I had a good nights sleep last night, but overslept till 7:50....my body clock must be off....or I must have needed it. Yesterday was a full day. I went to Eagan to see my Schoenecker cousins.
Four from Herbs family (Herbert) Bud's wife Lorayne, Tom, Terri and Mary Kay, 1 from my family, me (Ambrose) and Louie and his wife Nancy from Lonie's (Appalonia). A mini reunion that we got the idea for when Terri and Mary Kay came to the cabin a few weeks back.
It was a wonderful day, we looked at pictures, talked about medical problems that are in the family, and told stories and I was lucky to have them all pray over me. They all layed their hands on me and prayed. I felt so much better all the rest of the day. The power of prayer is so great, and I had some great prayers praying for me. My big thing is that my shoulder that I wrenched on Monday, doesn't hurt any more and I can lift my arm over my head without pain. I'm sure it helped in lots of other ways as well, but will not be noticed till a future day.
Then I got home in time for my 4 p.m. pills, and took a short nap, and at 5 p.m. went to dinner with the First Friday group of women and for the first time in months all six of us were there. We got to see pictures from Helen's trip to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole, as well as here about her trip to the North Woods....many of the places Gene and I took the kids camping over the years. Then Kathie told us a hilarious story of why she is going to Jordan and Isreal on a tour in November....and how she asked God to give her a sign of her hearing the words Fort Meyers in the next twenty four hours, and she got the answer within 45 minutes. She really didn't want to go, but since God told she had to go....she is now going. Then she told us the sad news that her husband had cancer, but not one that he will die from....thank goodness. I reported on my Mayo visit, and each of us got some time to talk, but with six it's hard to do that. We stayed at the restaurant for 2 and 1/2 hours, and finally I said I have to go....I was wilting.
I got home just in time to watch Design Star on HGTV. and saw the two finalists. I wish it would have been a different person they eliminated, but I like the two they kept too. The one I like best is still there, and I predicted from the beginning that she would be the one who won....so we'll see next week.
Today I am delivering Meals on Wheels, and my friend Carol Kline saw on my blog yesterday that I was doing that, so she volunteered to come with me, so I jumped at the chance to have someone help me. It's a route I don't usually do, but the same route tomorrow, so that will help.
I'm running late as I did some billing online business and had to call and question on of my accounts....which took forever. That and getting up late....I need to get ready to go now. It's still thundering and sprinkling out side, but I hope I can deliver in dry weather. Love and Prayers, m
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