Up early this morning, as I am playing grandma Taxi driver today! Bill and Kim are leaving early to go to Duluth to watch the cross country meet. Leaving Tommy at home as he has a scout project to work on. He needs to get to and from another scouts homes for this, and I volunteered to do that.
Luckily the sun is shining....or I'd still be groggie. I can't believe it is already October....Yikes.....Jimbo's birthday is almost here.
Besides playing taxi...I need to do some birthday shopping...that and run to the bank etc. So I'll have a busy morning. This afternoon, I'll be going to the Schoenecker Cousins Picnic. Always fun to see those cousins....fraternal cousins....mostly I see maternal cousins. I don't want to lose contact with the Schoeneckers and other than Facebook this is my only contact right now.
Yesterday I met June and Len at Judy's house, and then we headed to Dangerfields in Shakopee for lunch. Took our time, doing a lot of talking and laughing. The food was good, but the company was better. Following lunch we went back to Judy's and continued the conversations. Then headed home in massive traffic....should have left earlier.
Well this taxi driver better get dressed and get moving. Love and prayers, m
Thank you for all the nice gifts and thank you mostly for coming out and going to lunch. I so enjoyed having company yesterday. JV