Moving a little slow this morning, didn't get out of bed till 9 a.m. and not motivated to move much at all with no sun...but I need to get going to see what I can do at Bill and Kim's big move in day. I have a party to go to this afternoon, and then back to Bill and Kims for Tommy's birthday party....his birthday was really 2 weeks ago, but finally found a time when they could celebrate. Annie has had the same problem with her family and has finally scheduled a party for all three of them next Sunday...close to Matthew and Nicoles but Allie's was in July.
I did get a few things done taking my newly awarded certificate for Defensive Driving class to the insurance agent to get my $77 discount. So I guess it was worth the two evenings of classes. It will give me that same discount for 3 years.
Then I went to Costco and got gas....I was really low...I don't usually let it get that low, but it took 17+ gallons....eek! From there I headed over to I had a 30% discount coupon, so I picked up a couple of outfits for Matthew, and some clearance items for myself. Was looking for a dehumidifier for the cabin, but I guess I'll have to check out Menards for that....or maybe Target. Then I went over to HHH to get unplugged. YIPPEE!!
When I got out of the car at HHH I was light headed, and have had that happen when I get up fast ever since I got hooked up on Wednesday. So they spent a little time checking my blood pressure etc. But all seemed to be fine, so they told me to stop taking the lasix...since it didn't seem to be helping much...make sure I was drinking a lot of water...which I haven't been....and let them know if I'm still having the problem on Monday. So I drank almost 1/2 gallon of water during the afternoon and evening. Only got up to go to the bathroom once during the night. I don't know where it went, cause my ankles look pretty good this morning.
On the way home from HHH I stopped at Cub to get three items, and came out with about 9...went in for salsa, crystal light peach tea and banana's (as my potassium is still low) and came home with lettuce, zucchini, avocado, cilantro, chips and the things I went in for.
Got home and relaxed for a while, then headed for the laundry...only had two large loads to do, and I succeeded in getting it done, but it was about 11 p.m. before I finished. I forgot to take my 5 p.m. steroid, and took it around needless to say, I was up till almost 1 a.m. this morning...thus sleeping to 9 a.m. and not moving fast this morning.
I also fit in some chicken broth making with the chicken I bought earlier in the week at Costco. Pulled all the meat off the bones and cooked it up. I need to skim the fat off the top this morning, and then I'll make some soup....boy I'm really in the cooking spirit this week.
Well it's about time to get moving and get over to the house to help Bill and Kim move in. Don't know what help I'll be....but I'll at least be there for moral support.
Talked to Uncle John last night, and he asked the doctor and they won't let him travel to Athens for Joe's birthday party, but he is doing pretty well. Keep saying those prayers for him. He said he is able to walk around the house now, which was something he couldn't do before the surgery. Thank you God!!
Looking forward to great results of my CT scan on Tuesday. Love and prayers, m
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