The Sun is shining here just like in Vegas!! Only about 15 degree's cooler....and I don't believe what they say about it doesn't feel as hot as it does in Minnesota.
I suppose you're wondering why I'm so late in writing today. I have so much to tell you, but I just can't sit at the computer for any time without being in pain. As I came to the computer I wasn't feeling any pain as I walked, but sitting at the computer for only a few sentences was killing me. So I went back to the couch again, and watched some more olmypics, so I finally took the computer to the kitchen counter top. But that didn't work either, so I'll try again tomorrow. and prayers, m
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
What Happens in Vegas....:)
I am a horrible daughter-in-law! Have been meaning to post for 3 days now! Mary is away in Vegas... and you know the saying.. "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas".. So I'm assuming we won't get any blog posts about the cousins adventures, but it warms my heart knowing they're all together enjoying all that Vegas is! So all is well and hope that no one was concerned about Mary's well being!!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Sunny Sunny Day
So excited....but not packed completely, can't decided if I should bring one big suitcase, and put the camera bag in the suitcase, so that I don't have to carry it....or if I can fit it all in the smaller carry on suitcase that I am going to check.
I slept pretty well last night, and then this morning I took my meds and went to the couch to wait till they worked....and I didn't go right back to I ended up watching the Today Show and finally falling a sleep and didn't wake up till almost 9 a.m. I have had breakfast, checked my email, and now I'm writing this so I can finish packing when I'm done.
Yesterday I went to lunch with Rosie, Sandi and Ann, and they all had pictures to share and we always have lots to talk about. We didn't get out of the place till after 3:30. We were the only ones left in the place and they were setting up for the dinner rush. Rosie had pictures of their townhouse they are buying in Eugene Oregon and Sandi had pictures of her newest great niece that was born when we were in Boston. Ann of course had pictures of the wedding and all the gatherings that went along with it.
I came home and called the doctor's office to see if I could get a refill on the Ciperol, just in case as I don't want to think I need it and be in Vegas. So I should take my last pill on Friday morning, and I really feel like I need another week of the medicine. I haven't heard anything from them, so will put in another call this morning.
Must go pack my suitcase and get going here. Keep the prayers coming, Love and Prayers, m
I slept pretty well last night, and then this morning I took my meds and went to the couch to wait till they worked....and I didn't go right back to I ended up watching the Today Show and finally falling a sleep and didn't wake up till almost 9 a.m. I have had breakfast, checked my email, and now I'm writing this so I can finish packing when I'm done.
Yesterday I went to lunch with Rosie, Sandi and Ann, and they all had pictures to share and we always have lots to talk about. We didn't get out of the place till after 3:30. We were the only ones left in the place and they were setting up for the dinner rush. Rosie had pictures of their townhouse they are buying in Eugene Oregon and Sandi had pictures of her newest great niece that was born when we were in Boston. Ann of course had pictures of the wedding and all the gatherings that went along with it.
I came home and called the doctor's office to see if I could get a refill on the Ciperol, just in case as I don't want to think I need it and be in Vegas. So I should take my last pill on Friday morning, and I really feel like I need another week of the medicine. I haven't heard anything from them, so will put in another call this morning.
Must go pack my suitcase and get going here. Keep the prayers coming, Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
The Sun is Shining and So Am I
Even though I'm writing this late again!!!! I am feeling better and better each day. I did the old routine of getting up taking my pills and going back to the couch and again fell asleep watching the Today Show. I then got up at 9 a.m. and started answering email, and I had several to do. I sent a testimonial for Sheila Judd to her yesterday, and last night Karen (Kiecker in Naperville my editor) sent me a correction, so I had to quickly send that to Sheila cause she needs it for this weekend for a conference at Mayo. I'm honored that she asked me for the testimonial.
Then I finished up a survey for the SMA 50th Class Reunion and thought I sent it to Mary Cay who is collecting them and putting together a book, and she emailed me back this morning, that nothing was attached. So I had to go back and do that.
Then June emailed and wanted to know what time they should pick me up tomorrow so we would have plenty time tomorrow getting to the airport and running through to the gate if the plane leaves at 4:05 p.m., so I had to get out that info and figure that out.
Then they keep having interesting things on the Today Show, and I get side tracked while I'm entering this. That's why I'm still typing this at 10:30 p.m.
Today I am going to lunch with Sandi Hitch, Rosie Mortenson and Ann Christiansen. We try to get together every couple of months, and today was finally one we could all do that. Then when I come home I'll finish packing. When at the cabin a few weeks ago, Judy, Kathleen and I were at a store looking for birthday cards etc. and I bought about 5 cards, but now I can't find I may spend a little time looking for them, cause one was for this weekend to go with my gift. Kathleen says she had an extra of the same card if I can't find mine.
Judy has decided she is coming to Vegas with us, (Roger and Annie will be in the hands of Hospice) and will wait for June and I to arrive so we can all go to the Flamingo together. She is flying Delta, and June and I are on Sun Country. I can't wait to see everyone. So glad I'm feeling better. Love and Prayers, m
Then I finished up a survey for the SMA 50th Class Reunion and thought I sent it to Mary Cay who is collecting them and putting together a book, and she emailed me back this morning, that nothing was attached. So I had to go back and do that.
Then June emailed and wanted to know what time they should pick me up tomorrow so we would have plenty time tomorrow getting to the airport and running through to the gate if the plane leaves at 4:05 p.m., so I had to get out that info and figure that out.
Then they keep having interesting things on the Today Show, and I get side tracked while I'm entering this. That's why I'm still typing this at 10:30 p.m.
Today I am going to lunch with Sandi Hitch, Rosie Mortenson and Ann Christiansen. We try to get together every couple of months, and today was finally one we could all do that. Then when I come home I'll finish packing. When at the cabin a few weeks ago, Judy, Kathleen and I were at a store looking for birthday cards etc. and I bought about 5 cards, but now I can't find I may spend a little time looking for them, cause one was for this weekend to go with my gift. Kathleen says she had an extra of the same card if I can't find mine.
Judy has decided she is coming to Vegas with us, (Roger and Annie will be in the hands of Hospice) and will wait for June and I to arrive so we can all go to the Flamingo together. She is flying Delta, and June and I are on Sun Country. I can't wait to see everyone. So glad I'm feeling better. Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Where is My Sun
Good Morning.....I know it's almost noon....or at least halfway there. I got up a 6:45 a.m. and got up and took my morning meds, and went to the couch and turned the TV on....but fell back asleep and didn't get up till 9:30 a.m. and then had to check out my email and get dressed, so finally here I am. I am feeling better than yesterday and each day seems to get me back on the road to Vegas!!
I started packing yesterday afternoon after Annie and Matthew left. Thank you, Thank you Annie. She did my laundry cleaned my garage, vacuumed down the spiderwebs in the stairwell to the basement. She may have cleaned some in the basement as well, but I haven't gotten down to check yet. Matthew built what he called his best train track ever, and had to draw a picture of it, so that when he got home he could reproduce it in his room. I must admit that the train track which had three different trains and the drawing of it was really good
I cleaned out my makeup bag so I'm not taking things I really haven't used in the last 3 trips I've taken. Started gathering what I think I will. I wrote a testimonial for Sheila who does my Qigong. I go to see here this afternoon at 3 p.m. and needed to have it for her.
Phil, emailed to see if I would be home today, so he could bring out the tripod for the camera he wants me to take to Vegas. So he will be here soon....cause he said noonish!! I will continue to pack and I have a few other business things I need to take care of. Like cancelling the newspaper and mail hold etc. Not a very interesting day. But hopefully I will get stronger as the day goes on and the qigong will help with that too!
Love and Prayers, m
I started packing yesterday afternoon after Annie and Matthew left. Thank you, Thank you Annie. She did my laundry cleaned my garage, vacuumed down the spiderwebs in the stairwell to the basement. She may have cleaned some in the basement as well, but I haven't gotten down to check yet. Matthew built what he called his best train track ever, and had to draw a picture of it, so that when he got home he could reproduce it in his room. I must admit that the train track which had three different trains and the drawing of it was really good
I cleaned out my makeup bag so I'm not taking things I really haven't used in the last 3 trips I've taken. Started gathering what I think I will. I wrote a testimonial for Sheila who does my Qigong. I go to see here this afternoon at 3 p.m. and needed to have it for her.
Phil, emailed to see if I would be home today, so he could bring out the tripod for the camera he wants me to take to Vegas. So he will be here soon....cause he said noonish!! I will continue to pack and I have a few other business things I need to take care of. Like cancelling the newspaper and mail hold etc. Not a very interesting day. But hopefully I will get stronger as the day goes on and the qigong will help with that too!
Love and Prayers, m
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sun is Finally Shining
I'm feeling so much better. I think the Ciperol finally took hold earlier yesterday, and I continued to get better as the day went on. I took a long hot shower, washed my hair and but on clean PJs. I now think I will live. I did call in the troops.....Annie said she would come this morning and bring me the few things I needed her to find for me.....and help me with the laundry. Then later yesterday afternoon, I called her and asked her if she would also bring me some Boost or Ensure and she said she would....and then asked if I wanted it she was picking up Allie and Matthew from Hockey in Blaine, and could bring some now. So I said yes. Well it wasn't exactly now....but she, Matthew and Allie came around 7:30. Opened and drank one of them right away. My appetite came back yesterday and I decided I needed to boost it up as well as adding to my fluids too. They left in time to take Allie back to more Hockey.
This morning she and Matthew came back and she got right to work, and so did Matthew building a large track in my living room. (I watching the Special Report on the mass murderer in Colorado and that's why this is taking me so long) Sorry this is taking me so long, but I keep getting interrupted.
Annie was able to get everything I had on my list for her to buy and she's well on the way with the laundry. I guess they were at the cabin over the weekend, and Matthew got to go tubing. He and His dad were on the tube together and Matthew reported that his mom is a crazy driver and went over a big wave and he flew up and his dad had to catch him by the foot and bring him back down. He said she is even crazier that Uncle Tom when it comes to driving the boat. He loved telling me that. Well, I better get this posted before you all think I worse instead of better. Love ya, m
This morning she and Matthew came back and she got right to work, and so did Matthew building a large track in my living room. (I watching the Special Report on the mass murderer in Colorado and that's why this is taking me so long) Sorry this is taking me so long, but I keep getting interrupted.
Annie was able to get everything I had on my list for her to buy and she's well on the way with the laundry. I guess they were at the cabin over the weekend, and Matthew got to go tubing. He and His dad were on the tube together and Matthew reported that his mom is a crazy driver and went over a big wave and he flew up and his dad had to catch him by the foot and bring him back down. He said she is even crazier that Uncle Tom when it comes to driving the boat. He loved telling me that. Well, I better get this posted before you all think I worse instead of better. Love ya, m
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Cloudy Again!!
This is going to be short and sweet. My bladder infection medication hasn't lessened any pain as I have only taken 4 of the 14 pills so far. I hurt from the waist down. My sitting is a problem, and haven't done much if any thing except lay on the couch....switching from side to side.
I have a long list of things that need to get done before Thursday, but if this doesn't start to get better soon, I may have to call in the troops to help with my list. Silly things like laundry. Don't have the energy to carry the stuff down, much less back up again. I have birthday shopping to be done for my granddaughter Allie, but haven't gotten dressed in 3 days now. I haven't gotten yesterdays mail, cause I thought I would do that this morning on my way to church, but that didn't happen either.
So please say some prayers for me. I know you always do...but right now I'm really feeling the need. Love and Prayers, m
I have a long list of things that need to get done before Thursday, but if this doesn't start to get better soon, I may have to call in the troops to help with my list. Silly things like laundry. Don't have the energy to carry the stuff down, much less back up again. I have birthday shopping to be done for my granddaughter Allie, but haven't gotten dressed in 3 days now. I haven't gotten yesterdays mail, cause I thought I would do that this morning on my way to church, but that didn't happen either.
So please say some prayers for me. I know you always do...but right now I'm really feeling the need. Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Rain Again?.
I've been up and back to the couch....up and back to the couch....but still feel like I'm ready to go back to the couch. So this is going to be quick.
Yesterday, when talking to Kathleen, she suggested that maybe I had a bladder infection the more I thought about it, and the more I hurt, I decided to call Dr. Londer's office to see if I should get a urine sample. But when the nurse called back after asking me lots of question she said Dr. Londer said he would write me a prescription for Ciperol without needing a urine sample. Perfect!!!
So a couple hours later I had to get dressed and go to HP to pick it up. My back was hurting me so much I took a break-out pain pill, and got dressed and drove over to HP. When getting there someone was parked in the 15 minute pickup spot....I had to park ever farther away from the door, and wimpered all the way in, cursing the person parking in the closest spot. When I got to the window, I told the clerk, that I felt like I was 100....she laughed....but I really did. I was at a really low spot.
After taking my first Ciperol and the break-out med took effect I felt so much better. Maybe just in my head, but I look back and think I may have had this infection for more than a week already.
So I think I'm ready to go back to the couch and then I need to shower and get some shopping done. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday, when talking to Kathleen, she suggested that maybe I had a bladder infection the more I thought about it, and the more I hurt, I decided to call Dr. Londer's office to see if I should get a urine sample. But when the nurse called back after asking me lots of question she said Dr. Londer said he would write me a prescription for Ciperol without needing a urine sample. Perfect!!!
So a couple hours later I had to get dressed and go to HP to pick it up. My back was hurting me so much I took a break-out pain pill, and got dressed and drove over to HP. When getting there someone was parked in the 15 minute pickup spot....I had to park ever farther away from the door, and wimpered all the way in, cursing the person parking in the closest spot. When I got to the window, I told the clerk, that I felt like I was 100....she laughed....but I really did. I was at a really low spot.
After taking my first Ciperol and the break-out med took effect I felt so much better. Maybe just in my head, but I look back and think I may have had this infection for more than a week already.
So I think I'm ready to go back to the couch and then I need to shower and get some shopping done. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, July 20, 2012
Tragedy in Colorado
I don't know what's going on with my computer, but I was 3/4ths of the way through with my blog, and it wouldn't let me type any more....I even tried going out of the blogger and coming back in, and it would take me back to where I was....but still it wouldn't let me add anymore. I finally gave up and totally turned my computer off and ran a scan on it to find no problems. Here I go again.
I woke this morning at about 7 a.m. and took my meds, turned on the TV and went to the couch to let my meds take effect. I immediately saw the tragedy in Colorado and became glued to the TV....I also napped some of the time I think....but at 10 a.m. the phone rang and it was cousins Judy. She had bad news about Roger her brother-in-law, and they all need lots of prayers. Roger had been peeing blood since atleast Monday, and they did a urine sample and discovered he had a bladder infection, but the nursing home he is in in Belle Plaine, did nothing as far as getting antibiotics for him. By Thursday afternoon when Judy and Ann came from a meeting with Hospice, they found Roger sitting in the cafeteria shaking and they immediately called to the staff to get him a blanket, and then call for an ambulance to take him to the hospital. The staff questioned if they needed an ambulance or if they could drive him. By this time Annie had had enough of this place and totally pulled him out of their care and when they got to the hospital the doctors were appalled by his condition (dehydrated and infection both untreated)....and that confirmed thier decision to pull him out of their care. But now have to find a new place to be cared for with dignity. Please keep them in your prayers.
I then went to the computer and started responding to email and reading things, and started writing the blog at 10:30 and it's now only because of some computer glitch!!!
Yesterday was a busy day....I picked up Carol Kline as planned, and we did get a chance to visit for the short time...but it was so nice, as I hadn't talked to her face to face in months. Carol reads my blog everyday, but I don't get to know what she is doing, so this was a chance to get caught up on her life.
From there I headed home for a quick lunch and left home at 1:30 get to 31st and Hennepin by 2 p.m. for my Healing Touch appointment. I immediately noticed I was out of gas and pulled into the Holiday station....with thoughts of the last week with Kathleen in bumper to bumper traffic and out of gas. Anyway, I then had to get to South Mpls, in 20 minutes and hit every stop light possible and ended up about 8 minutes late for my appointment. Thankfully the woman was waiting for me, and we got right to it. I also told her that I had to leave by 2:45 as I had a 3:15 appointment with Dr. Londer at HHH. She did some great work on my lower back, and as I left she commented that she thinks my hip pain has nothing to do with the Lesion on my back and that I should consider seeing an orthapedic surgeon and hip replacement surgery. Although I am in pain....I don't know if I'm ready to go through that right now....I have so many other problems. But we'll see.
I made it to Dr. Londer's office just in time, and he was pretty punctual as well, but he had an intern sitting in on the visit, and he hadn't received any of the information from Mayo yet. Fortunately I had picked up a call from Dr. Reuben in Rochester; on my way from Pathways to Mayo. I happened to be at a long stop light and took the call. Dr. Reuben, said that Dr. Haddock the radiologist had looked at my scan and recommended that I continue with the chemo and Zomeda as he thinks it is healing, and wouldn't consider doing any radiation at this time. So I was able to fill him in on my visit, and that Dr. Reubin suggested we discontinue Erbitux, and start Avastin. He thought he remembered that Mayo didn't recommend Avastin when I started chemo, and went back and checked his letters from Mayo, and found that it was in there to begin with, and said that it might be used at a later date. So he felt better about that. As he didn't have the info from Mayo, I wasn't able to see the scan that I hoping to see, and put off asking questions till he had more information too. I did get my next chemo scheduled and it will be on August 1, the Wednesday after I return form Vegas. But when I was there they took my temp and it was 100.6 and they couldn't figure that out. I'm wondering if all the work done at healing tough session didn't make all that energy raise my temp. It was also warm in the car driving over....but whatever, I don't think I'm sick, and other than laying on the couch most of the evening....and falling asleep like I've done all week...I'm okay.
Well I've pretty much waisted the day so far, and haven't accomplished a thing. I do need to do some laundry and was hoping to go to the lake, but I may put that off till tomorrow now. So, Love and Prayers, m
I woke this morning at about 7 a.m. and took my meds, turned on the TV and went to the couch to let my meds take effect. I immediately saw the tragedy in Colorado and became glued to the TV....I also napped some of the time I think....but at 10 a.m. the phone rang and it was cousins Judy. She had bad news about Roger her brother-in-law, and they all need lots of prayers. Roger had been peeing blood since atleast Monday, and they did a urine sample and discovered he had a bladder infection, but the nursing home he is in in Belle Plaine, did nothing as far as getting antibiotics for him. By Thursday afternoon when Judy and Ann came from a meeting with Hospice, they found Roger sitting in the cafeteria shaking and they immediately called to the staff to get him a blanket, and then call for an ambulance to take him to the hospital. The staff questioned if they needed an ambulance or if they could drive him. By this time Annie had had enough of this place and totally pulled him out of their care and when they got to the hospital the doctors were appalled by his condition (dehydrated and infection both untreated)....and that confirmed thier decision to pull him out of their care. But now have to find a new place to be cared for with dignity. Please keep them in your prayers.
I then went to the computer and started responding to email and reading things, and started writing the blog at 10:30 and it's now only because of some computer glitch!!!
Yesterday was a busy day....I picked up Carol Kline as planned, and we did get a chance to visit for the short time...but it was so nice, as I hadn't talked to her face to face in months. Carol reads my blog everyday, but I don't get to know what she is doing, so this was a chance to get caught up on her life.
From there I headed home for a quick lunch and left home at 1:30 get to 31st and Hennepin by 2 p.m. for my Healing Touch appointment. I immediately noticed I was out of gas and pulled into the Holiday station....with thoughts of the last week with Kathleen in bumper to bumper traffic and out of gas. Anyway, I then had to get to South Mpls, in 20 minutes and hit every stop light possible and ended up about 8 minutes late for my appointment. Thankfully the woman was waiting for me, and we got right to it. I also told her that I had to leave by 2:45 as I had a 3:15 appointment with Dr. Londer at HHH. She did some great work on my lower back, and as I left she commented that she thinks my hip pain has nothing to do with the Lesion on my back and that I should consider seeing an orthapedic surgeon and hip replacement surgery. Although I am in pain....I don't know if I'm ready to go through that right now....I have so many other problems. But we'll see.
I made it to Dr. Londer's office just in time, and he was pretty punctual as well, but he had an intern sitting in on the visit, and he hadn't received any of the information from Mayo yet. Fortunately I had picked up a call from Dr. Reuben in Rochester; on my way from Pathways to Mayo. I happened to be at a long stop light and took the call. Dr. Reuben, said that Dr. Haddock the radiologist had looked at my scan and recommended that I continue with the chemo and Zomeda as he thinks it is healing, and wouldn't consider doing any radiation at this time. So I was able to fill him in on my visit, and that Dr. Reubin suggested we discontinue Erbitux, and start Avastin. He thought he remembered that Mayo didn't recommend Avastin when I started chemo, and went back and checked his letters from Mayo, and found that it was in there to begin with, and said that it might be used at a later date. So he felt better about that. As he didn't have the info from Mayo, I wasn't able to see the scan that I hoping to see, and put off asking questions till he had more information too. I did get my next chemo scheduled and it will be on August 1, the Wednesday after I return form Vegas. But when I was there they took my temp and it was 100.6 and they couldn't figure that out. I'm wondering if all the work done at healing tough session didn't make all that energy raise my temp. It was also warm in the car driving over....but whatever, I don't think I'm sick, and other than laying on the couch most of the evening....and falling asleep like I've done all week...I'm okay.
Well I've pretty much waisted the day so far, and haven't accomplished a thing. I do need to do some laundry and was hoping to go to the lake, but I may put that off till tomorrow now. So, Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Cloudy Sky and Cloudy Brain
Just can't get moving this morning....I did get up, back at my body clock time of that was good, and I had the coffee on delayed brew and it was waiting for me when I got out of bed. I did do some email responses etc. But then went back to the couch to let my 7 a.m. pain medicine take hold. I just can't find a good position to type this blog today. I think I'll more the computer to the kitchen table...the soft chair I used to love to curl up in, no longer seems comfortable at all.
Okay, I now have a pillow on my lap with the computer on top of that, and it seems to be a little better in my comfy chair. So I'll continue with this.
Yesterday, I was right on time to pick up Carol to help me with the Meals on Wheels route, but she wasn't feeling well, and met me as I drove up to beg forgiveness, and said she would come with me today. So I hope she is well....not that I can't do it alone, but mostly because I haven't had a chance to visit with her for such a long time, and she knows the St. Paul Schoenecker's as when she was growing up she went to school with them, and came from another big family, and all of her sisters and brothers were in classes with one of the Schoeneckers. As I was at Louie's on Tuesday and had things I could tell her about the family. Today will be my day, but I've already forgot a lot about what and who we talked there were so many things discussed.
I did the route by myself, and it took a little longer as I'd never done Rte 1, and only had to turn around about 3 times. One house is hidden behind the houses on the street it is located on by his address, but it is a dirt road between two houses that takes you back to it. I'm sure the house was there first, and the developer built up around him.... hoping to squeeze him out and sell his land....but that's just my opinion.
Today it will go a lot faster as I now know where these addresses are. I'll pick Carol up at 11:20 and should have her back home by 12:30. I have a busy afternoon to follow. I have a Healing Touch appointment down at Pathways, and then a 3:15 appointment with Dr. Londer. Hopefully he will have the info from Mayo by now, and I will get to see the CTscan and ask more questions.
Last evening I put a dent into getting rid of all the piles of papers and dishes in my sink and even set the coffee up so it could greet me this morning which it did successfully.
I am now working on getting ready to go to Vegas with 25 cousins and Aunt Loretta next week. So I better get busy so I can make all those appointments and deliver those meals. Love and Prayers, m
Okay, I now have a pillow on my lap with the computer on top of that, and it seems to be a little better in my comfy chair. So I'll continue with this.
Yesterday, I was right on time to pick up Carol to help me with the Meals on Wheels route, but she wasn't feeling well, and met me as I drove up to beg forgiveness, and said she would come with me today. So I hope she is well....not that I can't do it alone, but mostly because I haven't had a chance to visit with her for such a long time, and she knows the St. Paul Schoenecker's as when she was growing up she went to school with them, and came from another big family, and all of her sisters and brothers were in classes with one of the Schoeneckers. As I was at Louie's on Tuesday and had things I could tell her about the family. Today will be my day, but I've already forgot a lot about what and who we talked there were so many things discussed.
I did the route by myself, and it took a little longer as I'd never done Rte 1, and only had to turn around about 3 times. One house is hidden behind the houses on the street it is located on by his address, but it is a dirt road between two houses that takes you back to it. I'm sure the house was there first, and the developer built up around him.... hoping to squeeze him out and sell his land....but that's just my opinion.
Today it will go a lot faster as I now know where these addresses are. I'll pick Carol up at 11:20 and should have her back home by 12:30. I have a busy afternoon to follow. I have a Healing Touch appointment down at Pathways, and then a 3:15 appointment with Dr. Londer. Hopefully he will have the info from Mayo by now, and I will get to see the CTscan and ask more questions.
Last evening I put a dent into getting rid of all the piles of papers and dishes in my sink and even set the coffee up so it could greet me this morning which it did successfully.
I am now working on getting ready to go to Vegas with 25 cousins and Aunt Loretta next week. So I better get busy so I can make all those appointments and deliver those meals. Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Rain today Not Yesterday
I had a good nights sleep last night, but overslept till body clock must be off....or I must have needed it. Yesterday was a full day. I went to Eagan to see my Schoenecker cousins.
Four from Herbs family (Herbert) Bud's wife Lorayne, Tom, Terri and Mary Kay, 1 from my family, me (Ambrose) and Louie and his wife Nancy from Lonie's (Appalonia). A mini reunion that we got the idea for when Terri and Mary Kay came to the cabin a few weeks back.
It was a wonderful day, we looked at pictures, talked about medical problems that are in the family, and told stories and I was lucky to have them all pray over me. They all layed their hands on me and prayed. I felt so much better all the rest of the day. The power of prayer is so great, and I had some great prayers praying for me. My big thing is that my shoulder that I wrenched on Monday, doesn't hurt any more and I can lift my arm over my head without pain. I'm sure it helped in lots of other ways as well, but will not be noticed till a future day.
Then I got home in time for my 4 p.m. pills, and took a short nap, and at 5 p.m. went to dinner with the First Friday group of women and for the first time in months all six of us were there. We got to see pictures from Helen's trip to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole, as well as here about her trip to the North Woods....many of the places Gene and I took the kids camping over the years. Then Kathie told us a hilarious story of why she is going to Jordan and Isreal on a tour in November....and how she asked God to give her a sign of her hearing the words Fort Meyers in the next twenty four hours, and she got the answer within 45 minutes. She really didn't want to go, but since God told she had to go....she is now going. Then she told us the sad news that her husband had cancer, but not one that he will die from....thank goodness. I reported on my Mayo visit, and each of us got some time to talk, but with six it's hard to do that. We stayed at the restaurant for 2 and 1/2 hours, and finally I said I have to go....I was wilting.
I got home just in time to watch Design Star on HGTV. and saw the two finalists. I wish it would have been a different person they eliminated, but I like the two they kept too. The one I like best is still there, and I predicted from the beginning that she would be the one who we'll see next week.
Today I am delivering Meals on Wheels, and my friend Carol Kline saw on my blog yesterday that I was doing that, so she volunteered to come with me, so I jumped at the chance to have someone help me. It's a route I don't usually do, but the same route tomorrow, so that will help.
I'm running late as I did some billing online business and had to call and question on of my accounts....which took forever. That and getting up late....I need to get ready to go now. It's still thundering and sprinkling out side, but I hope I can deliver in dry weather. Love and Prayers, m
Four from Herbs family (Herbert) Bud's wife Lorayne, Tom, Terri and Mary Kay, 1 from my family, me (Ambrose) and Louie and his wife Nancy from Lonie's (Appalonia). A mini reunion that we got the idea for when Terri and Mary Kay came to the cabin a few weeks back.
It was a wonderful day, we looked at pictures, talked about medical problems that are in the family, and told stories and I was lucky to have them all pray over me. They all layed their hands on me and prayed. I felt so much better all the rest of the day. The power of prayer is so great, and I had some great prayers praying for me. My big thing is that my shoulder that I wrenched on Monday, doesn't hurt any more and I can lift my arm over my head without pain. I'm sure it helped in lots of other ways as well, but will not be noticed till a future day.
Then I got home in time for my 4 p.m. pills, and took a short nap, and at 5 p.m. went to dinner with the First Friday group of women and for the first time in months all six of us were there. We got to see pictures from Helen's trip to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole, as well as here about her trip to the North Woods....many of the places Gene and I took the kids camping over the years. Then Kathie told us a hilarious story of why she is going to Jordan and Isreal on a tour in November....and how she asked God to give her a sign of her hearing the words Fort Meyers in the next twenty four hours, and she got the answer within 45 minutes. She really didn't want to go, but since God told she had to go....she is now going. Then she told us the sad news that her husband had cancer, but not one that he will die from....thank goodness. I reported on my Mayo visit, and each of us got some time to talk, but with six it's hard to do that. We stayed at the restaurant for 2 and 1/2 hours, and finally I said I have to go....I was wilting.
I got home just in time to watch Design Star on HGTV. and saw the two finalists. I wish it would have been a different person they eliminated, but I like the two they kept too. The one I like best is still there, and I predicted from the beginning that she would be the one who we'll see next week.
Today I am delivering Meals on Wheels, and my friend Carol Kline saw on my blog yesterday that I was doing that, so she volunteered to come with me, so I jumped at the chance to have someone help me. It's a route I don't usually do, but the same route tomorrow, so that will help.
I'm running late as I did some billing online business and had to call and question on of my accounts....which took forever. That and getting up late....I need to get ready to go now. It's still thundering and sprinkling out side, but I hope I can deliver in dry weather. Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Looks like a Storm
Weather wise....not in my life. Today I'm going to my cousin Louie's to meet with, several of my Schoenecker cousins. I'm really excited about this. Uncle Herb had 15 kids, and they now have about 300 decedents and we are hoping to trace some of the hereditary sicknesses we have. Louie has Multiple System Atrophy, and didn't know where it came from or if he was just an odd duck. People have kidded him about that, but we are hoping to find some similar autoimmune problems in other family members. We (my cousin Mary Kay and I, Mary Rose) are both the people who keep the records for our families. So we will bring our family tree's and hope to fill in a lot of blanks and also include medical history as much as we can. We are also bringing pictures, and pot luck lunch.
This evening I'm having dinner with my First Friday group, so a busy day.
I made an appointment to see Dr. Londer, and will do that on Thursday afternoon. That's a busy day too. I will delivering Meals on Wheels on Wed. and Th.
Yesterday I rested a lot. I did get out of the house in the 98 degree temps, but had to pick up my mail at the post office....some kind of mix up on my hold. Then I had to make a deposit at the bank, and then pick up some groceries so I had some things to bring for the pot luck. I did print out a couple of copies of my Schoenecker family tree to take with me today. Answered some emails and managed to fall coming in the house when I went to the mailbox to find the note saying I had to go to the Post Office to pick it up. I didn't fall far, but I managed to wrench my shoulder as I was holding onto the door knob when my left foot slipped off the step and I fell to my knee. My knee is fine and I scrapped my left ankle, but my shoulder hurts if I try to lift it up. I put Icy Hot on it yesterday, but I think I need to do that again this morning.
I need to get moving, and ready to go...I think I need to leave by 10:45 a.m. to get to Eagan by 11:30, and I need to shower at 10 a.m. to be ready by 10:45, so that means I better stop this rambling. Love and Prayers, m
This evening I'm having dinner with my First Friday group, so a busy day.
I made an appointment to see Dr. Londer, and will do that on Thursday afternoon. That's a busy day too. I will delivering Meals on Wheels on Wed. and Th.
Yesterday I rested a lot. I did get out of the house in the 98 degree temps, but had to pick up my mail at the post office....some kind of mix up on my hold. Then I had to make a deposit at the bank, and then pick up some groceries so I had some things to bring for the pot luck. I did print out a couple of copies of my Schoenecker family tree to take with me today. Answered some emails and managed to fall coming in the house when I went to the mailbox to find the note saying I had to go to the Post Office to pick it up. I didn't fall far, but I managed to wrench my shoulder as I was holding onto the door knob when my left foot slipped off the step and I fell to my knee. My knee is fine and I scrapped my left ankle, but my shoulder hurts if I try to lift it up. I put Icy Hot on it yesterday, but I think I need to do that again this morning.
I need to get moving, and ready to go...I think I need to leave by 10:45 a.m. to get to Eagan by 11:30, and I need to shower at 10 a.m. to be ready by 10:45, so that means I better stop this rambling. Love and Prayers, m
Monday, July 16, 2012
Slept In!
I got up at 7 a.m. took my meds and layed down on the cough (cause I had a headache) and fell back to sleep. Finally at 10 a.m. I woke up and decided I better get dressed and put some coffee on. Then it dawned on me that I hadn't written my blog yet.
My sister and her husband both left yesterday, and Gary's mom (Ginny) and my cousin Judy left yesterday, as well. Gary made us breakfast before 7 a.m. when we were all scheduled to get up, and then kissed and hugged us all goodbye and was off for home in his van. He planned on making it to the other side of Nebraska if possible.
Kathleen, Judy and Ginny stayed till 9:30, when we all had packed up and left too. Kathleen and I were taking Ginny to the bus depot downtown and Judy was headed for home.
We got Ginny to the depot by 10:45 but had a hard time finding a place to park, so pulled into a parking ramp entrance, and Kathleen and Ginny got out and went down the street to the entrance but entered the wrong door and finally talked a guard to let in a 93 year old lady who had just fallen down (she claimed she wasn't hurt). Kathleen stayed in and got her ticket and took her to where the bus was going to load in 20 minutes. All this time, I backed out of the entrance and pulled into a no stopping zone where I saw several others pull in and unload so the travelers could go right in the front door. I was lucky and didn't get a ticket.
From there Kathleen and I came back to my house unloaded the car and put stuff in the fridge and freezer that I had brought back from the cabin. We read the Sunday paper, and then decided we were hungry. Of course we didn't have anything in the house to eat, so we went over to Panera at Riverdale, and then decided Katleen hadn't seen Bill and Kim's new house yet, so we called them and asked if we could come over....they were leaving for the airport to pick up a friend of Katie's in about an hour, so we had time to run to Costco first and then over to their house just in time for a tour before they left. It was only 3:45 and Kathleen didn't have to be to the airport till 5 p.m., so we went back to my house and put the chicken I got at Costco along with a few other things I needed at the cabin (Ziploc bags and dish soap) that I just left in the car.
I got home from the airport about 5:45 after a tearful goodbye with Kathleen, but was softened by the fact that I will see her again in less than two weeks. Actually a week from Thursday, we will be sharing a room in Vegas for the weekend with her daughter Blair and cousin Judy. I think we are up to 26 female cousins and Aunt Loretta who will be there.
I don't have any plans for today, but have lots of fun planned for tomorrow. Love and Prayers, m
My sister and her husband both left yesterday, and Gary's mom (Ginny) and my cousin Judy left yesterday, as well. Gary made us breakfast before 7 a.m. when we were all scheduled to get up, and then kissed and hugged us all goodbye and was off for home in his van. He planned on making it to the other side of Nebraska if possible.
Kathleen, Judy and Ginny stayed till 9:30, when we all had packed up and left too. Kathleen and I were taking Ginny to the bus depot downtown and Judy was headed for home.
We got Ginny to the depot by 10:45 but had a hard time finding a place to park, so pulled into a parking ramp entrance, and Kathleen and Ginny got out and went down the street to the entrance but entered the wrong door and finally talked a guard to let in a 93 year old lady who had just fallen down (she claimed she wasn't hurt). Kathleen stayed in and got her ticket and took her to where the bus was going to load in 20 minutes. All this time, I backed out of the entrance and pulled into a no stopping zone where I saw several others pull in and unload so the travelers could go right in the front door. I was lucky and didn't get a ticket.
From there Kathleen and I came back to my house unloaded the car and put stuff in the fridge and freezer that I had brought back from the cabin. We read the Sunday paper, and then decided we were hungry. Of course we didn't have anything in the house to eat, so we went over to Panera at Riverdale, and then decided Katleen hadn't seen Bill and Kim's new house yet, so we called them and asked if we could come over....they were leaving for the airport to pick up a friend of Katie's in about an hour, so we had time to run to Costco first and then over to their house just in time for a tour before they left. It was only 3:45 and Kathleen didn't have to be to the airport till 5 p.m., so we went back to my house and put the chicken I got at Costco along with a few other things I needed at the cabin (Ziploc bags and dish soap) that I just left in the car.
I got home from the airport about 5:45 after a tearful goodbye with Kathleen, but was softened by the fact that I will see her again in less than two weeks. Actually a week from Thursday, we will be sharing a room in Vegas for the weekend with her daughter Blair and cousin Judy. I think we are up to 26 female cousins and Aunt Loretta who will be there.
I don't have any plans for today, but have lots of fun planned for tomorrow. Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Time to Go Home
Sad morning, Gary has already cooked us breakfast and left for home.....he hopes to be home tomorrow night. Kathleen and I will have to leave by 9:30 to take Ginny (Gary's mom) down to the Greyhound Bus Depot by 10:45, and Judy will be leaving whenever she gets ready, which won't be long.
I hate having to say goodbye to everyone and go home. It's been such a wonderful time up here for the last two weeks.
After we drop Ginny off we will go to my house and drop off the stuff that has to go in the cooler, and then maybe head out to the Mall of America and take her to the Airport and let her go home by 5 p.m. That's the part I dislike the most.
I have lunch and dinner dates with friends and cousins this week, and will have to call Dr. Londer's office and set up things for chemo.
Till tomorrow when I have more time, I will write again. Love and Prayers, m
I hate having to say goodbye to everyone and go home. It's been such a wonderful time up here for the last two weeks.
After we drop Ginny off we will go to my house and drop off the stuff that has to go in the cooler, and then maybe head out to the Mall of America and take her to the Airport and let her go home by 5 p.m. That's the part I dislike the most.
I have lunch and dinner dates with friends and cousins this week, and will have to call Dr. Londer's office and set up things for chemo.
Till tomorrow when I have more time, I will write again. Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Racoon Attack
This morning I found that a racoon or some big critter had carried my pail of critter food over under the table and dumped it over getting the cover to come off and spill the food all over the deck. Yesterday one of the bird feeders had the bottom broken out of it....and this morning one is hanging cockeyed with no food left in it. I went out and scrapped as much back into the pail and put it back where it belongs and in doing so a lot of it fell down under the now I have several squirrel cleaning up the top of the deck and several under the deck eating. I'm mad so I'm not going to feed them anymore this morning.
Yesterday we went to Knaus's meat market in Kimball and then Gary proceeded to make us beef mushroom soup for was delicious. Then some rain came through and several of us took a nap....but after about 20 minutes or so I heard company was cousin Christine. She stayed a couple of hours and in the process everyone got up from their naps and visited with her as well. Then Gary made dinner and we played some more cards but Ginny and I got beat by Kathleen and Judy no matter what we played.
We spent a long time sitting out on the deck and talking then came in when my feet started getting cold. We had Ginny teach us new came that all 5 of us could was called Manipulation. I liked it....didn't win....but Gary didn't like it at all, and quit. By then it was time for bed, and most of us started moving in that direction.
Today we are going to the Farmer's Market in Town....and then the Swappers Meet. We might be taking the pontoon out for a ride. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday we went to Knaus's meat market in Kimball and then Gary proceeded to make us beef mushroom soup for was delicious. Then some rain came through and several of us took a nap....but after about 20 minutes or so I heard company was cousin Christine. She stayed a couple of hours and in the process everyone got up from their naps and visited with her as well. Then Gary made dinner and we played some more cards but Ginny and I got beat by Kathleen and Judy no matter what we played.
We spent a long time sitting out on the deck and talking then came in when my feet started getting cold. We had Ginny teach us new came that all 5 of us could was called Manipulation. I liked it....didn't win....but Gary didn't like it at all, and quit. By then it was time for bed, and most of us started moving in that direction.
Today we are going to the Farmer's Market in Town....and then the Swappers Meet. We might be taking the pontoon out for a ride. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, July 13, 2012
Fire! Fire!
We had an episode of the fire alarm going off in one of the bedrooms last happened to be the one that Kathleen and Gary were sleeping (or not sleeping) and woke us all up. I heard it and went back to sleep right away....but Gary's mom said she couldn't go back to sleep for quite a while. Gary finally had to unwire it. I really had a good night of sleep. But I knew that we had a problem with the I didn't bother even getting out of bed....I just turned over and went right back to sleep.
I'm now sitting at the dining room table watching the birds or rather squirrels (7) at one time...but mostly trying to keep up with the conversations going on with Judy Ginny Kathleen and Gary. so it's hard to write.
The comma isn't working again today so that is a problem too.
Yesterday Judy came early in the afternoon and we started playing cards and Ginny tried to teach us how to play Sheeps head and I was totally lost as to how to play....the order of trump and why to play what when drove me crazy. So I opted out of playing a five hand game and they played a 4 handed game that was just a little different and their were so many varieties.
Later in the day Mary Jo and Kathryn (Abe) arrived and they toured the cabin and were amazed by it and loved it a lot. Mary Jo pretty much came here with us from the time she was 10 or so and has so many great memories coming up here with us a week at a time in the summer and loved just sitting on the dock and remembering all the fun we had.
We enjoyed a great dinner of fish taco's that Gary made out of the fish that Phillip (my brother) caught last month and we had in the freezer. Then we played liar's dice and went back out on the deck and visited and laughed and told lots of stories. They didn't leave till about 10 p.m. and Ginny decided she was going to bed and read so we had to play a few more games of spades and then criss-cross. But by 11:30 I was ready for bed too. I guess we were all ready by then. It was a good day and I think we all would agree on that.
Today we are going to Kimball to buy sausage and stop at some friends of Kathleen and Gary that spend the summer near our cabin and the rest of the year in Salt Lake. That's all folks! Love and Prayers m
I'm now sitting at the dining room table watching the birds or rather squirrels (7) at one time...but mostly trying to keep up with the conversations going on with Judy Ginny Kathleen and Gary. so it's hard to write.
The comma isn't working again today so that is a problem too.
Yesterday Judy came early in the afternoon and we started playing cards and Ginny tried to teach us how to play Sheeps head and I was totally lost as to how to play....the order of trump and why to play what when drove me crazy. So I opted out of playing a five hand game and they played a 4 handed game that was just a little different and their were so many varieties.
Later in the day Mary Jo and Kathryn (Abe) arrived and they toured the cabin and were amazed by it and loved it a lot. Mary Jo pretty much came here with us from the time she was 10 or so and has so many great memories coming up here with us a week at a time in the summer and loved just sitting on the dock and remembering all the fun we had.
We enjoyed a great dinner of fish taco's that Gary made out of the fish that Phillip (my brother) caught last month and we had in the freezer. Then we played liar's dice and went back out on the deck and visited and laughed and told lots of stories. They didn't leave till about 10 p.m. and Ginny decided she was going to bed and read so we had to play a few more games of spades and then criss-cross. But by 11:30 I was ready for bed too. I guess we were all ready by then. It was a good day and I think we all would agree on that.
Today we are going to Kimball to buy sausage and stop at some friends of Kathleen and Gary that spend the summer near our cabin and the rest of the year in Salt Lake. That's all folks! Love and Prayers m
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Not Spotless!
I didn't get the news I wanted or thought I would get yesterday. I was told that the spots in my lungs which were better in April were back to what they looked like in Dec. They aren't sure what is going on with my lesion on L5. The doctor says it looks mottled. He said it could be healing, or scarring or it could be cancer. It isn't any bigger. He said that it all is a very slow process. He is going to change my chemo regimen. I will only have to go every other week and will not get Erbitux....but will get Avastine instead. They will continue to give me the Zemoda which is supposed to help the bone he thinks because I only had 3 doses of my be what is changing the looks of the lesion. The oncologist is going to have the radiologist who did the intra-operative radiation look at my CTscan and see what he thinks. He said he would let me know what he reports. So all in all I will continue with chemo but I will now only have to go every other week instead of every week. So that makes me happy. I've never had Avastine so I don't know how that will affect we'll see.
My day was normal at Mayo....I had to argue with them that my port was a power port as usual...the CTscan was scheduled for 9:30 and even though I didn't have to drink any contrast fluid to begin still took 2 hours before I was done with a 5 minutes CTscan. My doctor was running late for my 1:45 appointment and I didn't see him till about 2:45. So we didn't get out of Rochester till a little after 3 p.m. and didn't get to the cabin till almost 7 p.m.....the traffic between St. Paul and Mpls. was horrid. I told Kathleen to exit on 5th Street and we came out on the other side of Mpls. going North on 94 and there was no traffic at all....but we were so low on gas that we started watching the gas gauge and trying to get to Costco in Maple Grove and as we drove into the parking lot the gas guage was on empty and I put in 17.8 gallons of gas and got back on the road for the cabin.
We did have a highlight to the day and that was lunch with Jim Arnott at Michaels.
When we got back to the cabin Gary had dinner waiting for us. He made this most wonderful Tomato soup and we had some pumpernickel bread and braunsweiger to eat with it. Then Gary took off for St. Cloud to pick up his mom who is 93 and took a bus from Appleton Wisconsin here. When they got back at 9:15 she got to have some tomato soup too and then we played two games of spades. Gary and his mom won the first game and then Gary and I won the second. Kathleen went nil and we set her and Ginny had bid 4 and we set her as well and we won!! So it was a good ending to the evening.....and the day as well.
Today we are getting company too. Judy will join us around 1 p.m. and Mary Jo and Kathryn (Abe) grade school friends of Kathleen will come up around 4 pm for dinner. They were going to come up earlier in the day but Mary Jo's mother-in-law died and the funeral is this morning. Strangely we got a free StarTribune at the hotel and Kathleen saw the obit in the paper. Soon after that Mary Jo called her and told her what the plan was for today.
This morning as Ginny and I were standing at the railing of the deck (around 7:15) a large bird started flying towards us and came with in 6-10 feet from us before turning and flying down the lake and I gasped and said I think that was an Eagle...and sure enough it was. I've never seen an eagle here before and wonder what it was coming to tell us. I also have seen a female cardinal near my feeder this morning and a pair of red winged black birds. The female has been back several times. I can't believe the amount and variety of birds that were here this morning. Ginny was tickled to drink her coffee and watch the birds.
Sorry I didn't write yesterday and also every place I should have a coma in this blog my computer refused to put it it's not like I didn't try or know it should have one. Please keep up those prayers all you spot removers. I know you are praying for me but maybe say an extra one every now and then. I guess I need it. Thank you for all you have already done for me so far. I feel you love and blessing everyday.
Love and Prayers m
When we got back to the cabin Gary had dinner waiting for us. He made this most wonderful Tomato soup and we had some pumpernickel bread and braunsweiger to eat with it. Then Gary took off for St. Cloud to pick up his mom who is 93 and took a bus from Appleton Wisconsin here. When they got back at 9:15 she got to have some tomato soup too and then we played two games of spades. Gary and his mom won the first game and then Gary and I won the second. Kathleen went nil and we set her and Ginny had bid 4 and we set her as well and we won!! So it was a good ending to the evening.....and the day as well.
Today we are getting company too. Judy will join us around 1 p.m. and Mary Jo and Kathryn (Abe) grade school friends of Kathleen will come up around 4 pm for dinner. They were going to come up earlier in the day but Mary Jo's mother-in-law died and the funeral is this morning. Strangely we got a free StarTribune at the hotel and Kathleen saw the obit in the paper. Soon after that Mary Jo called her and told her what the plan was for today.
This morning as Ginny and I were standing at the railing of the deck (around 7:15) a large bird started flying towards us and came with in 6-10 feet from us before turning and flying down the lake and I gasped and said I think that was an Eagle...and sure enough it was. I've never seen an eagle here before and wonder what it was coming to tell us. I also have seen a female cardinal near my feeder this morning and a pair of red winged black birds. The female has been back several times. I can't believe the amount and variety of birds that were here this morning. Ginny was tickled to drink her coffee and watch the birds.
Sorry I didn't write yesterday and also every place I should have a coma in this blog my computer refused to put it it's not like I didn't try or know it should have one. Please keep up those prayers all you spot removers. I know you are praying for me but maybe say an extra one every now and then. I guess I need it. Thank you for all you have already done for me so far. I feel you love and blessing everyday.
Love and Prayers m
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Mirror Reflection on the Lake
It is such a beautiful morning. The orioles are flocking to the grape jelly, the sun is peeking over the cabin and onto the deck and I'm feeling great. How could I not?
Yesterday was a fun day of cards and dice and visiting, and laughing. Judy was leaving to rush back to the city for a dentist appointment as Janet was arriving I think around 11 a.m. We had been playing a wild game of cribbage that went back and forth, and finally Kathleen went nil and we set them to boot to win!!! It was a really fun game. But we all were still in our pjs. So Kathleen jumped in the shower, and then I got my turn in the bathroom, and got dressed, and then Gary got dressed, so we always had someone to entertain Janet.....or was that Janet entertaining us?
Gary made us a great lunch and we proceeded to play cards with Janet. First spades, then criss-cross, and although Janet had never played that before, she was my partner and we actually beat Kathleen and my surprise. Janet is a good cribbage player, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. She is actually a great game player and wins at most games she plays....kinda like Gary!!
Gary had planned on making us dinner, but Janet decided she wasn't staying for dinner, and so Gary put everything back in the fridge, and we went to LaLa's in South Haven...what Gary calls a biker bar. Their hamburgers were so big, that neither Kathleen or I could finish one. So we brought the leftovers home. I can't remember when I couldn't finish a hamburger at a restaurant. While waiting for our food, we played 10,000 and again after we ate. Both times Kathleen and Gary were on the board and scoring big points like 8,000 before I even got on the board.
We ran to Annandale and picked up a few items that Gary needed for soup he is planning on making, and then back to the cabin for more cards. You'd think we were tired of cards by then but we played cut throat which we hadn't played all day, so it was good. But after two or three rounds, we all retreated to reading magazines or for me the computer and then around 11 a.m. and the last load of clothes was dry, we all went to bed.
Today, Kathleen and I will head back to Coon Rapids and pick some things up a the house, then onto HHH to pick up a prescription, and then onto Rochester and the Microtel.
Tomorrow I have my CT scan at 9:30, and then don't see the oncologist for the results till 1:45, so we are having lunch with Jim Arnott. Jim used to teach classes for us at ARCC, so I knew him for 22 years before I retired, and we are the same age, so he started calling me the Queen of whatever age we he is 3 months younger than I am. Every year he would send me great birthday cards claiming me the Queen, and the title grew to be Queen Mary mother magnificent. Once I retired, he had begun working in Rochester for the Mayo clinic, training their staff. And we've had lunch almost every time I go to Mayo. When I was in the hospital after my surgery, he even came to visit me there. Unfortunately this will be the last time, as he is leaving town and moving to Florida in September. I'll miss him.
So after lunch I'll return to the clinic for my big results...which I believe will be great! So that's all for now....Love and Prayers, m
Monday, July 9, 2012
Woke up to Sun Again!
I can't believe it....but I slept from 7:30 p.m. to up and took my meds, checked my computer, talked to Gary for a few minutes and went back to bed and slept till 7 a.m. So 11 hours of sleep was actually what I must have needed. After all the celebrations and partying we did all week, I must have been exhausted.
I had a rough day yesterday, having to say goodbye to Tom and Karen earlier in the day, then Annie and Doug and family packed up and left, and finally around 5 p.m. Jimbo and Ann left. Thankfully Judy, Kathleen and Gary were staying for awhile. But after winning a really close game of spades I thought I needed a short nap, but fell asleep and didn't wake up till 11:15 p.m. and you know the rest of the story.
Today Judy is leaving, and Janet is coming to visit...but before Judy leaves we need to play one more game of spades.
So that's all for now. Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Stillness after the Celebration
I hate the day after, when everyone is leaving and all is quiet. I love the commotion when family and friends gather....and I really don't like it when they go.
Yesterday the day started out with a flurry of activity. It was like a beehive...everyone just started doing something that was to get ready for the party. No one was told what to do...they just picked up a broom or a rag or whatever they thought they needed to do, and went to work. By noon when the guest started to arrive, it was all in order and the food was spread ready to be eaten.
I'm not sure how many people were here, maybe in the 40's, but everyone seemed to enjoy the day....the kids swimming and tubing. Eventually all the food was diminishing and all the tummies were full and the guests started leaving, the cards came out. First Phil and Kathleen, Gary and Judy played spades, then later I played in place of Kathleen, then Phil decided it was time to go home and like his wounds. We took a break and needed to say our goodbyes to Karen's family that were leaving, and several others were leaving, we took a break from cards. The rest of the afternoon we sat and visited out on the deck till all of the guests that were leaving were gone. Some where inbetween the card playing and the visiting the cabin was clean again. I'm not sure who did it all, but they did a great'd never know we had all those people and all that food a few hours earlier.
Emily thoroughly enjoyed the day, and never took the smile off her face. We did manage to get a picture of all eleven grandkids, as Jack arrived late and Bill and Kim were leaving. Someone remembered that we wanted a picture of all eleven and we stopped them and called all the kids to gather on the deck for one last picture for the day. My pictures were not the best versions of the group, but I atleast have one.
We did continue to play more cards later in the evening and Gary continued to dominate and won every game no matter who was his partner...or what game they were playing. But hit of the night was when Jimbo challenged Gary and Kathleen to a game of Criss Cross and Ann and Jimbo proceeded to give Kathleen and Gary a slew of points thinking they were being so cleaver while Kathleen and Gary watched wondering what the heck they were doing. We all watched in horror and tried to warn them they were playing in the wrong direction (in Kathleen and Gary's favor) and they shushed us before realizing what they were doing. We all laughed so hysterically we were crying...Jimbo might have really been crying too! Crying in his beer? But I don't think he was drinking beer. Anyway they went on to loose by a lot...kinda like being double skunked in cribbage. So Gary continued his winning streak, and Jimbo hasn't showed his face to the rest of us yet this morning. He snuck out of his bedroom by the lower door and went down by the lake.
Today more will be leaving, and Kathleen, Gary and Judy will be my only company.
This morning, all are moving slow, Tom cooked up 3 lbs of bacon which is already all gone, and Gary has taken over the kitchen and is frying eggs and potatoes for everyone who wants.
I need to get this done, as I've been writing this for hours now...but there have been so many distractions, that I can't seem to get it done. So I'm just going to sign off. Love and prayers, m
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Good Morning Sunshine
Went to bed with rain, thunder and lightening but no wind....and woke up to Sunshine. It's supposed to be a great day of cooler and sunny weather. Just in time for Emily's graduation party.
Yesterday was so hot we couldn't stand being outside unless you were in the lake. So for most of the day, they all went out and anchored somewhere and tubed and swam. I mostly listened to my book on tape (my iPod) and puttered around picking up etc. Jimbo volunteered to do dinner, and Kathleen and Gary arrived around 5 p.m. and dinner was at 6 p.m. so the guys could eat quick and watch the Twins game. Kathleen and Gary and I played some cut throat and visited till the game was over and then we started playing spades with Doug as our 4th. He got to play with Kathleen as his partner and then Gary took him as his partner. I was the lucky one last night....I won with Gary and I won with Kathleen. Both games were so close it came down to the last hand.
The birds are going crazy out here this morning. I've seen atleast 10 different birds, including 3 different woodpeckers (piliated, red bellied, and ladder backs). It's been so fun to watch.
Well, I need to start getting ready for the party, get all my stuff out of the way. Feed my birds and critters. So this will be short and sweet. Love and prayers, m
Friday, July 6, 2012
Rise and Shine
Early morning, I woke up after a long night of good sleep, at 6:30 a.m. I heard people stirring, so I decided to get out of bed. I saw Doug down on the dock, and a group in the hall getting ready to take a walk (Ann, Annie, Jimbo, Karen and Kennedy). The older girls and Doug had already returned from their run, and the girls had gone back to bed by this time, and Doug had already jumped in the lake for his morning shower. John and Judy Kays (Karen's folks) were already making breakfast and getting ready to leave to drive back to the city....and said their good byes to the walking crew, as they knew they would be gone by the time the walkers got back. Needless to say I was up and running for the day as well as everyone else.
At 9 a.m. everyone was back from their walk, everyone had either jumped in the lake or showered, Kays had left for the day, Jimbo and Ann had gone to the Marketplace in town, Annie and Karen had left for Costco in Maple Grove, and the girls are still sleeping. I've already gotten dressed, cleaned up some, answered a few emails, uploaded pictures onto the computer and had two cups of coffee.
Yesterday, was a great birthday day for Kennedy. The girls had decorated the cabin with crepe paper and balloons and birthday signs the night before, and greeted her as she came up to the cabin in the morning. The cake and cupcakes were made and frosted the night before as well. We started by openning presents, then later we did the silly string, and then after dinner we did the singing and blowing out of the candles, and then the bursting pinata. All of these are traditional and have been done at the cabin since she was little. We have celebrated her birthday at the cabin every year since she was two.
The kids also managed to spend a great deal of time painting the rocks along my herb garden and all the way down to the stairs. Only one that is missing is Jack, and we will have him paint his on Saturday night when he comes. He has been working 6 days a week, and has to work Saturday till 4 p.m., so probably won't get here till Saturday evening around 6 p.m.
I have many more pictures of the rocks, but can't put them all can see them in Facebook.
We took a long drive around the lake on the pontoon last evening, and then some of the gang had a fire down by the lake in-spite the mosquito's.
I was in bed by 10:30...actually I went to my room and read about a half hour before that, but by 10:30 my eyes were falling shut, and I put the Nook down and actually went to bed. I slept all night I think....I don't remember getting up...or even waking up, and when I did, it was pretty pain free. I don't know why....must have been really tired and relaxed. I also didn't take a nap during the late afternoon, like I had done the days before. All and all it was a great day for all of us....not just the birthday girl!
Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Happy "12" Birthday Kennedy
It looks like Kennedy will have a great day.
Yesterday was hot....but the kids all survived by jumping in the lake over and over again. Almost everyone jumped in the lake at least once cept for about 3 of us.
Yesterday was a hugh crowd....I think we had 23 all together.
One Turkey fed us all, but their was only bone picking left. Emily (who claims she doesn't like turkey) started picking at the bones and dipping it into the drippings. Pretty soon she had four other non-turkey lovers gathered around picking and dipping every last bit of meat from the bones.
It was an exceptionally good turkey and the potatoes, onions and carrots were a big hit as well. Some how along with a couple of salads Chris Sedesky and Kim made and some desserts that Cindy Kish and others brought we fed all 23 well. It was a feast!!
The day was filled with lots of swimming and tubing and lots of great conversations on the deck. I spent as much time in the cabin as possible but still wanted to be would go out in short spurts and then retreat back inside...finding something to do to look like I wasn't avoiding people.
During the flurry of activities, Rob Kish brought the exact tool to get the bolt off the floating raft, so that they could put the new ladder on and then anchor it out so the kids could swim to it and spend a lot of time jumping off. Tom and Doug had spent a lot of time the day before trying to remove this old bolt to no Doug had called Rob and told him what he needed to get it off...and it worked!! Karen usually is the one to dive down and get it attached to the anchor that they leave in the lake, but this year she needed a lot of help just finding the anchor so that she could do her annual job.
This morning Karen, Annie, Judy and John Kays took off at 8:30 a.m. to run to Target in Buffalo to get stuff for the birthday party, hoping to be back before the kids were out of bed. Last night after Kennedy went down to the boathouse to watch the fireworks and sleep, the rest of the kids decorated the cabin in great birthday style, and tradition. So when Kennedy does get up this morning, she will be greeted by it all.
Their will only be about 16 of us today, so not such a crowd, but we will celebrate and eat just as well as we did yesterday.
Jimbo, Ann and Nick will be arriving this morning, and we will have new conversations, and new jokes and much laughter and the sun will shine on us all.
Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy 4th of July!!
Woke this morning to a slightly hazy day. Earlier when I was awake it was really foggy over the lake, but it seems to have burned off when the sun arose! Last night was an interesting one in the sleep department...around 4 a.m. the fire alarms went of briefly and then shut off as quickly as they went on, but then again in about 5 minutes it did the same thing, and by now four of us were up walking around trying to figure out what in the heck was going on. The windows were showing signs of condensation, and Tom says some times his go off when they get condensation on them....I also commented that the dehumidifier in the basement was full and wouldn't work till they emptied a couple (Tom and Bill) went down to check on that....and Annie and I went back to bed. Pretty soon the quick blare of the alarm sounded again, but that was the last I heard of it. Then about 5:30 the girls came clomping into the cabin and out again to go running and rollerblading before it got too hot. I guess Doug chased them down the road as well. Then when they returned (I didn't look at the clock but I'm guessing 6:30) I heard them come back in and head back to bed in the boathouse. I then woke for the last time at 7:20, and knew I better get up and take my meds....I wasn't going to get any more rest if I didn't take my medicine.
I got up, started the coffee and put some toast in the toaster for me, and noticed that the grape jelly was empty in the feeder. I went out and fed the birds and critters, and tied the cushions on the chairs in place. When I came back in my toast had long popped. I had to put it back down to rewarm it. I then settled down and read my email, ate and enjoyed my morning coffee. No one else is around yet to bother me, so I figured I better get this blog written while I had the chance.
Yesterday was a very full day. The kids swam and tubed to their delight. Annie and Karen painted a dresser and shelf for Karen's room red to match the new quilt I got her for her birthday (the end of the month...but I like to give her her gifts when she is here so I can see her reaction). This year Karen had requested that I help her decorate their room. So I set out to find a quilt and found what I think was the perfect one last week. I then made up the bed and placed her birthday card on the pillow, so that when they arrived she would see it. She didn't go back to their room right away when they arrived, she went out to the deck, so it took a while before we could get her back there to see the surprise. When she did, I was right behind her, and her reaction was just what I wanted. She loved it. So, since is was tan and red striped, she needed red accents in the room.
After working I think she also jumped in the lake, as it was hotter then hell (or that is what they say...I haven't been there to compare. We then fed the kids lunch, and Karen, Annie and I went into town shopping. We had a few goals in mind. To find a old window to hang in their new room. We went to Granpa Earl's Store on mainstreet and wandered through room after room of antique's and new...a lot of Duck pictures or the like...and then more old stuff. By the time we had finished on the first floor, Annie and Karen went to the second, but I found a chair to sit on. They eventually came down with a window in hand...exactly as she wanted. The other thing we were looking for was a replacement cover for the gazebo that the storm had shreded the night before. So I went across to the hardware store, but they didn't have any, and suggested Menards in Buffalo, and we already knew the Menards in Coon Rapids didn't have we headed back to the cabin.
I then went online and checked Home Depot, but they had them online only and then I thought I'd just by chance see if Target carried them. I checked online, and found one, and then called the Coon Rapids store to see if they had any in the store. Just my luck....they did!! But only one and it was on clearance, so they couldn't hold it for me. I called and talked to Kim, and asked if they would go over and get it for us. They did, and brought it up with them when they came around 6 or so. So all the goals in shopping were accomplished.
The other goal I had was for the ladder I bought for the raft, be put on. That didn't happen. Not that they, Tom and Doug, and Doug again, and Doug some more....but try as they might....the old bolt wasn't coming off. Even with power tools. So we'll see what today brings.
So yesterday, we added Doug, Kim, Bill and Tommy to the mix. Had a wonderful dinner of corn on the cobb and brats. Enjoyed the water, and survived the heat!
Today, we will add more to the crowd, I'll make Turkey on the grill, take in the boat parade after the kids decorate the pontoon. But mostly we will just enjoy the 4th of July and all the Independence it gives us!
Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Calm After the Storm
About 2 a.m., the thunder and lightening came through, and roared and blew for about 10 or 15 minutes, and by 2:20 everyone was up in the cabin....including the six who were in the boathouse trying to sleep. We survived pretty well....the only big damage was the roof of our screen house down by the boathouse blew off, and is wrapped around a tree near the patio door of the lower level of the cabin. There was an extra boat near our dock...but it's gone already this morning. Somehow it also blew the potted plant out of it's holder on the deck railing, and I had to re pot it this morning and put it back in place. The cabin that I worked so hard hosing down the other day it pitted with leaves and twigs and the newly stained deck it covered with debris as well.
We now have our work cut out for us today to get this place back in shape for tomorrow and the rest of the weeks festivities.
Yesterday, Annie, Nicole, Allie, Matthew and Katie all came up early in the afternoon, and the kids pretty much headed for the water as it was sweltering hot. My thermometer on the tree outside my window in the shade never got above 85, but in the car the temps were in the 90's. I stayed inside as much as possible listening to a book on my ipod. Earlier in the day, I did make a trip to get the groceries I needed to make dinner tomorrow, and Annie brought me a turkey she got at Rainbow. I was so worried she wouldn't be able to find one, and when I was at the County Market in town, they had turkeys on sale for .99 a lb.....Oh well...I do have one thawing in the fridge now.
Karen and Tom had a late start getting out of Chicago, and fought traffic and a big accident in Wisconsin that caused them an hour delay and detour. Then when they got to the city the traffic was horrible there too. They finally got here about 7:30 or 8...I'm not sure...but we had spaghetti dinner waiting for them. Nicole had made that for us for dinner, so she just cooked more noodles for them.
Their kids also headed directly to the lake, (after they were made to eat) and Matthew was so excited for now he had someone to swim with, and he and Presley did just that. Sitting on the deck by this time in the evening was really enjoyable, with a nice breeze coming off the lake. We spent a good deal of time out there, and then retreated to the cabin dining room table and visited till about 11:30 p.m. when everyone had headed to bed.
After the storm, everyone went back to their beds, and the rest of the night was uneventful. I was up at my usual time, and am just sitting here by myself typing this blog. I'm sure the teenagers will sleep till atleast 10, but I expect the Adults will be up shortly.
I have at least six orioles fighting over my grape jelly, and also they have to fight off the grackles and squirrels for it. Yesterday I had to refill the jelly 3 times, and I was being generous each time I filled it. It looks like it is ready to be filled that's what I'm off to do.
Have some more shopping to do today, and lots of cleaning of the deck, but other than that...we will just enjoy the day and our time together. Love and Prayers, m
Monday, July 2, 2012
Hot and Humid!
The lake is cooler than in the city, and my thermometer didn't get into the 90's at all yesterday...lets see if it makes it today with 100 predicted in the city.
Sure glad I put in central air when I put the addition on. I'm thinking even mom would be appreciating it this week.
Got to church yesterday, then did some minimal work around the place...mostly listened to a book on my iPod and rested. I should now be ready for the on slot of company starting this afternoon. I actually won my first game of Words with Friends. I hadn't played scrabble in a long time, and it takes some getting used to finding those point getters. I think I am ahead in another right now...but that's not saying much. I need to get back to cribbage a game I can win a little more often.
I have some shopping to do this morning....stuff I forgot for the 4th. But other than that, I guess I'll do some more listening to my book, and waiting for the gang to arrive.
The orioles have produced a couple of babies...their almost as big as the parents, but the dad seems to be feeding them mostly...but they are starting to figure out how to bend down and get the jelly out of the feeder. The problem is the squirrels and crackles seem to have taken a liking to the jelly as well. I need to buy some more jelly when I go shopping.
Nothing else to report...quiet morning....quiet day. Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, July 1, 2012
This is the Day the Lord Hath Made!
Lift up your hearts and rejoice. As you can tell I just got home from church....was a very good day to be there. All the readings were on having Faith and the healing power of God. It was very emotional for me....but so glad I was there. A good reminder to think positive. It is a beautiful day on the lake as well, warm already, but calm and sunny.
Yesterday was a good day as well....I did make it to the farmers market and ended up buying at four of the about 8 or 10 booths. I got my cinnamon raisin bread like I went for, but ended up with a cinnamon honey nut bagel from another booth, and Cherry Almond granola from another, and some decorative pillows from another. Good day shopping. When I got home it wasn't long and the Stalboergers were here. Well Annie, Doug and Matthew...the girls (or atleast Allie) had to work bagging groceries for cross country I think.
Doug worked hard and continually all day....first Annie and I helped him get the furniture back on the deck, and I washed everything down, including the sides of the cabin so everything is fresh and clean. Then Doug mowed, watered all the flowers, placed pavers in front of the new lower sliding glass door...went and got the speed boat from storage, and drove it back to the cabin and put the canopy on the lift....took Matthew tubing to his glory....he loved it!! Doug also put up shelves in their closet, filled them with supplies for the week and helped Annie hang mirrors and pictures on their bedroom walls that they just painted last week. He is a working fool...reminds me of Gene...could never sit still when he was up here.
They left a little after 7 p.m., and I went to the basement and watched HGTV till about 10:30 and went to bed.
This morning, I got up, showered and got dressed and headed for church at 8:30 a.m., now I'm waiting for Jimbo and Ann to arrive....don't know what they have planned for the day....but I'm sure it will be work of some sort, and some boating and listening to the Twins game....or watching it.
I just realized this morning I have forgotten to buy a turkey to put on the grill for the annual I emailed Annie to see if she could find one for me and bring it tomorrow. That will be just in time to get it thawed.
Must go feed the birds and critters...looks like the feeders are low. They have been out here all morning scrounging for food...they really are pigs!! But I love seeing them. Love and Prayers, m
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