Friday, October 14, 2011

Gusty Winds but Sunny Sun

When I reached out the door it looked a little frosty out there and the wind is blowing, but as long as the sun is shining, I'm fine. I'm headed for the cabin, and I bet it's white capping up there.
Cousin Judy is meeting me, and we will do some crafts, and play some cards and then go see another cousin (Andy) and his band play at the local (old JJ's) Road House. So we should have plenty to do all weekend.
Today I'm almost ready to go....I just need to get dressed and finish packing the food I'm taking up with me. Then on my way, I plan on stopping at that great bakery in Elk River for some good bread. I hope to get a couple of loaves so I can serve one to my card club. It freezes well.
Got a call yesterday from another cousin Sue Marie, who lives in California and is coming home next weekend when I am headed to Georgia. It is her class reunion in Annandale, so she'll be in Annandale and I've invited her to use the cabin.
Unfortunately I won't be there to serve her breakfast! But it's a nice place to crash!
We must get packing! Love and prayers, m

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