It started sunny this morning, but the sun quickly disappeared, and it's not supposed to be back till Thursday when I leave. I can't believe how cold it actually is, and that it's not going to get out of the 40's today....brrrrrrrr.
I don't have anyplace to go, so I guess the cold won't bother me too much, but I do have to go get the mail, as I didn't do that yesterday either. It comes so late in the day now that I forget to go get it. When I say late I mean really 7 or 8 p.m. I guess our PO laid off about a dozen mail carriers, so everyone is doing double duty to get the mail delivered.
Which reminds me, I have to go online and cancel my paper and put a hold on my mail delivery, before I forget.
I have most everything done here in the house, going to do the kitchen floor today and get some laundry done....then tomorrow I'll actually pack my suitcase, I've been gathering stuff for the last couple of days, so it won't take me long when I do pack.
I feel like I'm coming down with a sinus thing, I'm sure it's cause the furnace is running so much, and the wind is blowing up so much junk. I'm hoping a change of scenery will help.
My hair turned out pretty least the process didn't make it all fall out. Jan started by moisturizing it (with 10 minutes under a dryer) then she cut it, and then colored it. Tried to lighten my new jet black eyebrows....but that didn't happen much. Eyebrows? For some reason, maybe the steroids I was on during chemo, have made my eyebrows come in thick and coarse,,,,kind of the Groucho Marxs look. So even though it fell out from my scalp, the eyebrows grew. It looks like I have more's still very thin. The new hair is only fuzz on my scalp and will take a couple of months to grow out. Maybe by Christmas.....that would be a great gift!
Must get busy, say a few prayers, that this sinus thing clears up. Love and prayers, m
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