Love it! I always feel so much better when the sun is shining. I should get a lot done today...although at this point I don't have any specific plans.
It did finally rain yesterday, but not a hard heavy rain, just a light sprinkling. I'm sure the flowers and grass appreciated it anyway.
I got some more cleaning done....don't know what got into me, but I vacuumed two days in a row....not the same floor....the basement this time. Also did wash three loads of clothes. So even though it was a rainy day I did accomplish somethings. Then last night or at around 5:15 I left for Debbies to see Denise who was in town from California. Jeannie and Janet also were there, and several of Gary's family and friends as it was Gary's birthday. Didn't realize that in didn't go prepared with a gift.....but we did sing Happy birthday and had him blow out a candle (only 1...they didn't have 58)...and he still needed his grandson to help.
Denise and Debbie had made a trip to Kimball and Knaus's meat market to pick up several pound of their sausage. While they were there, they got to visit with the original owner's son (now in his 70's) who remembered my dad, so he had some stories to tell them about some of dad's visit to the meat market, and they even got their picture taken with him and several yards of sausage!!! Debbie was willing to share that sausage with us last night, but Denise was saving her's to take home and savor in weeks to come. Conversation for the evening was a lot about our parents and all the fun they had as we were growing up.
Adding to the reminiscing for the day, was my lunch time TV watching. Most noon hours I watch "Polka Spotlight" a local cable program that has local old time and country western bands and dancing. As I was watching yesterday, they played "Sue City Sue" one of the favorites of my Uncle Ray and he would play and sing it for Doris, his wife who was from Iowa. When we were growing up and the family would gather, one of the uncles (or two or three) would play guitar or harmonica and we would always have songs fests! So that and "You are My Sunshine" were always sung. Most of yesterday was filled with lots of great memories and "Sue City Sue" played in my head all afternoon.
I still don't know what today will bring....I may do some shopping for the October birthdays, but for sure I will get out and enjoy the beautiful day. Love and prayers, m
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