Thursday, October 6, 2011

Breezie But Beautiful

My largest tree is nearly void of all leaves, but in todays breeze what few I have float to the ground every now and then. Across the lake the trees make a fall beautiful picture of red, yellow and oranges with an evergreen mixed in. The morning sun makes it even more spectacular.
Yesterday was spectacular as well....not only was it Jimbo's birthday, but the stumps got removed too! Here are pictures of the remote controlled equipment that did the job:

It was like an adult toy. He was in and out of here within 30 minutes...what a good deal that was. Will recommend him to anyone who needs some stumps ground-out.

Today I'm going to pack up around noon and head back to the city to see the grandkids (Tommy, Katie, Allie and Nicole) all run in a cross country meet in Blaine. Then tomorrow morning having brunch with my friend Rita, and then hope to come back to the cabin for the weekend. I think Judy will come up tomorrow afternoon and practice playing cards with we can beat Kathleen and Gary during our trip. Gary's trying to come up with a tournament plan. What ever it is....we'll be playing cards for sure!!

No chipmunks this week....hope they are hybernating for the winter and that the local cat that has been hanging around didn't get them. Just saw the mother cat and three kittens come up the steps from below the hill. They were hanging around the bird feeder till I went out and chased them away. Don't know who they belong too, but I wish they would stay away from my chipmunks. Funny, haven't seen any squirrels either. I wonder if they have gone back into the woods for the winter too? Or has the cat got them as well?

I'm feeling good, and almost no signs of the rash on my face. I see signs of regrowth of fuzz on my head...but not enough that it is covering the bald spots. Can't wait till Jan (by beauty operator as they called them in the old days....what do they call them now? beautician or hairdresser? dear friend?) can cut and color it. I hope to have it done before I go to Georgia in a few weeks, until then I'm using a tinted shampoo, but doesn't seem to make any difference. Keep those thoughts and prayers coming, Love and prayers, m

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