I just sat down to write this and looked up from my computer and there was a beautiful orange oriole eating my grape jelly. I haven't seen one for two days and thought they were gone for the summer....unless it is one that is headed south and found my jelly like the one that stopped at Carol Stalboerger's yesterday. The hummingbirds have been at the feeder this morning too....I think they will be around for a while yet.
The sun is shining and not a cloud in the sky....but a slight breeze causing small waves coming across from the south west....I hope that means it's bringing some warmth. The temp outside looks like about 54 and it's 66 in the cabin, so again I am hugging my coffee cup to warm up my hands.
My face looks so much better this morning....no new spots and some of the old ones are fading....however, my allergies have puffed up my eyes, so I still look like hell. I have card club this evening, so going to have to use a lot of concealer make up so I don't scare them. Hopefully my allergy med will kick in and take down the puffy eyes. Actually I can already feel it draining.
Today I get to pack up and move back to the city....it has been a great 8 days, but I'm kinda looking forward to getting my mail and watching the news etc. Things I don't get to do here...or even want to do here. I have card club this evening and then chemo again tomorrow, but it is the last time till I go to Mayo, and hopefully with all your prayers, it will be the last for a long....long....time. My hair is getting so thin, I'm almost ready for a wig, I'm going for the comb over look right now. This dry and cracking skin and hideous rash are getting to me, and I'm ready for a break. Okay enough complaining....keep those thoughts and prayers coming! Love and prayers, m
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