I don't know what's going on with my computer, but I was 3/4ths of the way through with my blog, and it wouldn't let me type any more....I even tried going out of the blogger and coming back in, and it would take me back to where I was....but still it wouldn't let me add anymore. I finally gave up and totally turned my computer off and ran a scan on it to find no problems. Here I go again.
I woke this morning at about 7 a.m. and took my meds, turned on the TV and went to the couch to let my meds take effect. I immediately saw the tragedy in Colorado and became glued to the TV....I also napped some of the time I think....but at 10 a.m. the phone rang and it was cousins Judy. She had bad news about Roger her brother-in-law, and they all need lots of prayers. Roger had been peeing blood since atleast Monday, and they did a urine sample and discovered he had a bladder infection, but the nursing home he is in in Belle Plaine, did nothing as far as getting antibiotics for him. By Thursday afternoon when Judy and Ann came from a meeting with Hospice, they found Roger sitting in the cafeteria shaking and they immediately called to the staff to get him a blanket, and then call for an ambulance to take him to the hospital. The staff questioned if they needed an ambulance or if they could drive him. By this time Annie had had enough of this place and totally pulled him out of their care and when they got to the hospital the doctors were appalled by his condition (dehydrated and infection both untreated)....and that confirmed thier decision to pull him out of their care. But now have to find a new place to be cared for with dignity. Please keep them in your prayers.
I then went to the computer and started responding to email and reading things, and started writing the blog at 10:30 and it's now 11:21....so only because of some computer glitch!!!
Yesterday was a busy day....I picked up Carol Kline as planned, and we did get a chance to visit for the short time...but it was so nice, as I hadn't talked to her face to face in months. Carol reads my blog everyday, but I don't get to know what she is doing, so this was a chance to get caught up on her life.
From there I headed home for a quick lunch and left home at 1:30 p.m.to get to 31st and Hennepin by 2 p.m. for my Healing Touch appointment. I immediately noticed I was out of gas and pulled into the Holiday station....with thoughts of the last week with Kathleen in bumper to bumper traffic and out of gas. Anyway, I then had to get to South Mpls, in 20 minutes and hit every stop light possible and ended up about 8 minutes late for my appointment. Thankfully the woman was waiting for me, and we got right to it. I also told her that I had to leave by 2:45 as I had a 3:15 appointment with Dr. Londer at HHH. She did some great work on my lower back, and as I left she commented that she thinks my hip pain has nothing to do with the Lesion on my back and that I should consider seeing an orthapedic surgeon and hip replacement surgery. Although I am in pain....I don't know if I'm ready to go through that right now....I have so many other problems. But we'll see.
I made it to Dr. Londer's office just in time, and he was pretty punctual as well, but he had an intern sitting in on the visit, and he hadn't received any of the information from Mayo yet. Fortunately I had picked up a call from Dr. Reuben in Rochester; on my way from Pathways to Mayo. I happened to be at a long stop light and took the call. Dr. Reuben, said that Dr. Haddock the radiologist had looked at my scan and recommended that I continue with the chemo and Zomeda as he thinks it is healing, and wouldn't consider doing any radiation at this time. So I was able to fill him in on my visit, and that Dr. Reubin suggested we discontinue Erbitux, and start Avastin. He thought he remembered that Mayo didn't recommend Avastin when I started chemo, and went back and checked his letters from Mayo, and found that it was in there to begin with, and said that it might be used at a later date. So he felt better about that. As he didn't have the info from Mayo, I wasn't able to see the scan that I hoping to see, and put off asking questions till he had more information too. I did get my next chemo scheduled and it will be on August 1, the Wednesday after I return form Vegas. But when I was there they took my temp and it was 100.6 and they couldn't figure that out. I'm wondering if all the work done at healing tough session didn't make all that energy raise my temp. It was also warm in the car driving over....but whatever, I don't think I'm sick, and other than laying on the couch most of the evening....and falling asleep like I've done all week...I'm okay.
Well I've pretty much waisted the day so far, and haven't accomplished a thing. I do need to do some laundry and was hoping to go to the lake, but I may put that off till tomorrow now. So, Love and Prayers, m
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