Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sunny Sunny Day

So excited....but not packed completely, can't decided if I should bring one big suitcase, and put the camera bag in the suitcase, so that I don't have to carry it....or if I can fit it all in the smaller carry on suitcase that I am going to check.
I slept pretty well last night, and then this morning I took my meds and went to the couch to wait till they worked....and I didn't go right back to I ended up watching the Today Show and  finally falling a sleep and didn't wake up till almost 9 a.m.  I have had breakfast, checked my email, and now I'm writing this so I can finish packing when I'm done.
Yesterday I went to lunch with Rosie, Sandi and Ann, and they all had  pictures to share and we always have lots to talk about.  We didn't get out of the place till after 3:30.  We were the only ones left in the place and they were setting up for the dinner rush.  Rosie had pictures of their townhouse they are buying in Eugene Oregon and Sandi had pictures of her newest great niece that was born when we were in Boston.  Ann of course had pictures of the wedding and all the gatherings that went along with it.
I came home and called the doctor's office to see if I could get a refill on the Ciperol, just in case as I don't want to think I need it and be in Vegas.  So I should take my last pill on Friday morning, and I really feel like I need another week of the medicine.  I haven't heard anything from them, so will put in another call this morning. 
Must go pack my suitcase and get going here.  Keep the prayers coming, Love and Prayers, m

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