentionable also needs more antibiotics so need to talk to him about that too. That and my swollen feet and ankles. Don't know what is causing that either....I suppose a side effect from one of the drugs.
Must get dressed, I need to eat and get out of here within the hour. The sun is shining (a good sign). Love and prayers, m
The other day I titled my blog "Surprise me God" well today I got a surprise!
I went to HHH in Robbinsdale this morning, and when I got there found out that the city had caused a break in the waterline, and so they were cancelling everyone's chemo, and labs for the day. I did get to see Dr. Londer...funny, he thought my face looked worse that it did two weeks ago...he should have seen it last week!!.....anyway he is hoping waiting another week without chemo and the targeted drug will help all my problems, he also prescribed lasix to get rid of the fluid I'm holding in my feet and ankles...when I got on the scale this morning....I was 5 lbs heavier than I was 2 weeks ago....so must be all the fluid. However, he figures the antibiotic I'm taking for the rash should help my other problem too, so didn't give me more amoxicilin like I hoped.
Poor Judy had driven all the way up from Shakopee to sit with me for chemo....so I took her out for breakfast! Thanks Judy!!! Love ya, m
My face is a little better again this morning, and I was able to cover it up pretty well last night for card club, but I had to put a lot of concealer on as well as make up over that. They thought I looked good, so the concealer does work well. But I don't think I will put any on this morning, so the doctor can see that it hasn't improved since I was there two weeks ago. My unmentionable also needs more antibiotics so need to talk to him about that too. That and my swollen feet and ankles. Don't know what is causing that either....I suppose a side effect from one of the drugs.
Must get dressed, I need to eat and get out of here within the hour. The sun is shining (a good sign). Love and prayers, m
The other day I titled my blog "Surprise me God" well today I got a surprise!
I went to HHH in Robbinsdale this morning, and when I got there found out that the city had caused a break in the waterline, and so they were cancelling everyone's chemo, and labs for the day. I did get to see Dr. Londer...funny, he thought my face looked worse that it did two weeks ago...he should have seen it last week!!.....anyway he is hoping waiting another week without chemo and the targeted drug will help all my problems, he also prescribed lasix to get rid of the fluid I'm holding in my feet and ankles...when I got on the scale this morning....I was 5 lbs heavier than I was 2 weeks ago....so must be all the fluid. However, he figures the antibiotic I'm taking for the rash should help my other problem too, so didn't give me more amoxicilin like I hoped.
Poor Judy had driven all the way up from Shakopee to sit with me for chemo....so I took her out for breakfast! Thanks Judy!!! Love ya, m
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Surprise me God!
I just sat down to write this and looked up from my computer and there was a beautiful orange oriole eating my grape jelly. I haven't seen one for two days and thought they were gone for the summer....unless it is one that is headed south and found my jelly like the one that stopped at Carol Stalboerger's yesterday. The hummingbirds have been at the feeder this morning too....I think they will be around for a while yet.
The sun is shining and not a cloud in the sky....but a slight breeze causing small waves coming across from the south west....I hope that means it's bringing some warmth. The temp outside looks like about 54 and it's 66 in the cabin, so again I am hugging my coffee cup to warm up my hands.
My face looks so much better this morning....no new spots and some of the old ones are fading....however, my allergies have puffed up my eyes, so I still look like hell. I have card club this evening, so going to have to use a lot of concealer make up so I don't scare them. Hopefully my allergy med will kick in and take down the puffy eyes. Actually I can already feel it draining.
Today I get to pack up and move back to the city....it has been a great 8 days, but I'm kinda looking forward to getting my mail and watching the news etc. Things I don't get to do here...or even want to do here. I have card club this evening and then chemo again tomorrow, but it is the last time till I go to Mayo, and hopefully with all your prayers, it will be the last for a long....long....time. My hair is getting so thin, I'm almost ready for a wig, I'm going for the comb over look right now. This dry and cracking skin and hideous rash are getting to me, and I'm ready for a break. Okay enough complaining....keep those thoughts and prayers coming! Love and prayers, m
The sun is shining and not a cloud in the sky....but a slight breeze causing small waves coming across from the south west....I hope that means it's bringing some warmth. The temp outside looks like about 54 and it's 66 in the cabin, so again I am hugging my coffee cup to warm up my hands.
My face looks so much better this morning....no new spots and some of the old ones are fading....however, my allergies have puffed up my eyes, so I still look like hell. I have card club this evening, so going to have to use a lot of concealer make up so I don't scare them. Hopefully my allergy med will kick in and take down the puffy eyes. Actually I can already feel it draining.
Today I get to pack up and move back to the city....it has been a great 8 days, but I'm kinda looking forward to getting my mail and watching the news etc. Things I don't get to do here...or even want to do here. I have card club this evening and then chemo again tomorrow, but it is the last time till I go to Mayo, and hopefully with all your prayers, it will be the last for a long....long....time. My hair is getting so thin, I'm almost ready for a wig, I'm going for the comb over look right now. This dry and cracking skin and hideous rash are getting to me, and I'm ready for a break. Okay enough complaining....keep those thoughts and prayers coming! Love and prayers, m
Monday, September 5, 2011
Brisk Sunny Morning
The lake is like glass, the sun is shining, and there isn't a cloud in the sky. It's like the wind the last two days has blown all the clouds, birds and people away. All I've seen for birds this morning are sparrows and chickadee's...not even the faithful nuthatch. All the neighbors left yesterday along with all my company. The thermometer says 54 and the house thermostat says 66 and I'm bundled up hoping my morning coffee will warm me up. I even closed the bathroom window last night.
School starts for most of my grandkids (The MN ones) tomorrow, and soon I'll be attending cross-country meets (actually I think they already started last week)so I think it is officially Fall, even if it's not September 21.
Yesterday I pretty much did nothing other than add a second load of wash, and dry and fold 2 loads (Jimbo had started the first before they left). I did make up Judy's bed, so when she comes back it has nice clean sheets. Oh....I did water some of the flowers that the rain didn't get to the other night. But the rest of the day I watched TV and played computer games.
Today I have no big plans either....no updates on any of the relatives so basically nothing to report....this is really a boring blog today....sorry. My face is getting a little better, but I still look pretty freaky. I continue to put coconut oil and the prescription gel I have on it...but it is a slow process, and some heals and new spots pop up. I sure hope they don't give me that Erbitux this week with my chemo....I'd like to be looking good when I go down to Mayo on the 20th. For now, love and prayers, m
School starts for most of my grandkids (The MN ones) tomorrow, and soon I'll be attending cross-country meets (actually I think they already started last week)so I think it is officially Fall, even if it's not September 21.
Yesterday I pretty much did nothing other than add a second load of wash, and dry and fold 2 loads (Jimbo had started the first before they left). I did make up Judy's bed, so when she comes back it has nice clean sheets. Oh....I did water some of the flowers that the rain didn't get to the other night. But the rest of the day I watched TV and played computer games.
Today I have no big plans either....no updates on any of the relatives so basically nothing to report....this is really a boring blog today....sorry. My face is getting a little better, but I still look pretty freaky. I continue to put coconut oil and the prescription gel I have on it...but it is a slow process, and some heals and new spots pop up. I sure hope they don't give me that Erbitux this week with my chemo....I'd like to be looking good when I go down to Mayo on the 20th. For now, love and prayers, m
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Fall is Here!
We all donned our sweatshirts and closed windows. The wind was blowing and the waves were white capping and the clouds kept rolling by. The orioles are feeding like crazy, but I still saw one this morning, so they haven't left town yet. It still was a fun day, Johnny and Donna were still here, and later in the afternoon Marilyn and Rob Aase came around 3 p.m. We had planned on a fish fry for dinner, so we took out all the fish we could find in the freezer, and put a pan of veggies on the grill around 4 for dinner and started to fry the fish about an hour later.....and went to the grill to get the veggies.....and low and behold they were cold....the grill had run out of gas about 5 minutes into the process and nobody noticed it....so we had to quickly nuke a big bowl of veggies, but had to do it in shifts but we finally got them heated by the time I had all the fish fried. Was a great a meal! Kind of a accumulation of the summer!!
Judy and I played a lot of cards while they sat out on the deck laughing and talking, and Judy and I both loved listening to the laughter....we didn't even have to know what they were talking about....just made you smile.
Waiting for the egg bake that Marilyn made for breakfast this morning, and they are all sitting around the dining room visiting again and I am having a hard time getting this written....cause I keep getting involved in the conversation. It's going to be so sad when they all leave today....even Judy has to leave me here. I don't plan on leaving till Tuesday afternoon. It'll give me a chance to do laundry.
Better get this posted, so I can eat breakfast. Love and prayers, m
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Lazy Morning
Stayed up late last night (really late...like 2 a.m.) but was having so much fun laughing and hearing stories that I didn't really notice how late it was getting. Jimbo's friend Johnny Brett and girlfriend Donna were here and we literly laughed till we cried. So needless to say I didn't get out of bed till late this morning, and then the crowd started waking and sitting around drinking coffee and laughing some more.
The funeral was very nice and nice to see Carol and the grandkids. It was small again,like Sandi's mom....but a holiday weekend and at 93 not many people around.
I got back to the cabin at about 1:30 and played some cards with Judy and then later in the afternoon Jimbo and Ann and the landscaper came in and the rest of the evening was filled with laughter and stories till he left, and then Johnny came and the laughter continued into the morning. What a fun afternoon and evening.
Not much planned for today...going into the farmer's market in a little bit....as soon as I get dressed.
Today is Tommy Kiecker's birthday, my grandson. I think he is 14 today. Happy Birthday Tommy, Love ya
My face is looking a lot better this morning. Not great but better. I'm on my last antibiotic pill, and the unmentionable it so much better too! Other than that....I got a note that Uncle John was home from the hospital, and they have to change his dressing twice a day....and then he has an infusion of antibiotics everyday. He has a pick line and they taught Florence how to do it....so she is now his nursemaid.
Oh, and the sun is shining!!! Love and prayers, m
The funeral was very nice and nice to see Carol and the grandkids. It was small again,like Sandi's mom....but a holiday weekend and at 93 not many people around.
I got back to the cabin at about 1:30 and played some cards with Judy and then later in the afternoon Jimbo and Ann and the landscaper came in and the rest of the evening was filled with laughter and stories till he left, and then Johnny came and the laughter continued into the morning. What a fun afternoon and evening.
Not much planned for today...going into the farmer's market in a little bit....as soon as I get dressed.
Today is Tommy Kiecker's birthday, my grandson. I think he is 14 today. Happy Birthday Tommy, Love ya
My face is looking a lot better this morning. Not great but better. I'm on my last antibiotic pill, and the unmentionable it so much better too! Other than that....I got a note that Uncle John was home from the hospital, and they have to change his dressing twice a day....and then he has an infusion of antibiotics everyday. He has a pick line and they taught Florence how to do it....so she is now his nursemaid.
Oh, and the sun is shining!!! Love and prayers, m
Friday, September 2, 2011
Still Dark and Gloomy
Don't know what the day will bring, but it is still overcast, dark an gloomy....I know I'm up a lot earlier than usual, and this may be how it looks at this hour of the morning, but I really don't think so. One good thing, the orioles are up this early too, and they haven't left yet. They are one of the first birds to leave in September, according to my bird book, and that explains the frenzied way they have been eating....we've filled the feeder several time a day the last couple of days. They come 2 and 3 or 4 to the feeder at once....I'm assuming that it is a family, mom, pop and 2 kids....at least that is what their coloring tells me.
I'm up early for the funeral this morning, and I need to shower and get going, but I thought I would write a few lines before doing so.
Yesterday was a crazy day weather wise....the sun would shine, then clouds would roll in an it rained, then the sun would shine, then it would thunder, and finally by late afternoon, the sun won out and it was like a sauna out there. Jim and Ann came after dinner, and after they got unpacked an settled in, Judy and I played criss-cross with them. They won 2 out of 3 games, but the one we won we really walloped them....so much that if you total the scores of the three games we scored the most points overall. So I was feeling pretty good about that.
Judy didn't sleep well last night, so she has bailed out on me for the day, an I better get going or I'll be late. Love and prayers, m
I'm up early for the funeral this morning, and I need to shower and get going, but I thought I would write a few lines before doing so.
Yesterday was a crazy day weather wise....the sun would shine, then clouds would roll in an it rained, then the sun would shine, then it would thunder, and finally by late afternoon, the sun won out and it was like a sauna out there. Jim and Ann came after dinner, and after they got unpacked an settled in, Judy and I played criss-cross with them. They won 2 out of 3 games, but the one we won we really walloped them....so much that if you total the scores of the three games we scored the most points overall. So I was feeling pretty good about that.
Judy didn't sleep well last night, so she has bailed out on me for the day, an I better get going or I'll be late. Love and prayers, m
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Hungary Birds
It's going to be a hot one today....the sun is out....but still some haze across the lake. Breezy too. The orioles have been feeding constantly yesterday and this morning. I even added grape jelly twice yesterday, and will have to add again this morning. Yesterday one time I saw 7 or 8 orioles here at the same time...they kept moving, so I'm not sure if it was 7 or 8. Several times two were at the feeder fighting as to who got to eat first and even saw 3 there a couple of times. So fun to see them, but I think the fact that they are eating so much, means they are getting ready to leave, and I hate that....I'll miss them. The hummingbirds are also plumping up or the long winter vacation in the south. I guess it is September 1 today, and should expect it.
Phil stopped in a couple of times yesterday, and left a bunch of fish or Judy and me. He told me I looked like I have been beaten up....well he should see my face this morning, not that the rash is worse, it's about the same, but this morning, my sinus's are all puffy so I look almost like I have 2 black eyes. Hopefully as my allergy med kicks in I'll look better. I had Judy put lotion on my back again last night cause it's still dry too, but none as bad as my face. Hopefully I'll look better tomorrow when I go to the funeral. (Note the obit at the end of this blog)
Judy arrived around 6:30 we had dinner, visited a little with Phil, and then played some cribbage she won 2 out of 3 last night, but they were really close....the one time I won, we both had ended the last hand in the sink hole, and I was lucky enough to peg first and win. The other two were won because she got to count first....so it's not like she's skunking me. We ended the evening playing Gin, but had to call the game and go to bed....we'll finish it today.
I finally got hold of the diarrhea yesterday, but took two Imodium with my morning pills this morning just in case. I got a call from Aunt Loretta, as someone had told her of my problems and that I was alone...so sweet of her...but we kept getting cut off by my phone....finally after the 3rd call and having caught her up on all the Minnesota gossip we said goodbye.
Jimbo, Ann and Nick will come this evening, after they take Jack to Duluth. A sad day in the Jim Kiecker house. Other than that nothing going on except feeding the birds and playing cards...hope to avoid the heat, as well. I'm leaving early tomorrow for the funeral, so don't know if I'll write in the morning or not....maybe write late tonite, so you know I've survived another day. Love and prayers, m
Carol M. Stripsky (Kuth)
Stripsky, Carol M. (nee Kurth) 93. Resident of St. Therese, Hopkins formerly of Minneapolis, passed away 8/29/11 two days following her birthday. She was preceded in death by husband, Stephen & infant son, Stephen. Survivors include daughter, Carol (Bill Schoenecker); sons, Terry (Susan), Marc (Laurie) and Paul (Barbara); 12 grandchildren, 15 great- grandchildren and 2 great-great- grandchildren. Mass of Christian Burial Friday, 10 am at CHURCH OF ST. HELENA, 3204 E 43rd St., Minneapolis with visitation Thursday from 4 - 8 pm with a Prayer Service at 7 pm at BRADSHAW (McDivitt - Hauge), 3131 Minnehaha Ave So., Minneapolis & 1 hour prior to Mass at the church. Interment at Ft. Snelling National Cemetery. Bradshaw 612-724-3621
Phil stopped in a couple of times yesterday, and left a bunch of fish or Judy and me. He told me I looked like I have been beaten up....well he should see my face this morning, not that the rash is worse, it's about the same, but this morning, my sinus's are all puffy so I look almost like I have 2 black eyes. Hopefully as my allergy med kicks in I'll look better. I had Judy put lotion on my back again last night cause it's still dry too, but none as bad as my face. Hopefully I'll look better tomorrow when I go to the funeral. (Note the obit at the end of this blog)
Judy arrived around 6:30 we had dinner, visited a little with Phil, and then played some cribbage she won 2 out of 3 last night, but they were really close....the one time I won, we both had ended the last hand in the sink hole, and I was lucky enough to peg first and win. The other two were won because she got to count first....so it's not like she's skunking me. We ended the evening playing Gin, but had to call the game and go to bed....we'll finish it today.
I finally got hold of the diarrhea yesterday, but took two Imodium with my morning pills this morning just in case. I got a call from Aunt Loretta, as someone had told her of my problems and that I was alone...so sweet of her...but we kept getting cut off by my phone....finally after the 3rd call and having caught her up on all the Minnesota gossip we said goodbye.
Jimbo, Ann and Nick will come this evening, after they take Jack to Duluth. A sad day in the Jim Kiecker house. Other than that nothing going on except feeding the birds and playing cards...hope to avoid the heat, as well. I'm leaving early tomorrow for the funeral, so don't know if I'll write in the morning or not....maybe write late tonite, so you know I've survived another day. Love and prayers, m
Carol M. Stripsky (Kuth)
Stripsky, Carol M. (nee Kurth) 93. Resident of St. Therese, Hopkins formerly of Minneapolis, passed away 8/29/11 two days following her birthday. She was preceded in death by husband, Stephen & infant son, Stephen. Survivors include daughter, Carol (Bill Schoenecker); sons, Terry (Susan), Marc (Laurie) and Paul (Barbara); 12 grandchildren, 15 great- grandchildren and 2 great-great- grandchildren. Mass of Christian Burial Friday, 10 am at CHURCH OF ST. HELENA, 3204 E 43rd St., Minneapolis with visitation Thursday from 4 - 8 pm with a Prayer Service at 7 pm at BRADSHAW (McDivitt - Hauge), 3131 Minnehaha Ave So., Minneapolis & 1 hour prior to Mass at the church. Interment at Ft. Snelling National Cemetery. Bradshaw 612-724-3621
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