Monday, October 17, 2011

Sunny and Crisp!

I love seeing the sun....but I wish the wind would die down. It was windier yesterday on the lake then it was the day before. The weatherman said today was going to be a carbon copy of yesterday, so I'm sure the waves are still white capping on Sylvia.
I did a bunch of cleaning and then rushed out of the cabin a little after 1:30, I told Judy that I would bring my old lap top half way to her when she got done lunching with her widow group. She was in Eden Prairie, so we figured the Panera at Knollwood (169 and 7) was about half way for each of us. So I needed to get home, and get the computer before she called to tell me she was leaving. She thought it would be about 2:30 so I was already late in my mind. Luckily Judy didn't call till about 3;05, I was already home and had put all the stuff I brought home away, and gone through my mail.
I no more than got home and I was back in the car again. When I got to Panera, I decided I'd have a bowl of soup and an ice tea. Not thinking of how caffeine affects me later in the day (after noon). Sure enough, I was awake till after 4 a.m. tossing and turning...even though I was yawning when I went to bed about 11:30. The black bean soup I had didn't help my gut was rumbling and bubbling all evening. Stupid choices.
I made the mistake of watching the Vikings get tramped on by the Bears too, but I was playing Fantasy Football against Jack, and he had Forte playing, so I wanted to watch my FF score. I was pretty close before the game started, and thought I would have a chance of winning this week, but I only have a wide receiver playing tonight and I doubt he'll get me the points I need to beat Jack. I was hoping to win this week (well every week) but now I'll slip to the middle of the pack. Congrats Jack!!
I have an appointment to have my hair cut and colored today....I'm braving it!!! If it all falls out (what little I have) I'll just get a wig. Otherwise the color will make me feel better than these gray roots I have. Two inches of gray make me look like I have even less hair than I a solid color will help. I hate my gray hair. I also think the color will give me some body. We can only hope!!
Then I have to get a few more things done around the house. Love and prayers, m

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