Saturday, October 8, 2011

Here Comes the Rain

Had to turn the light on over the dining room table, as it's so dark in here this morning. It'a not cold....68 aleady....or still. Judy is reading a book "Children of Holland" that she got from her sister-in-law last night. She is reading the chapter about St. Nicholas to me out loud. So talking about winter and snow and ice skating and building snowmen and actually having St. Nick come to the house and talking to the kids about being good....and bringing them fruit and candy and nuts. I am reminded that Dec. 5th isn't that far away.

I left my power cord for the computer at I only have 1 hour left in the I have to type fast...or think faster. So this may be short.

Had a wonderful brunch with Rita yesterday and we sat at Panera talking till well after noon. I bet you don't believe we talked that long....well we did. It was so fun to get caught up as hadn't had a chance to see each other since spring. (I just heard's gonna rain soon) Rita and Tom are going to Florida this year. They usually go there, but last year they went to Arizona for a change....but decided they really like Florida better. Last Spring, they came up to Sedona and took me back to Phoenix for the night and then took me to the airport the next morning.

I didn't get to the cabin till around 3:30 p.m. but Judy didn't get here till 9:15 or so....I was watching the last 3 minutes of the Lynx game, and couldn't go up to greet her till the game was over....and they WON! First National Championship Minnesota has had in twenty years....that's when the Twins last won. Great game to watch.

Today we will have to play get in shape for Georgia....besides if it's raining, there isn't much else to do. Whatever we do, it will be fun having company and visiting.

Must go and help Judy make our omelets for breakfast.

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