We celebrated last Sunday, but today is really his birthday....and the sun is shining and it's brisk. Great day for a birthday1! They'll celebrate again this evening in Duluth at the Edgewater waterpark.
I suppose you wonder how I know it's brisk? I forgot to put my garbage out last night...so in my pjs (I put my coat on over them) and slipper, I rushed out right after I got up and did it. It was brisk.
Yesterday was so windy (gusts up to 40 mph) and I went out shopping and when I got home (what little hair I have) was standing up straight....so when I later went to Tommy's cross country meet I was wearing a baseball cap! This may not sound unusual to you, but I don't think anyone has ever seen me wear one. It only blew off once
and I was able to hang onto it after that.
Tommy did well, but thought they were going to be running a 2 mile race, but the bike rider that lead them around the park, took a wrong turn and their not sure how far it was....but probably about 1 mile....or a little more. It only took Tommy 7:41 and he was the first of the Coon Rapids boys to finish. They were all so surprised when they saw the finish line. Tommy said if he knew it was only going to be 1 mile, he would have ran a lot faster from the beginning.
Today I am going down to Shakopee to Judy's to take her out for her birthday. I am meeting June and Len there too. Today is not only Matthew's birthday, but would have been Judy and Franks 50th Anniversary. So we're hoping to bring some cheer to the day. She plans on going to the cemetary this morning before we get there.
Should be a fun day for all. Other than my allergies driving me crazy (helped by the wind blowing all those allergens around) I'm doing great. Even the rash is toning down. Thank you for your prayers. Love and prayers, m
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