Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 2, Rd 9 and prayerfully the last!

They made an appointment for more chemo the end of September just in case...and as I related to Heather (Nurse Practitioner I saw yesterday inplace of Dr. Londer) I asked God to heal me before this all started last Spring, but didn't specify how. So I suppose chemo was the cure....I didn't give God a timeline for doing this either...obviously we know who is in control's not me. He has definitely sent me more blessings and grace than I can count or begin to thank Him for. I hope thanking you with hugs and kisses as often as I can will do the trick. When talking to another nurse yesterday, she said "He must have something for me to do here" I am still here after all of the near misses I have had with death. He's keeping me here for some reason. He isn't through with me yet. Funny this all brought back thoughts of some statistics I used to relate in my Valuing Your Sexuality classes that at 16 you think about sex ever 20 seconds and about God once a day or something like that (I can't remember the exact number) and at 65 it was just in reverse, you thought about God every 20 seconds. I think I was clearly there yesterday. God continues to surprise me all the time.
It was a busy day as this whole week has been. It has been like being on a treadmill. I had an 11:00 a.m. appointment with Heather, then the chemo at 11:30, but as my ankles and feet swelling was still an issue, Heather ordered an ultrasound of my legs to make sure I didn't have a clot (I didn't) I started chemo, then got interrupted by the ultrasound, and went back for the chemo to resume, which now took till 4:15, but at 4 p.m. was feeling a little light headed and crampy, so they gave me more Atropine, and then when I got unhooked at 4:15 they made me sit around till 4:30 to make sure I was okay to drive home. I was, and then had to drive home and pick up my booklet for the defensive driving class and rush to Baker's Square for a dinner appointment with Bonnie Sass that I just got an invitation to around 2 p.m. while getting my chemo. So from dinner I rushed to Defensive Driving class and only got there about 3 minutes late. But now have my certificate and will bring that to the Insurance Agent tomorrow to get my 10% discount.
Today I am going to Judy's and we are going to do a marathon cooking of 5 things, pulled pork and chicken, roasted veggies, tomato sauce, and rice pilaf. Rachael Rae has 30 meals recipes you can make with these 5 items and so we are going to cook all together, and divide between us, then freeze and be able to make 15 meals or we each are only cooking for one not a family of four. It should be a fun day. Phillip is also going to come and bring me my computer back and take a look at Judy's computer as well. So it should be a fun day.
Must get moving here to be there by 10 a.m. Love and prayers, m
P.S. the 10th person reading this today will be my 14,000 visitor. Congrats!

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