Thursday, July 12, 2012

Not Spotless!

I didn't get the news I wanted or thought I would get yesterday. I was told that the spots in my lungs which were better in April were back to what they looked like in Dec. They aren't sure what is going on with my lesion on L5. The doctor says it looks mottled. He said it could be healing, or scarring or it could be cancer. It isn't any bigger. He said that it all is a very slow process. He is going to change my chemo regimen. I will only have to go every other week and will not get Erbitux....but will get Avastine instead. They will continue to give me the Zemoda which is supposed to help the bone he thinks because I only had 3 doses of my be what is changing the looks of the lesion. The oncologist is going to have the radiologist who did the intra-operative radiation look at my CTscan and see what he thinks. He said he would let me know what he reports. So all in all I will continue with chemo but I will now only have to go every other week instead of every week. So that makes me happy. I've never had Avastine so I don't know how that will affect we'll see. My day was normal at Mayo....I had to argue with them that my port was a power port as usual...the CTscan was scheduled for 9:30 and even though I didn't have to drink any contrast fluid to begin still took 2 hours before I was done with a 5 minutes CTscan. My doctor was running late for my 1:45 appointment and I didn't see him till about 2:45. So we didn't get out of Rochester till a little after 3 p.m. and didn't get to the cabin till almost 7 p.m.....the traffic between St. Paul and Mpls. was horrid. I told Kathleen to exit on 5th Street and we came out on the other side of Mpls. going North on 94 and there was no traffic at all....but we were so low on gas that we started watching the gas gauge and trying to get to Costco in Maple Grove and as we drove into the parking lot the gas guage was on empty and I put in 17.8 gallons of gas and got back on the road for the cabin. We did have a highlight to the day and that was lunch with Jim Arnott at Michaels.
When we got back to the cabin Gary had dinner waiting for us.  He made this most wonderful Tomato soup and we had some pumpernickel bread and braunsweiger to eat with it.  Then Gary took off for St. Cloud to pick up his mom who is  93 and took a bus from Appleton Wisconsin here.  When they got back at 9:15 she got to have some tomato soup too and then we played two games of spades.  Gary and his mom won the first game and then Gary and I won the second.  Kathleen went nil and we set her and Ginny had bid 4 and we set her as well and we won!!  So it was a good ending to the evening.....and the day as well.
Today we are getting company too.  Judy will join us around 1 p.m. and Mary Jo and Kathryn (Abe) grade school friends of Kathleen will come up around 4 pm for dinner.  They were going to come up earlier in the day but Mary Jo's mother-in-law died and the funeral is this morning.  Strangely we got a free StarTribune at the hotel and Kathleen saw the obit in the paper.  Soon after that Mary Jo called her and told her what the plan was for today.
This morning as Ginny and I were standing at the railing of the deck (around 7:15) a large bird started flying towards us and came with in 6-10 feet from us before turning and flying down the lake and I gasped and said I think that was an Eagle...and sure enough it was.  I've never seen an eagle here before and wonder what it was coming to tell us.  I also have seen a female cardinal near my feeder this morning and a pair of red winged black birds.  The female has been back several times.  I can't believe the amount and variety of birds that were here this morning.  Ginny was tickled to drink her coffee and watch the birds.
Sorry I didn't write yesterday and also every place I should have a coma in this blog my computer refused to put it it's not like I didn't try or know it should have one.  Please keep up those prayers all you spot removers.  I know you are praying for me but maybe say an extra one every now and then.  I guess I need it.  Thank you for all you have already done for me so far.  I feel you love and blessing everyday.
Love and Prayers m

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