Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 1, Round 9

Well for sure I know this is the last chemo before the CT scan at Mayo, but my prayers are that is is the last chemo. That means that when I have that CT scan they find no spots, and that the oncologist at Mayo thinks that they should just watch me for 3 months and then have another CT scan. I believe that they would do a scan every 3 months for the first year. This summer the scan showed that the 3 spots had shrunk but were still there, and that was after 4 rounds of 5 more should darn well have done the trick.
My face is a little better again this morning, and I was able to cover it up pretty well last night for card club, but I had to put a lot of concealer on as well as make up over that. They thought I looked good, so the concealer does work well. But I don't think I will put any on this morning, so the doctor can see that it hasn't improved since I was there two weeks ago. My unmentionable also needs more antibiotics so need to talk to him about that too. That and my swollen feet and ankles. Don't know what is causing that either....I suppose a side effect from one of the drugs.
Must get dressed, I need to eat and get out of here within the hour. The sun is shining (a good sign). Love and prayers, m

The other day I titled my blog "Surprise me God" well today I got a surprise!
I went to HHH in Robbinsdale this morning, and when I got there found out that the city had caused a break in the waterline, and so they were cancelling everyone's chemo, and labs for the day. I did get to see Dr. Londer...funny, he thought my face looked worse that it did two weeks ago...he should have seen it last week!!.....anyway he is hoping waiting another week without chemo and the targeted drug will help all my problems, he also prescribed lasix to get rid of the fluid I'm holding in my feet and ankles...when I got on the scale this morning....I was 5 lbs heavier than I was 2 weeks must be all the fluid. However, he figures the antibiotic I'm taking for the rash should help my other problem too, so didn't give me more amoxicilin like I hoped.
Poor Judy had driven all the way up from Shakopee to sit with me for I took her out for breakfast! Thanks Judy!!! Love ya, m

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