Sunday, October 9, 2011

Calm and Serene

Beautiful morning here at the cabin. The lake is calm the sun is shining, and the wind. (Sorry at this point the computer ran out of power and shut down this morning. I was about to say the wind has stopped blowing. The last two days at the cabin the wind was blowing like crazy. It pretended to rain twice yesterday....but didn't even get the deck wet....but during the night or early this morning it rained nicely. About 3/4 of an inch in the rain gauge. We really needed it. but now that I'm home it doesn't look like it rained here at all.
Judy and I played a bunch of criss-cross a 4 handed cribbage game. We named our partners Gene and Frank of course, and had to use their top card from their pile and that way we got a chance to practice playing. Gene and I won three out of five games, and Judy beat me in Gin I guess we are even.....or close to it.
This morning, we made a big breakfast, and striped the beds and did the wash and had it all folded before leaving at noon.
I got to listen to the Viking game all the way home, and got here and the TV on before the first half ended. I hope now that I'm watching on TV they continue to do as well as they did in the first quarter. Haven't had a chance to check my fantacy football team we'll see how that is doing shortly.
Got lunch with the retiree's tomorrow, but today I have all the kids coming for Chili super to celebrate Jimbo's birthday. Got it all ready to go, just waiting for the game to end and everyone to come. Have to squeeze it in between their busy schedules. Quite a feat for this family.
I'll try to be more prompt that I got the computer plugged into the wall. Love and prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. Sure had a good time playing Kris-Kross and hope we got enough practice in. Looks like I have a full schedule all week until Friday afternoon. Let me know if you will be up over the the weekend. I did get to the movie today and saw "The Help" Glad I read the book first. JV
