Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Really Day 1, Round 9....Let's Hope!!

Is it really still summer? I know it's next week that we start Fall, but it feels like we are going right into winter. I feel really bad for the farmers and other's that this freeze and frost might effect tonight. I'll be bundling up before I go out today, and will be happy to be indoors cooking tomorrow, where the kitchen is warm.
I haven't talked much about the birds since being at home this week, and after I finished writing yesterday I had a whole flock come to the feeders at once. I had finch, chickadee, nuthatch and woodpeckers all here. It was like they all flew in to remind me that I hadn't mentioned them in the blog. Literately all at once...I must of had a dozen birds here.
Yesterday was a busy day, luckily it didn't start getting busy till 11:30 when I picked up the meals to deliver for Meals on Wheels. Then I came home and ate lunch did a little filing and sorting through the pile of mail that I've been ignoring. Then headed for the theater to meet Bonnie Sass. We saw "The Help" which I had read but Bonnie hadn't, it was really a good book, but she just couldn't get into it for some reason and gave it back to me without reading. But she really liked the movie and so did I. The movie didn't develop the characters as well as the book did, but it did keep to the story line of the book. Bonnie is giving second thought to reading the book now.
From there I rushed home and ate dinner and then headed out again to the "North Suburban Women's Club" meeting. It was really interesting. They had a couple of Alpaca's outside and some women spinning yarn out of their fur inside. So we got to see where the wool comes from (really cute animals) how they card it and then how they spin it. Very interesting program. Then we had our usual meeting, and got to visit with those I haven't seen all summer. Great Day all in all!!
Today I have that, what I hope, is my final round of chemo. It is the final before I go to Mayo next Tuesday, but the decision as to where I go from here will come from the results of that CT scan. Luckily I see the oncologist that same day, and will know before I come back home.
Judy will be coming down to Mayo with me, and she will be sitting with me again today. I don't see the doctor till 11 today, and then start chemo at 11:30, so I don't have to rush to much this morning....and neither does Judy. We'll maybe play some Gin, but do have to make some reservations for next Monday night in Rochester, and also for our hotel in Athens, GA when we go to Joe's 70th Birthday party in about a month.
Please keep the prayers coming my way, I'm really feeling done with this chemo thing, lets pray the Ct scan and doctors think the same. Love and prayers, m

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