Monday, July 23, 2012

Sun is Finally Shining

I'm feeling so much better.  I think the Ciperol finally took hold earlier yesterday, and I continued to get better as the day went on. I took a long hot shower, washed my hair and but on clean PJs.  I  now think I will live. I did call in the troops.....Annie said she would come this morning and bring me the few things I needed her to find for me.....and help me with the laundry.  Then later yesterday afternoon, I called her and asked her if she would also bring me some Boost or Ensure and she said she would....and then asked if I wanted it she was picking up Allie and Matthew from Hockey in Blaine, and could bring some now.  So I said yes.  Well it wasn't exactly now....but she, Matthew and Allie came around 7:30.  Opened and drank one of them right away. My appetite came back yesterday and I decided I needed to boost it up as well as adding to my fluids too. They left in time to take Allie back to more Hockey.
This morning she and Matthew came back and she got right to work, and so did Matthew building a large track in my living room. (I watching the Special Report on the mass murderer in Colorado and that's why this is taking me so long)  Sorry this is taking me so long, but I keep getting interrupted.
Annie was able to get everything I had on my list for her to buy and she's well on the way with the laundry. I guess they were at the cabin over the weekend, and Matthew got to go tubing. He and His dad were on the tube together and Matthew reported that his mom is a crazy driver and went over a big wave and he flew up and his dad had to catch him by the foot and bring him back down.  He said she is even crazier that Uncle Tom when it comes to driving the boat.  He loved telling me that.  Well, I better get this posted before you all think I worse instead of better.  Love ya, m

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