Thursday, September 8, 2011

NOT Day 2 of Round 9

When I got to HHH yesterday, I found out that the city had broken the main waterline to the building, and they were unable to go about business as usual. They let me see Dr. Londer, but they rescheduled my chemo til next Wednesday. I was really disappointed but there was nothing I could do about it. Dr. Londer thought my face looked worse than when I was there two weeks ago, and I chuckled to myself thinking he should have seen me last week....I thought my face was really looking good. (This morning, it is even better.) He tried to find a better way to treat it on the computer, but what they recommended is what I was already using. He thinks my unmentionable should be getting better with the same antibiotic as my rash, so he didn't give me more amoxicilin...which disappoints me but we'll see. I think I will try to see the surgeon at Mayo who did my surgery last fall, and see if this has anything to do with the fistula I had in the Spring. I plan on making a call to Mayo today to see if I can get an appointment on the 20th when I am there.
Dr. Londer did give me a prescription for Lasix to get rid of the fluid I've been gathering in my feet and ankles since last week, and I took one as soon as I got home yesterday and I've already lost 7 lbs....crazy. I have ankles again!
Judy drove all the way from Shokopee to Robbinsdale (about 20 miles for those non Minnesotans) to sit with I took her out for breakfast. She had lots to do, so it wasn't so bad, but I really appreciate her coming....she'll be back next Wednesday too.
As I don't have to get unplugged tomorrow, I'm going back to the cabin this afternoon. I have a luncheon date that I've changed twice so I figured I better keep it or Laurie would think it was her I was avoiding. It started out to be to celebrate her birthday which was 3 week ago.
Judy is coming up later this afternoon to spend the weekend with me. I'm sure we'll play some more cards. It is the St. Ignasious church celebration on Saturday and they have a polka Mass at 4 and then a pork chop dinner so Judy and I will take that in. On Sunday I have to be back to work at the St. Tim's Fall Carnival, so we will leave early on Sunday to come back to the city. Have a very busy week coming that I've added chemo to's even busier. Must get packing, Love and prayers, m

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