Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy "20" Anniversary Jim and Ann

Wow, I can't believe twenty years ago I had survived 3 weddings in five months! I've survived almost 5 months of chemo. Sorry to say the spots are still there....but they are STABLE, and the chemo will stop for at least the next 3 months till they do another CT scan and then will access and see what's up. I know the last six weeks or so, I have been praying that I would be done with least for awhile....and I guess those prayers have been answered. I also know I would not have made it through these last few months without all of your support. Your notes, cards, emails, phone calls, card games, lunches, smiles, laughter, hugs, kisses and love mean so much to me....and I thank you all so much.
Strange thing, the last two days in a row, I heard a Garth Brooks song on the radio when I was in the car...and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it means. It's "Unanswered Prayers" and the words are something like...."remember when your talking to the Man upstairs, just because He doesn't answer doesn't mean He don't care" and yes I know he cares....cause he's sent me all of you...but what does he have planned for me?...or what do I need to do?....I have to work on that!
Yesterday was a long day....had to fight with the department that checks on my they again didn't want to accept the 2 forms of identification that I have for it saying it is a "Power Port" (needed to do the CT scan) so delaying my CTscan by an hour. The nurse I talked to actually has put in a call to my surgeon at HP to have him put it in my permanent record at HP and fax it down to them so that it can be put in my permanent record at Mayo....which he had sorta done, but it was a handwritten note that he signed...and that's what they were questioning yesterday (funny it was good enough the last 3 times I had a CT scan there this year.) Oh well, I'll worry about that in 3 months when I go back for the next CT scan.
I didn't get home till 7 p.m.....just in time to watch the Biggest Loser and crash. I was tired and teary for a few hours, but Kathleen and Gary called and by the time I was off the phone I was laughing and feeling so much better! (Thanks guys) They may come to Georgia for Joe's birthday....hurray!!!
Nothing planned for today, slept in till 9 a.m. and haven't even eaten breakfast yet....much less get dressed....been on the computer or phone since I got up. Also have a request for prayers, for a close friend of my daughter-in-law Karen, who's dad may not have long to live, and she has to travel from Paris to Seattle and back to Chicago before she can even see him. She knows that the Kiecker's have a great prayer community and asked Karen for help in that area. You all are well known for your great prayers!! I'm living proof!!! Love and prayers, m

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