Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Looks like a Storm

Weather wise....not in my life.  Today I'm going to my cousin Louie's to meet with, several of my Schoenecker cousins.  I'm really excited about this.  Uncle Herb had 15 kids, and they now have about 300 decedents and we are hoping to trace some of the hereditary sicknesses we have.  Louie has Multiple System Atrophy, and didn't know where it came from or if he was just an odd duck.  People have kidded him about that, but we are hoping to find some similar autoimmune problems in other family members.  We (my cousin Mary Kay and I, Mary Rose) are both the people who keep the records for our families.  So we will bring our family tree's and hope to fill in a lot of blanks and also include medical history as much as we can.  We are also bringing pictures, and pot luck lunch.
This evening I'm having dinner with my First Friday group, so a busy day.
I made an appointment to see Dr. Londer, and will do that on Thursday afternoon.  That's a busy day too.  I will delivering Meals on Wheels on Wed. and Th.
Yesterday I rested a lot.  I did get out of the house in the 98 degree temps, but had to pick up my mail at the post office....some kind of mix up on my hold.  Then I had to make a deposit at the bank, and then pick up some groceries so I had some things to bring for the pot luck.  I did print out a couple of copies of my Schoenecker family tree to take with me today.  Answered some emails and managed to fall coming in the house when I went to the mailbox to find the note saying I had to go to the Post Office to pick it up. I didn't fall far, but I managed to wrench my shoulder as I was holding onto the door knob when my left foot slipped off the step and I fell to my knee.  My knee is fine and I scrapped my left ankle, but my shoulder hurts if I try to lift it up.  I put Icy Hot on it yesterday, but I think I need to do that again this morning.
I need to get moving, and ready to go...I think I need to leave by 10:45 a.m. to get to Eagan by 11:30, and I need to shower at 10 a.m. to be ready by 10:45, so that means I better stop this rambling.  Love and Prayers, m

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