Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's All Judys Fault!

I've been talking to Judy since I got up as she has to leave in a few that's why I'm late in writing. Okay, she's gone, and I can write!

I'm including a picture of the white caps from yesterday, and the lake is still like that if not worse. So windy....and from the North, so not a warm wind.

The guys (Jimbo, Bill and Doug) came up yesterday and got the pontoon and dock out well before noon yesterday, luckily I had the sloppy joes ready cause they were starving and scarfed down about 3 each before they left. Thanks Guys!!!

Judy and I worked on our craft projects, and had them done by noon too. So we did get a few more practice games of criss-cross in and then had a light snack in before getting showered and cleaned up for the evening. Actually we ate about 3:30 and didn't get in the shower till 6 and 6:20 p.m. Got into town about 7:30 and then proceeded to ruin the days food intake allowance.

The Road-House was not crowded like we thought it would be, getting there at 7:30 so we could get dinner and a good seat before the band started at 9:00 was foolish thinking. But I highly recommend their was great...I highly recommend the deep fried pickles!!! It just wasn't low cal., low fat....or low carb food on the menu. But we tried to do our best. I had an order of pickles and a olive stuffed hamburger....Judy had chips and salsa and a Rachel. (like a Reuben....only made with Turkey) The Turkey and sauerkraut with the dressing on the side wasn't bad...but it was grilled and a lot more fat than Judy wanted....but it was delicious anyway. I wasn't worried about the calories so I ordered the pickles and of course Judy had to eat some as they were so good, and once you had one you couldn't stop!! The only redeeming thing about them (for her diet) was the veggie in the middle. Oh and Judy had a light beer and I had a captain morgan and diet coke. Sorry Judy....that was all my fault....but Jimbo or whoever told me about the pickles gets part of the blame.
The band didn't start till a little after nine, Andy was thrilled to see us, and his brother Steve and sister-in-law Lynn also showed up....oh, and so did his daughter. So he had some family there. It was a pretty young crowd, and playing music for us old people didn't please the youngen's so he would throw in one for us every now and then, (like especially for me "Help Me Make it Through the Night" and Martin Zeller's Zamboni song.) but by 10:30 our ears were ringing, and we snuck out of there.
When we got back to the cabin we were so wired we had to play one more game of criss-cross, but both of us were so out of it, that we weren't concentrating very well. I did manage to out concentrate Judy and win by a few points....but it was close.
Got some cleaning and laundry to get done, and then I'm on my way back home too! Won't be back for a couple of weeks, but I'll be off to a new adventure!!! So looking forward to that. Maybe when I get back the landscaping will be done..not that I'll be holding my breath!
Till another day, Love and prayers, m

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