Friday, July 6, 2012

Rise and Shine

Early morning, I woke up after a long night of good sleep, at 6:30 a.m. I heard people stirring, so I decided to get out of bed. I saw Doug down on the dock, and a group in the hall getting ready to take a walk (Ann, Annie, Jimbo, Karen and Kennedy). The older girls and Doug had already returned from their run, and the girls had gone back to bed by this time, and Doug had already jumped in the lake for his morning shower. John and Judy Kays (Karen's folks) were already making breakfast and getting ready to leave to drive back to the city....and said their good byes to the walking crew, as they knew they would be gone by the time the walkers got back. Needless to say I was up and running for the day as well as everyone else. At 9 a.m. everyone was back from their walk, everyone had either jumped in the lake or showered, Kays had left for the day, Jimbo and Ann had gone to the Marketplace in town, Annie and Karen had left for Costco in Maple Grove, and the girls are still sleeping. I've already gotten dressed, cleaned up some, answered a few emails, uploaded pictures onto the computer and had two cups of coffee. Yesterday, was a great birthday day for Kennedy. The girls had decorated the cabin with crepe paper and balloons and birthday signs the night before, and greeted her as she came up to the cabin in the morning. The cake and cupcakes were made and frosted the night before as well. We started by openning presents, then later we did the silly string, and then after dinner we did the singing and blowing out of the candles, and then the bursting pinata. All of these are traditional and have been done at the cabin since she was little. We have celebrated her birthday at the cabin every year since she was two.
The kids also managed to spend a great deal of time painting the rocks along my herb garden and all the way down to the stairs. Only one that is missing is Jack, and we will have him paint his on Saturday night when he comes. He has been working 6 days a week, and has to work Saturday till 4 p.m., so probably won't get here till Saturday evening around 6 p.m.
I have many more pictures of the rocks, but can't put them all can see them in Facebook. We took a long drive around the lake on the pontoon last evening, and then some of the gang had a fire down by the lake in-spite the mosquito's. I was in bed by 10:30...actually I went to my room and read about a half hour before that, but by 10:30 my eyes were falling shut, and I put the Nook down and actually went to bed. I slept all night I think....I don't remember getting up...or even waking up, and when I did, it was pretty pain free. I don't know why....must have been really tired and relaxed. I also didn't take a nap during the late afternoon, like I had done the days before. All and all it was a great day for all of us....not just the birthday girl! Love and Prayers, m

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