Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!!

Woke this morning to a slightly hazy day. Earlier when I was awake it was really foggy over the lake, but it seems to have burned off when the sun arose! Last night was an interesting one in the sleep department...around 4 a.m. the fire alarms went of briefly and then shut off as quickly as they went on, but then again in about 5 minutes it did the same thing, and by now four of us were up walking around trying to figure out what in the heck was going on. The windows were showing signs of condensation, and Tom says some times his go off when they get condensation on them....I also commented that the dehumidifier in the basement was full and wouldn't work till they emptied a couple (Tom and Bill) went down to check on that....and Annie and I went back to bed. Pretty soon the quick blare of the alarm sounded again, but that was the last I heard of it. Then about 5:30 the girls came clomping into the cabin and out again to go running and rollerblading before it got too hot. I guess Doug chased them down the road as well. Then when they returned (I didn't look at the clock but I'm guessing 6:30) I heard them come back in and head back to bed in the boathouse. I then woke for the last time at 7:20, and knew I better get up and take my meds....I wasn't going to get any more rest if I didn't take my medicine. I got up, started the coffee and put some toast in the toaster for me, and noticed that the grape jelly was empty in the feeder. I went out and fed the birds and critters, and tied the cushions on the chairs in place. When I came back in my toast had long popped. I had to put it back down to rewarm it. I then settled down and read my email, ate and enjoyed my morning coffee. No one else is around yet to bother me, so I figured I better get this blog written while I had the chance. Yesterday was a very full day. The kids swam and tubed to their delight. Annie and Karen painted a dresser and shelf for Karen's room red to match the new quilt I got her for her birthday (the end of the month...but I like to give her her gifts when she is here so I can see her reaction). This year Karen had requested that I help her decorate their room. So I set out to find a quilt and found what I think was the perfect one last week. I then made up the bed and placed her birthday card on the pillow, so that when they arrived she would see it. She didn't go back to their room right away when they arrived, she went out to the deck, so it took a while before we could get her back there to see the surprise. When she did, I was right behind her, and her reaction was just what I wanted. She loved it. So, since is was tan and red striped, she needed red accents in the room. After working I think she also jumped in the lake, as it was hotter then hell (or that is what they say...I haven't been there to compare. We then fed the kids lunch, and Karen, Annie and I went into town shopping. We had a few goals in mind. To find a old window to hang in their new room. We went to Granpa Earl's Store on mainstreet and wandered through room after room of antique's and new...a lot of Duck pictures or the like...and then more old stuff. By the time we had finished on the first floor, Annie and Karen went to the second, but I found a chair to sit on. They eventually came down with a window in hand...exactly as she wanted. The other thing we were looking for was a replacement cover for the gazebo that the storm had shreded the night before. So I went across to the hardware store, but they didn't have any, and suggested Menards in Buffalo, and we already knew the Menards in Coon Rapids didn't have we headed back to the cabin. I then went online and checked Home Depot, but they had them online only and then I thought I'd just by chance see if Target carried them. I checked online, and found one, and then called the Coon Rapids store to see if they had any in the store. Just my luck....they did!! But only one and it was on clearance, so they couldn't hold it for me. I called and talked to Kim, and asked if they would go over and get it for us. They did, and brought it up with them when they came around 6 or so. So all the goals in shopping were accomplished. The other goal I had was for the ladder I bought for the raft, be put on. That didn't happen. Not that they, Tom and Doug, and Doug again, and Doug some more....but try as they might....the old bolt wasn't coming off. Even with power tools. So we'll see what today brings. So yesterday, we added Doug, Kim, Bill and Tommy to the mix. Had a wonderful dinner of corn on the cobb and brats. Enjoyed the water, and survived the heat! Today, we will add more to the crowd, I'll make Turkey on the grill, take in the boat parade after the kids decorate the pontoon. But mostly we will just enjoy the 4th of July and all the Independence it gives us! Love and Prayers, m

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