These particular mice were not moving fast. On my way to the laundry room I saw the first one....and he wasn't moving....or at least not very fast, and I immediately called Doug (got Annie as he was at Hockey with Allie). So Annie said she would send him over on his way home. By that time the mouse had moved twice, but I was able to still see him, but when Doug got here we couldn't find it....assuming it had gone for water as I had Deacon set out since last Fall, we figured he had gone toward the drain. But we didn't see him. So he said he'd be back this morning and set some traps. Well, I couldn't stop looking for that stupid mouse (or maybe I was the stupid one). After several trips to the laundry room, I finally noticed the mouse near my shelving in the laundry room, and again he wasn't moving. So I took an ice cream pail and put it over it....hoping it would still be there when Doug came back in the morning.
This morning, I woke up at 9:20 and jumped out of bed as I remembered that Doug was coming to set traps. Well, to my surprise, Doug was already here....or had been....I couldn't find him, but his car was in the driveway and the back door was open. So I went back down the basement looking for Doug, and what do I see but a mouse about 4 feet from the ice cream pail that I had put over the mouse last night. So I immediately ran back upstairs and called Doug on his cell....but got no answer....left him a message and figured he was at Boes's as I saw Ryan's truck there. Sure enough, when Ryan left so did Doug, who came back to hunt mice with me.
We went down and I showed him the mouse still in the same spot I saw it about 15 minutes earlier, so he got another ice cream pail and the broom, and swept it into the bucket...he was still moving, but not very quick. So then I said check under that pail and see if that's the one we caught or were their two? Sure enough his tail was still sticking out from under the bucket, and he was almost dead not moving at all. So now we had two mice caught....pretty good work before 10 a.m. Doug will come back at noon, and set a couple of traps and place some more deacon around the basement, as all I had seems to be gone. Me, I'm just creeping out, watching each time I open a cupboard or closet, expecting to see another mouse!
Other than that not much excitement around here....still packing and a few packages (Halloween cards etc) to deliver before I leave tomorrow, but first I need to take a shower and get dressed and go buy those traps and deacon before Doug comes back at noon. Love and prayers, m
P.S. A big thank you to Doug for demousing my house!!
Oh how the mice do run. Glad you found them before you left as they would be kindof stinky by the time we get back. By the time you read this I will be at the airport waiting to get on a plane so see you later. JV