Friday, July 13, 2012

Fire! Fire!

We had an episode of the fire alarm going off in one of the bedrooms last happened to be the one that Kathleen and Gary were sleeping (or not sleeping) and woke us all up.  I heard it and went back to sleep right away....but Gary's mom said she couldn't go back to sleep for quite a while.  Gary finally had to unwire it.  I really had a good night of sleep. But I knew that we had a problem with the I didn't bother even getting out of bed....I just turned over and went right back to sleep.
I'm now sitting at the dining room table watching the birds or rather squirrels (7) at one time...but mostly trying to keep up with the conversations going on with Judy Ginny Kathleen and Gary.  so it's hard to write.
The comma isn't working again today so that is a problem too.
Yesterday Judy came early in the afternoon and we started playing cards and Ginny tried to teach us how to play Sheeps head and I was totally lost as to how to play....the order of trump and why to play what when drove me crazy.  So I opted out of playing a five hand game and they played a 4 handed game that was just a little different and their were so many varieties.
Later in the day Mary Jo and Kathryn (Abe) arrived and they toured the cabin and were amazed by it and loved it a lot.  Mary Jo pretty much came here with us from the time she was 10 or so and has so many great memories coming up here with us a week at a time in the summer and loved just sitting on the dock and remembering all the fun we had.
We enjoyed a great dinner of fish taco's that Gary made out of the fish that Phillip (my brother) caught last month and we had in the freezer.  Then we played liar's dice and went back out on the deck and visited and laughed and told lots of stories.  They didn't leave till about 10 p.m. and Ginny decided she was going to bed and read so we had to play a few more games of spades and then criss-cross.  But by 11:30 I was ready for bed too.  I guess we were all ready by then.  It was a good day and I think we all would agree on that.
Today we are going to Kimball to buy sausage and stop at some friends of Kathleen and Gary that spend the summer near our cabin and the rest of the year in Salt Lake.  That's all folks! Love and Prayers m

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