Just can't get moving this morning....I did get up, back at my body clock time of 7:03....so that was good, and I had the coffee on delayed brew and it was waiting for me when I got out of bed. I did do some email responses etc. But then went back to the couch to let my 7 a.m. pain medicine take hold. I just can't find a good position to type this blog today. I think I'll more the computer to the kitchen table...the soft chair I used to love to curl up in, no longer seems comfortable at all.
Okay, I now have a pillow on my lap with the computer on top of that, and it seems to be a little better in my comfy chair. So I'll continue with this.
Yesterday, I was right on time to pick up Carol to help me with the Meals on Wheels route, but she wasn't feeling well, and met me as I drove up to beg forgiveness, and said she would come with me today. So I hope she is well....not that I can't do it alone, but mostly because I haven't had a chance to visit with her for such a long time, and she knows the St. Paul Schoenecker's as when she was growing up she went to school with them, and came from another big family, and all of her sisters and brothers were in classes with one of the Schoeneckers. As I was at Louie's on Tuesday and had things I could tell her about the family. Today will be my day, but I've already forgot a lot about what and who we talked about....as there were so many things discussed.
I did the route by myself, and it took a little longer as I'd never done Rte 1, and only had to turn around about 3 times. One house is hidden behind the houses on the street it is located on by his address, but it is a dirt road between two houses that takes you back to it. I'm sure the house was there first, and the developer built up around him.... hoping to squeeze him out and sell his land....but that's just my opinion.
Today it will go a lot faster as I now know where these addresses are. I'll pick Carol up at 11:20 and should have her back home by 12:30. I have a busy afternoon to follow. I have a Healing Touch appointment down at Pathways, and then a 3:15 appointment with Dr. Londer. Hopefully he will have the info from Mayo by now, and I will get to see the CTscan and ask more questions.
Last evening I put a dent into getting rid of all the piles of papers and dishes in my sink and even set the coffee up so it could greet me this morning which it did successfully.
I am now working on getting ready to go to Vegas with 25 cousins and Aunt Loretta next week. So I better get busy so I can make all those appointments and deliver those meals. Love and Prayers, m
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