Friday, September 2, 2011

Still Dark and Gloomy

Don't know what the day will bring, but it is still overcast, dark an gloomy....I know I'm up a lot earlier than usual, and this may be how it looks at this hour of the morning, but I really don't think so. One good thing, the orioles are up this early too, and they haven't left yet. They are one of the first birds to leave in September, according to my bird book, and that explains the frenzied way they have been eating....we've filled the feeder several time a day the last couple of days. They come 2 and 3 or 4 to the feeder at once....I'm assuming that it is a family, mom, pop and 2 least that is what their coloring tells me.
I'm up early for the funeral this morning, and I need to shower and get going, but I thought I would write a few lines before doing so.
Yesterday was a crazy day weather wise....the sun would shine, then clouds would roll in an it rained, then the sun would shine, then it would thunder, and finally by late afternoon, the sun won out and it was like a sauna out there. Jim and Ann came after dinner, and after they got unpacked an settled in, Judy and I played criss-cross with them. They won 2 out of 3 games, but the one we won we really walloped much that if you total the scores of the three games we scored the most points overall. So I was feeling pretty good about that.
Judy didn't sleep well last night, so she has bailed out on me for the day, an I better get going or I'll be late. Love and prayers, m

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