Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I'm Home!

The Sun is shining here just like in Vegas!!  Only about 15 degree's cooler....and I don't believe what they say about it doesn't feel as hot as it does in Minnesota.
I suppose you're wondering why I'm so late in writing today.  I have so much to tell you, but I just can't sit at the computer for any time without being in pain.  As I came to the computer I wasn't feeling any pain as I walked, but sitting at the computer for only a few sentences was killing me.  So I went back to the couch again, and watched some more olmypics, so I finally took the computer to the kitchen counter top.  But that didn't work either, so I'll try again tomorrow.  Sorry...love and prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you about the heat. Hot is hot. Whether there is humidity or not. The temps still get to ya!!!!

    Welcome home. Hope you are feeling better!

