Monday, July 16, 2012

Slept In!

I got up at 7 a.m. took my meds and layed down on the cough (cause I had a headache) and fell back to sleep. Finally at 10 a.m. I woke up and decided I better get dressed and put some coffee on.  Then it dawned on me that I hadn't written my blog yet.
My sister and her husband both left yesterday, and Gary's mom (Ginny) and my cousin Judy left yesterday, as well.   Gary made us breakfast before 7 a.m. when we were all scheduled to get up, and then kissed and hugged us all goodbye and was off for home in his van.  He planned on making it to the other side of Nebraska if possible.
Kathleen, Judy and Ginny stayed till 9:30, when we all had packed up and left too.  Kathleen and I were taking Ginny to the bus depot downtown and Judy was headed for home.
We got Ginny to the depot by 10:45 but had a hard time finding a place to park, so pulled into a parking ramp entrance, and Kathleen and Ginny got out and went down the street to the entrance but entered the wrong door and finally talked a guard to let in a 93 year old lady who had just fallen down (she claimed she wasn't hurt).  Kathleen stayed in and got her ticket and took her to where the bus was going to load in 20 minutes.  All this time, I backed out of the entrance and pulled into a no stopping zone where I saw several others pull in and unload so the travelers could go right in the front door. I was lucky and didn't get a ticket.
From there Kathleen and I came back to my house unloaded the car and put stuff in the fridge and freezer that I had brought back from the cabin.  We read the Sunday paper, and then decided we were hungry.  Of course we didn't have anything in the house to eat, so we went over to Panera at Riverdale, and then decided Katleen hadn't seen Bill and Kim's new house yet, so we called them and asked if we could come over....they were leaving for the airport to pick up a friend of Katie's in about an hour, so we had time to run to Costco first and then over to their house just in time for a tour before they left. It was only 3:45 and Kathleen didn't have to be to the airport till 5 p.m., so we went back to my house and put the chicken I got at Costco along with a few other things I needed at the cabin (Ziploc bags and dish soap) that I just left in the car.
I got home from the airport about 5:45 after a tearful goodbye with Kathleen, but was softened by the fact that I will see her again in less than two weeks.  Actually a week from Thursday, we will be sharing a room in Vegas for the weekend with her daughter Blair and cousin Judy. I think we are up to 26 female cousins and Aunt Loretta who will be there.
I don't have any plans for today, but have lots of fun planned for tomorrow.  Love and Prayers, m

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