I'm optimistic that this will be my final treatment....at least for a long long time. Judy brought me a gift to Day 1, Rd 9, and the card had a butterfly on it, and she added next to it "The last butterfly leaving". As you know the cancer meditation I have used has the cancer turning into butterflies and flying away...so let's hope that was it! She also had in the bag the cutest boiled wool red purse...I can't wait to change over to it...She thinks it looks just like me...hope I'm that cute!
Yesterday, Judy and I did a marathon cooking thing, while my brother Phil worked on our computers. I now have my desktop computer working fantastically, and Judy has her's working so much faster as well as her laptop working too. I really think he should go into the business...unfortunately we only paid for the parts and fed him lunch and sent him home with a bag of food.
When I left the house yesterday I was trying to get to Judy's house by 10 a.m. and had the car packed and ran out to the car at 9:20 a.m. but had to rush back in the house as I still had my slippers on....then drove off and got about 4 blocks away, and remembered I was supposed to bring some big kettles, so I turned around and went back home and now it was 9:31 as I left the second time. But still got to her house at about 10:10....so not too bad. We started the pulled pork recipe with 10 lbs of pork shoulder cut up in chunks and most of the fat cut off...but my roast was still frozen so we had to put it in the microwave to thaw for about 20 minutes...slowing down the process a lot....but by 11 I think we had the pork roasting with lemon, garlic, pepper and EVOO rubbed over the chunks....soon it was smelling fantastic. Then we started the Tomato sauce in a huge soup kettle (the one I went home for)...and also started a pot of succotash soup for lunch for the three of us. We had that ready to eat by 1 p.m. and then went on to the roasted veggies, peppers, onions, squash, and some smaller red, yellow and orange peppers. (Judy was in heaven). After that we roasting the chicken breasts and thighs. We both bought more chicken than it called for....so we just got more packages of chicken than we needed, but were happy to have it. The final job was making a huge kettle of rice pilaf. When that was done, we used some of the chicken and added it to the rice pilaf and had it for dinner. After packing all the different items in freezer bags in 1 or 1 1/2 cup packages, we each had a ton of food to freeze to make 20 different recipes or use some of our own. Great fun and food, and I was out of there by 7:22 and home by 8 p.m. Happy to sit in the car and happy to be done, but well worth it all.
Today I slept in till 9 a.m. and have not moved much from my chair and the computer...therefore this is a little later than it has been for a while....yesterday and all week I felt like I've been on a treadmill....each day was packed with mostly fun events...and a few required like the defensive driving classes or chemo. So today, I only have to go get unplugged at 2:30 so no rush this morning.
Just read on Facebook that Louise Hoyt is just finished with her final chemo treatment and gets really sick for 2 weeks following, so please keep her in your prayers too! Also saw a great magazine article about Kick's Shoes, congrats Tom and Karen great article and great picture of the two of you. Loved it. Enough for today, love and prayers, m
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