Yesterday, the girls (Nicole and Jackie) and I got up at about 8:30 to cloud cover!!! and it stayed that way all day, cept for a peak of sun every now and then. How disappointing. Carrie and the girls were hoping to get some sun.
Carrie, Carol, and the babies (McKensey and Sidney) arrived at about 10 a.m.. The babies and Nicole, Jackie and Carrie went out to the deck almost immediately looking for sun, and Carol and I joined them some of the time, but we sat in the cabin and talked and looked at photo albums most of the morning.
Dole, Jackie and I finished making the pasta salad almost as soon as we got up, and chilled it till noon when we were ready to eat it. It turned out really good and served with it a loaf of Cibatta bread (that's not spelled right, but I can't think of the right spelling). The bread was a loaf that you warmed in the oven for about 10 minutes and it was so good. The whole loaf cept for a 2 inch sliver got eaten. We made enough salad for an army, and I sent home some with Carol, Annie and family, and saved a small bowl for dinner for myself, which I ate when I got home.
At 2 p.m. everyone was tired (cept Dole and Jackie) so Carol laid down with Sidney, Carrie with McKensey and I got to nap by myself. Dole and Jackie went swimming and laid out on the floating raft trying hard to get some sun. By 2:30 we were all back up. Carol and Carrie started packing up and they left by 3 pm., Then Nicole, Jackie and I did the same, but we didn't get out of there till 3:30.
Got home about 5 and didn't do anything other than watch TV (The Vikings) for the evening. I must have been really tired, as I didn't wake up till 10 a.m. this morning. I did wake at 5 and took my breakout pill, then again at 7 a.m. to take my 12 hour pill along with the other daily pills and went to the couch and watched the "Today" show for about 15 minutes, but then fell back to sleep and was so surprised when I woke up at 10 a.m.
At that point I went to the computer and answered several emails etc. before I even got to working on this blog. So thus so late!!! Feeling plans other than laundry for the day. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Better Late Than Not At All
The girls (Nicole and her friend Jackie) picked me up and we were on our way to the cabin at 3:30 on Wednesday afternoon. We stopped at the grocery store in Annandale and picked up enough food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We got to the cabin a little after 5 p.m. and made dinner right away.
After dinner we started making a pasta salad for today, and it was so nice to have the girls to help doing all the chopping etc. After that was all in order for today we went to the basement and watched HGTV and Nicole was already sleeping by 9:30 p.m. She had been up early for helping with the freshmen welcome day.
I stayed on the couch till almost midnight, but the girls went to bed at 10 p.m. I slept well and it was a good night.
Short and sweet, Love and prayers, m
After dinner we started making a pasta salad for today, and it was so nice to have the girls to help doing all the chopping etc. After that was all in order for today we went to the basement and watched HGTV and Nicole was already sleeping by 9:30 p.m. She had been up early for helping with the freshmen welcome day.
I stayed on the couch till almost midnight, but the girls went to bed at 10 p.m. I slept well and it was a good night.
Short and sweet, Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The Sun Has Returned!
The sun is shining and I always feel so much better when the sun is shining. Strange thing is yesterday even though the sun wasn't shining, I felt good when I got out of bed (I changed the setting on my sleep number bed) and continued to be pretty productive. I got some Vegas pictures uploaded to my Facebook site, and I also set up a new group on Facebook called "SMA Class of 1962" and then entered all the email addresses that I found in the memory book onto my email address book, and made a group so I can send out emails to all that I have email addresses for. This took several hours of working at the computer sitting up, and that hasn't happened in weeks.
Nicole, my granddaughter came and mowed the lawn, and we talked about going to the lake tomorrow with Carol, Carrie and her two little ones. I didn't want to get up early and get going by 8 a.m., so I suggested to Nicole that we go this evening, and stay over night. That way I can sleep in to my regular schedule and also have to drive in the car on two different days, and give my back a break. I may not do my blog till later in the day tomorrow, as I don't think I'll lug my computer up for less than 24 hours. I'll take my Nook, and maybe just make a short entry in the morning, and update later when I get home. We plan on coming back early in the afternoon, cause Nicole and Carrie both have plans for the evening.
I plan on doing some more work on the SMA group in facebook today, and then I need to pack for the night. Think I'll have Nicole stop and I can pick up some stuff for lunch when we get to Annandale. Hope you all have a great day. Love and Prayers, m
Nicole, my granddaughter came and mowed the lawn, and we talked about going to the lake tomorrow with Carol, Carrie and her two little ones. I didn't want to get up early and get going by 8 a.m., so I suggested to Nicole that we go this evening, and stay over night. That way I can sleep in to my regular schedule and also have to drive in the car on two different days, and give my back a break. I may not do my blog till later in the day tomorrow, as I don't think I'll lug my computer up for less than 24 hours. I'll take my Nook, and maybe just make a short entry in the morning, and update later when I get home. We plan on coming back early in the afternoon, cause Nicole and Carrie both have plans for the evening.
I plan on doing some more work on the SMA group in facebook today, and then I need to pack for the night. Think I'll have Nicole stop and I can pick up some stuff for lunch when we get to Annandale. Hope you all have a great day. Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Where Did the Sun Go?
I thought we were going to have sun and heat all week....what happened to that?
Yesterday, Pat Tkach was so nice to pick me up and take me to the funeral of Joe Neis. She dropped me off and did some shopping and then read in the parking lot till I was done visiting...and that was a long time. Thank's Pat! When I went to find a pew to sit in, I realized that in the back pew were 3 printers, all friends of Gene's as well. I sat down with them, and then two more came and sat next to looking around the church I saw a couple more, so I had plenty of people to talk to, as well as Imelda and her family. The guys immediately took charge of finding me a place to sit for the lunch and I saved seats as they got a plate of the best funeral food I've ever had. While waiting for them to return I visited with a couple of friends from their church, and one said his cousin worked at the StarTribune and was a printer, and sure enough the guys all knew who his cousin was. Then another man and his wife sat down, and John Koonce (one of the printers) asked him why he was there, and sure enough another StarTribune employee that wasn't a printer but worked in the mail room, and bowled with them years ago. Visiting with all of them was so fun, made Gene seem so much closer!! One of the men (Tom Skeate's) wife died within 6 months of Gene and another (Dick Van Heels wife) died shortly thereafter too. I collected a couple of emails, and promised to try to keep in touch with several of the guys.
The funeral itself was such a nice service, the pastor an 80 year old guy wasn't well, and needed to sit for his homily, but it was one of the best homilies I've heard at a funeral. Had a lot of humor, and even though he didn't know Joe well, it made it sound like he did. Then Joe's daughter Missy had her three daughters do the readings and prayers, and they did such a good job too. Missy said she was so proud of them.
By the time I walked out of there, I was feeling so good. Made me forget the pain (all though I had taken a couple breakout pills before I left home). Being with old friends all weekend makes you forget your own problems, and masks the pain well.
Today Nicole is supposed to mow the lawn, but I wonder if the clouds will hold her back. I've made plans to go to the cabin on Thursday, and Nicole is going to drive me, and then Carol and Carrie (her daughter) and her two little ones are coming up for the day. Nicole will love playing with the babies, and I will love visiting with Carol and Carrie. Carol hasn't seen the cabin since we built on, so I'm excited to share it with her. Till tomorrow, Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday, Pat Tkach was so nice to pick me up and take me to the funeral of Joe Neis. She dropped me off and did some shopping and then read in the parking lot till I was done visiting...and that was a long time. Thank's Pat! When I went to find a pew to sit in, I realized that in the back pew were 3 printers, all friends of Gene's as well. I sat down with them, and then two more came and sat next to looking around the church I saw a couple more, so I had plenty of people to talk to, as well as Imelda and her family. The guys immediately took charge of finding me a place to sit for the lunch and I saved seats as they got a plate of the best funeral food I've ever had. While waiting for them to return I visited with a couple of friends from their church, and one said his cousin worked at the StarTribune and was a printer, and sure enough the guys all knew who his cousin was. Then another man and his wife sat down, and John Koonce (one of the printers) asked him why he was there, and sure enough another StarTribune employee that wasn't a printer but worked in the mail room, and bowled with them years ago. Visiting with all of them was so fun, made Gene seem so much closer!! One of the men (Tom Skeate's) wife died within 6 months of Gene and another (Dick Van Heels wife) died shortly thereafter too. I collected a couple of emails, and promised to try to keep in touch with several of the guys.
The funeral itself was such a nice service, the pastor an 80 year old guy wasn't well, and needed to sit for his homily, but it was one of the best homilies I've heard at a funeral. Had a lot of humor, and even though he didn't know Joe well, it made it sound like he did. Then Joe's daughter Missy had her three daughters do the readings and prayers, and they did such a good job too. Missy said she was so proud of them.
By the time I walked out of there, I was feeling so good. Made me forget the pain (all though I had taken a couple breakout pills before I left home). Being with old friends all weekend makes you forget your own problems, and masks the pain well.
Today Nicole is supposed to mow the lawn, but I wonder if the clouds will hold her back. I've made plans to go to the cabin on Thursday, and Nicole is going to drive me, and then Carol and Carrie (her daughter) and her two little ones are coming up for the day. Nicole will love playing with the babies, and I will love visiting with Carol and Carrie. Carol hasn't seen the cabin since we built on, so I'm excited to share it with her. Till tomorrow, Love and Prayers, m
Monday, August 27, 2012
Rise and Shine
Beautiful morning, but a funeral to go moving a little quicker than usual. Pat Tkach is picking me up at 10:30. Yesterday I got two volunteers to take me to the funeral, and even heard that my son-in-law would have taken off work and taken me if need be. I'm so lucky to have such good friends as all of you.
The picnic yesterday went well. Lots of good food, and a lot more talking. On Saturday their were so many people you couldn't talk to anyone for too long, but yesterday there were only about 18 total, so those that were there you got to talk too more. Although there were still a few I didn't get to do any one-on-one talk with. Had some great one-on-one with a couple. I brought a high school scrapbook, that had my acceptance letter and the bills for tuition, books and uniforms (school and gym). We had this ugly green romper that buttoned up the front and had a pointed collar that looked like a blouse tucked into a bleated short, but it was a one-piece. The shorts came down to your knees...making sure nothing showed and had some built in cotton undies with elastic around the leg. Someone made the comment they would make a great Halloween costume. I had mine for awhile, but at some point through it a way along with the uniform, sweater, shoes (Herberts Happy Hiker's we bought at Schuler Shoes) and blouses.
I did get to visit with Kathy Leighton Mchoney, who took piano lessons like me, and sang in the glee club, which ended up being her life long career. For many years sang at piano bars around town, and for the last 17 years has been the music director at St. John the Baptist Catholic church in Excelsior. But other than being the piano player, her latest claim to fame is being the mother of Tim Mchoney (Tim Mchoney and the Meenies Band). He appeared on "The Voice" last year. So had a fun conversation with her and even got a CD of Tim's.
Carol and I also got some great one-on-one, as we browsed some photo albums and my scrapbook before we left yesterday for the picnic, and of course in the car driving back and forth. We haven't had so much time to really talk to each other one-on-one in years. Living in Florida and me here doesn't help either. So all in all it was a great visit.
After Carol brought me home, I went across the street to the neighbor's 70th birthday party, and really enjoyed seeing a couple of neighbors who moved away and those that are still here, that you don't get to talk to much. I spent so much time in the front yard visiting with the neighbors, that I didn't even get to greet the birthday boy till we all left. I found out that several actually read this blog, and keep up with me to my surprise.
Well, I better get in the shower or I won't be ready when Patty comes at 10:30 a.m. Many of the classmates need prayers, I'm not the only one with cancer and such, so please include them in your prayers too!
Love and Prayers, m
The picnic yesterday went well. Lots of good food, and a lot more talking. On Saturday their were so many people you couldn't talk to anyone for too long, but yesterday there were only about 18 total, so those that were there you got to talk too more. Although there were still a few I didn't get to do any one-on-one talk with. Had some great one-on-one with a couple. I brought a high school scrapbook, that had my acceptance letter and the bills for tuition, books and uniforms (school and gym). We had this ugly green romper that buttoned up the front and had a pointed collar that looked like a blouse tucked into a bleated short, but it was a one-piece. The shorts came down to your knees...making sure nothing showed and had some built in cotton undies with elastic around the leg. Someone made the comment they would make a great Halloween costume. I had mine for awhile, but at some point through it a way along with the uniform, sweater, shoes (Herberts Happy Hiker's we bought at Schuler Shoes) and blouses.
I did get to visit with Kathy Leighton Mchoney, who took piano lessons like me, and sang in the glee club, which ended up being her life long career. For many years sang at piano bars around town, and for the last 17 years has been the music director at St. John the Baptist Catholic church in Excelsior. But other than being the piano player, her latest claim to fame is being the mother of Tim Mchoney (Tim Mchoney and the Meenies Band). He appeared on "The Voice" last year. So had a fun conversation with her and even got a CD of Tim's.
Carol and I also got some great one-on-one, as we browsed some photo albums and my scrapbook before we left yesterday for the picnic, and of course in the car driving back and forth. We haven't had so much time to really talk to each other one-on-one in years. Living in Florida and me here doesn't help either. So all in all it was a great visit.
After Carol brought me home, I went across the street to the neighbor's 70th birthday party, and really enjoyed seeing a couple of neighbors who moved away and those that are still here, that you don't get to talk to much. I spent so much time in the front yard visiting with the neighbors, that I didn't even get to greet the birthday boy till we all left. I found out that several actually read this blog, and keep up with me to my surprise.
Well, I better get in the shower or I won't be ready when Patty comes at 10:30 a.m. Many of the classmates need prayers, I'm not the only one with cancer and such, so please include them in your prayers too!
Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, August 26, 2012
What a Beautiful Day!
After a cloudy day yesterday, the Sun is now shining and I have two outdoor activities for the afternoon. First the second part of the class reunion is a picnic at a classmates home in Nord East!! and the second is a 70th birthday celebration for Mike Burrington a neighbor across the street.
Yesterday was a long day, but I loved every minute of it. Rita picked me up and drove me to my neice Carrie's house to pick up her mom, Carol. So even the ride downtown was enjoyable visting all the way. (I know you can't believe I talked that much.)
When we got there, we were the first ones to be there other than the organizers, and because we were early we got to park right in front of the door with my handicap sticker. (So there Jimbo) But in leaving all the handicap places were full of SMA grads.
The building (The Women's Club) was gorgeous and reminded me of the old mansion we started school in back in 1958, before they built the new school in 1960 that we actually graduated from. The intersection of 94 and 394 is what replaced the old school. The food was excellent and although I wasn't drinking, it looked like they were good too! So all that set the scene for some great conversations and memories of days gone by. Much laughter, and also applause for great accomplishments of many great women, and the great education and experience we got at St. Margarets Academy. We ended by singing the school song, and lots of tears. The only good part about leaving, was that a lot of us will gather again this afternoon to continue to recall memories and new connections of some friends we haven't seen in 50 years.
I was going to end, but almost forgot to add a request for prayers, for some of the classmates also ill, (Judy Dechaine who suffered a stroke this past Spring) including the husband of Kathy Kelly, Ed....who also is now in the battle with cancer. So please pray for them and me!! Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday was a long day, but I loved every minute of it. Rita picked me up and drove me to my neice Carrie's house to pick up her mom, Carol. So even the ride downtown was enjoyable visting all the way. (I know you can't believe I talked that much.)
When we got there, we were the first ones to be there other than the organizers, and because we were early we got to park right in front of the door with my handicap sticker. (So there Jimbo) But in leaving all the handicap places were full of SMA grads.
The building (The Women's Club) was gorgeous and reminded me of the old mansion we started school in back in 1958, before they built the new school in 1960 that we actually graduated from. The intersection of 94 and 394 is what replaced the old school. The food was excellent and although I wasn't drinking, it looked like they were good too! So all that set the scene for some great conversations and memories of days gone by. Much laughter, and also applause for great accomplishments of many great women, and the great education and experience we got at St. Margarets Academy. We ended by singing the school song, and lots of tears. The only good part about leaving, was that a lot of us will gather again this afternoon to continue to recall memories and new connections of some friends we haven't seen in 50 years.
I was going to end, but almost forgot to add a request for prayers, for some of the classmates also ill, (Judy Dechaine who suffered a stroke this past Spring) including the husband of Kathy Kelly, Ed....who also is now in the battle with cancer. So please pray for them and me!! Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, August 25, 2012
"50th" Class Reunion Day!!
Wow that makes me feel if I didn't already. But looking forward to seeing and visiting with everyone. Sure hope we have a good turn out. Only 124 in my Graduating class, and I know several of them have already passed away, but we only had about 39 at the last one, so hope it's more this year with the big 50.
It will be an early day, as I get picked up at 10 a.m. this morning, (by Rita Culshaw) and then we will pick up my sister-in-law Carol and hope to arrive at the start at 11 a.m. It's a luncheon affair, evidently at our age they don't like evening events. Then tomorrow there will be a picnic at one of a classmates homes. I had volunteered to have it at the cabin, but they decided it would be too far, and not many would attend then.
Yesterday was another fairly boring day....did a lot of nothing other than watching TV and laying on the couch. But is should help getting me rested up for the busy weekend. My goal today is pain management, and I am so far right on target, and will take two breakout pills before I leave at 10 a.m. and then again at 2 p.m. so hopefully that will work.
Talked to Judy Favorite a classmate of Bonnie Sass's who lives in Sedona, and is on the same Chemo regiment I am, and gave her some tips on how to deal with the cold. So please say some prayers for her.
Nothing else to report....still looking for someone to take me to Joe Neis's funeral on Monday late morning. Love and prayers, m
It will be an early day, as I get picked up at 10 a.m. this morning, (by Rita Culshaw) and then we will pick up my sister-in-law Carol and hope to arrive at the start at 11 a.m. It's a luncheon affair, evidently at our age they don't like evening events. Then tomorrow there will be a picnic at one of a classmates homes. I had volunteered to have it at the cabin, but they decided it would be too far, and not many would attend then.
Yesterday was another fairly boring day....did a lot of nothing other than watching TV and laying on the couch. But is should help getting me rested up for the busy weekend. My goal today is pain management, and I am so far right on target, and will take two breakout pills before I leave at 10 a.m. and then again at 2 p.m. so hopefully that will work.
Talked to Judy Favorite a classmate of Bonnie Sass's who lives in Sedona, and is on the same Chemo regiment I am, and gave her some tips on how to deal with the cold. So please say some prayers for her.
Nothing else to report....still looking for someone to take me to Joe Neis's funeral on Monday late morning. Love and prayers, m
Friday, August 24, 2012
Sun Now but More Rain Coming Later
Not much to write about yesterday, I layed around most of the day. Did get a nice visit from my neighbor Marion, who brought over some lemon zuccihni bread. I've already eaten two, and it's really good. I also talked to my sister-in-law Carol and we've gotten all the arrangements made for the weekend's Class Reunion luncheon on Saturday as well as a picnic on Sunday afternoon.
I was bragging to Jimbo that I now had the handicapp sticker and would be able to use it on Saturday downtown, and he said that all the handicapp spaces would be full, as it was my 50th class reunion, there will be a lot of old people there. lol
Also talked to Gary, wishing him a happy birthday, and I was surprised to hear Eric on the line. Gary was already talking to Eric, so made it a 3 way conference call. Really enjoyed talking to both of them. They had me laughing most of the time. Even at Eric's unfortunate news of getting a ticket on his bike for running a red light! Didn't know they gave tickets out for bikers but it is New York and they have a lot of bikes. The cop tried to make light of it by telling Eric that it wouldn't make any marks on his driver's license. Whoopee!! He still has to pay the fine.
Again, don't have plans for the day. Did get info on Joe Neis's funeral, and it will be on Monday, so I need to find someone to drive me there. Love and Prayers, m
I was bragging to Jimbo that I now had the handicapp sticker and would be able to use it on Saturday downtown, and he said that all the handicapp spaces would be full, as it was my 50th class reunion, there will be a lot of old people there. lol
Also talked to Gary, wishing him a happy birthday, and I was surprised to hear Eric on the line. Gary was already talking to Eric, so made it a 3 way conference call. Really enjoyed talking to both of them. They had me laughing most of the time. Even at Eric's unfortunate news of getting a ticket on his bike for running a red light! Didn't know they gave tickets out for bikers but it is New York and they have a lot of bikes. The cop tried to make light of it by telling Eric that it wouldn't make any marks on his driver's license. Whoopee!! He still has to pay the fine.
Again, don't have plans for the day. Did get info on Joe Neis's funeral, and it will be on Monday, so I need to find someone to drive me there. Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Happy Birthday Gary!!
That's Kathleen's husband. He's reminded me twice this week that it is his birthday today, so I couldn't post this without wishing him a great sunshiney day! Although, it's not a sun shiney day here. Mostly cloudy! But I guess parts of the State really need the rain.
Yesterday was the no pain day, and I finally figured out why. When I took my night pills, I mistakenly took the 4 oclock pills for Wednesday (on Tues. night) and when I pack that 4 oclock case, I always put in my 7 p.m. 12 hour pain pill in it. So I was pain free due to double pain pills for about 8 hours of the time. whoops!!! It did feel good, and it made my whole day.
Nicole came and picked me up to get my pump unplugged and when we returned she stayed and helped me with the laundry and remaking my bed with clean sheets. Got that done, and then she took me to Jan's to have my hair done, so I can look beautiful for Saturday. Of course I now have beautifully colored bed head. Sleeping on it didn't help the beauty.
I also finished up making arrangements for 4 of us (Bonnie, Lois, Judy and I) to go to the North Shore for 3 nights in September. 9th-13th. I'm really excited about that, and my goal is to see Gene's bench I had placed on the shore of Lake Superior in Gooseberry Falls State Park in memory of Gene. I've not seen the bench in five years, so finally I will. We are staying only about a mile from the park at Grand Superior Shores, and have always driven by and wanted to stay there, so this is my chance for that too.
Got sad news this morning, Gene's buddy Joe Neis passed away this morning, so say some prayers for his family, but we are all thankful he is no longer suffering. He too died of lung cancer, and I remember years ago when they were both trying to quit smoking, but both lost the battle....well at least in the end they both died of lung cancer....I think Joe did stop smoking.
So far I'm feeling pretty good this morning....not as great as yesterday....but good!
Looking forward to seeing my sister-in-law Carol, I believe she arrives today for a couple of weeks and going to the reunion on Saturday.
That's all for the day, Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday was the no pain day, and I finally figured out why. When I took my night pills, I mistakenly took the 4 oclock pills for Wednesday (on Tues. night) and when I pack that 4 oclock case, I always put in my 7 p.m. 12 hour pain pill in it. So I was pain free due to double pain pills for about 8 hours of the time. whoops!!! It did feel good, and it made my whole day.
Nicole came and picked me up to get my pump unplugged and when we returned she stayed and helped me with the laundry and remaking my bed with clean sheets. Got that done, and then she took me to Jan's to have my hair done, so I can look beautiful for Saturday. Of course I now have beautifully colored bed head. Sleeping on it didn't help the beauty.
I also finished up making arrangements for 4 of us (Bonnie, Lois, Judy and I) to go to the North Shore for 3 nights in September. 9th-13th. I'm really excited about that, and my goal is to see Gene's bench I had placed on the shore of Lake Superior in Gooseberry Falls State Park in memory of Gene. I've not seen the bench in five years, so finally I will. We are staying only about a mile from the park at Grand Superior Shores, and have always driven by and wanted to stay there, so this is my chance for that too.
Got sad news this morning, Gene's buddy Joe Neis passed away this morning, so say some prayers for his family, but we are all thankful he is no longer suffering. He too died of lung cancer, and I remember years ago when they were both trying to quit smoking, but both lost the battle....well at least in the end they both died of lung cancer....I think Joe did stop smoking.
So far I'm feeling pretty good this morning....not as great as yesterday....but good!
Looking forward to seeing my sister-in-law Carol, I believe she arrives today for a couple of weeks and going to the reunion on Saturday.
That's all for the day, Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Happy Sun Shiney Day
I awoke this morning at 6 a.m. in NO PAIN, no cramps and I can't remember the last time I did that. I normally would have taken a breakout pain pill to get me over the lap between my 7 p.m. pill and my 7 a.m. pill. I saw no need for it, and I still am feeling great so I guess I was right.
Yesterday, I was quite busy. I took a shower at 11:15 and got ready to go to lunch with Bonnie and Lois. Bonnie picked me up at 12:15 and we met Lois at Panera and had a nice time eating and visiting. Lois had a Dr.'s appointment at 2:30 so we headed out at 2:15, and I needed to stop at Walgreens to get some cash, and Bonnie needed to pick up a few items as well, and by then it was 2:35 and didn't need to be in Maple Grove (Sheila's house for Qigong) till 3:30 so decided to go to Kohls and shop till 3:10. I managed to find an outfit to wear at my 50th class reunion on Saturday, on a clearance rack. So I was excited about that. We then headed for Sheila's and got there right on time.
Qigong went well, and I'm guessing that is why I woke up in no pain and am feeling so great today. It's amazing what she is able to do. She feels and senses where I need help and clears out the blockages so well. Bonnie also sat and meditated while she worked on me. I hope it helped her too!
I got home about 5:30 and don't know if I took my 4:00 p.m. pills then and again later, but between Sunday and yesterday I took my 4 p.m. pills twice, cause the Wednesday pills are missing. I was awake and alert till midnight, and when I went to bed then, I didn't really sleep till after 1 p.m. when I got up and went to the bathroom. So I'm thinking it was yesterday that I doubled up, and one of those was a steroid pill, that is an upper for me, that's why I take it at 4 p.m. so it doesn't keep me awake. I only take it twice a day for days 2, 3 and 4 of my chemo cycle, and then one on the 5th day, and 1/2 on the 6th. and set them up in the pill boxes that way. Oh well, I guess I'll live. I did sleep really good from 1 to 6 a.m. this morning, and not in any pain so all is well.
The other good thing about the day was that I never took a break-out pill all day...was getting wiry by the time I got to Shiela's but she fixed that too.
Today, I get unplugged at 12:15 and my granddaughter Nicole is picking me up and taking me there and also going to take me to Jan Ranum's to have my hair done. I need to look beautiful for my class reunion. Nicole also came yesterday and moved my lawn, so I really appreciate the fact that she can drive and is taking the time to help me. Jan will give me a ride home, as Nicole and Allie need to go to cross-country this afternoon.
I did get a volunteer to take me to my next chemo on September 4, and Rita Culshaw was the first to respond. She is also going to go the the class reunion with me and my sister-in-law Carol on Saturday.
No plans for the evening, but I will probably need to rest after the two busy days, and no steroid to keep to hyped up.
Thank you all for the prayers and blessings you are sending my way. I know they are working. Hope the chemo is too! Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday, I was quite busy. I took a shower at 11:15 and got ready to go to lunch with Bonnie and Lois. Bonnie picked me up at 12:15 and we met Lois at Panera and had a nice time eating and visiting. Lois had a Dr.'s appointment at 2:30 so we headed out at 2:15, and I needed to stop at Walgreens to get some cash, and Bonnie needed to pick up a few items as well, and by then it was 2:35 and didn't need to be in Maple Grove (Sheila's house for Qigong) till 3:30 so decided to go to Kohls and shop till 3:10. I managed to find an outfit to wear at my 50th class reunion on Saturday, on a clearance rack. So I was excited about that. We then headed for Sheila's and got there right on time.
Qigong went well, and I'm guessing that is why I woke up in no pain and am feeling so great today. It's amazing what she is able to do. She feels and senses where I need help and clears out the blockages so well. Bonnie also sat and meditated while she worked on me. I hope it helped her too!
I got home about 5:30 and don't know if I took my 4:00 p.m. pills then and again later, but between Sunday and yesterday I took my 4 p.m. pills twice, cause the Wednesday pills are missing. I was awake and alert till midnight, and when I went to bed then, I didn't really sleep till after 1 p.m. when I got up and went to the bathroom. So I'm thinking it was yesterday that I doubled up, and one of those was a steroid pill, that is an upper for me, that's why I take it at 4 p.m. so it doesn't keep me awake. I only take it twice a day for days 2, 3 and 4 of my chemo cycle, and then one on the 5th day, and 1/2 on the 6th. and set them up in the pill boxes that way. Oh well, I guess I'll live. I did sleep really good from 1 to 6 a.m. this morning, and not in any pain so all is well.
The other good thing about the day was that I never took a break-out pill all day...was getting wiry by the time I got to Shiela's but she fixed that too.
Today, I get unplugged at 12:15 and my granddaughter Nicole is picking me up and taking me there and also going to take me to Jan Ranum's to have my hair done. I need to look beautiful for my class reunion. Nicole also came yesterday and moved my lawn, so I really appreciate the fact that she can drive and is taking the time to help me. Jan will give me a ride home, as Nicole and Allie need to go to cross-country this afternoon.
I did get a volunteer to take me to my next chemo on September 4, and Rita Culshaw was the first to respond. She is also going to go the the class reunion with me and my sister-in-law Carol on Saturday.
No plans for the evening, but I will probably need to rest after the two busy days, and no steroid to keep to hyped up.
Thank you all for the prayers and blessings you are sending my way. I know they are working. Hope the chemo is too! Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Sunny Day for a Sun Needy Person
You know I always feel so much better when the sun is shining, and that is true today!! A little bird at my feeder helps too!
Yesterday the sun was shining when I left at 8:15, but quickly went out when I walked into HHH clinic and was told I was 15 minutes early. So I had to wait 15 minutes till they called me in for my port to be accessed and my blood work done. Well then they couldn't get a blood return so walked me back to Dr. Londer's office without it, saying it could be worked on when I got back to chemo. So now I was about 5 minutes early for my 8:45 appointment. Well I got there and sat, and waited, and sat, and waited and sat, and waited some more. By 9:15 I was in such pain form sitting in that office not finding a comfortable position to get the weight off my tailbone, that I finally went out and asked if Dr. Londer had forgotten me, and they said that he had been double booked and wouldn't be long, but I was already in tears and they decided to take me back to the chemo room where the nurse could draw my blood and get the ball rolling....well that didn't exactly happen either. He was busy with another patient, and finally Dr. Londer came over to see me, and I wasn't in very good shape....and asked if I had taken a breakout pill, and I said I had at 9:15, but it hadn't taken effect yet. He said he would have the nurse draw my blood and they would get the ball rolling. Well that still didn't happen for another 10 minutes, and when he came in, I asked what the hell was going on here today? He said well one of his patients was late and that through his schedule off, well I was now 45 minutes late and he still didn't have a blood return, so he finally did that, so they could get my counts to make sure I could get chemo today. My blood pressure was great 124/70 which they got when I walked in back at 8:30 and all the other vitals were good as well it was just the blood we were waiting on....that finally came through and they could order the chemo drugs from the pharmacy, and by 10:15 or so they finally hooked me up to the first drugs....luckily they had hooked me up to the pre-med infusion before this, so by 2:15 p.m. I was done.
I had asked for Dr. Londer to give me permission for a Handicapp sign for my car, and then had to wait another fifteen minutes for him to sign that before we could get out of there. Then Judy stopped at the Anoka County License Center for me, so I could put in the application. I walked out of there about 1/2 hour later with a temporary permit in hand, and promise that 2 hangers would come in the mail within the month. So a great end to a frustrating day.
To top off the frustrations, Judy beat me 3 out of 4 times in cribbage. I almost won 2 of the times, and was within five pegs once and she came from being 24 spaces and beat me by counting first with a great hand and great cut. The other time we were both close and she again counted first and won.....the last time when I finally won she was in the stink hole and I got to count first and finally won!!!
I had a few episodes of cold reaction and one chewing episode of pain which I had two years ago, but I haven't had any since before dinner. I have been warming my water for drinking and washing my hands just in case.
I didn't get to tell you about Sunday, but I overslept for church, and then went to an early movie with Bonnie and Lois and then out or dinner after. The move was "Hope Springs" and we all loved it. I highly recommend it for anyone who has been married for more than 20 years or so. It was hilarious.
That's it for now. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday the sun was shining when I left at 8:15, but quickly went out when I walked into HHH clinic and was told I was 15 minutes early. So I had to wait 15 minutes till they called me in for my port to be accessed and my blood work done. Well then they couldn't get a blood return so walked me back to Dr. Londer's office without it, saying it could be worked on when I got back to chemo. So now I was about 5 minutes early for my 8:45 appointment. Well I got there and sat, and waited, and sat, and waited and sat, and waited some more. By 9:15 I was in such pain form sitting in that office not finding a comfortable position to get the weight off my tailbone, that I finally went out and asked if Dr. Londer had forgotten me, and they said that he had been double booked and wouldn't be long, but I was already in tears and they decided to take me back to the chemo room where the nurse could draw my blood and get the ball rolling....well that didn't exactly happen either. He was busy with another patient, and finally Dr. Londer came over to see me, and I wasn't in very good shape....and asked if I had taken a breakout pill, and I said I had at 9:15, but it hadn't taken effect yet. He said he would have the nurse draw my blood and they would get the ball rolling. Well that still didn't happen for another 10 minutes, and when he came in, I asked what the hell was going on here today? He said well one of his patients was late and that through his schedule off, well I was now 45 minutes late and he still didn't have a blood return, so he finally did that, so they could get my counts to make sure I could get chemo today. My blood pressure was great 124/70 which they got when I walked in back at 8:30 and all the other vitals were good as well it was just the blood we were waiting on....that finally came through and they could order the chemo drugs from the pharmacy, and by 10:15 or so they finally hooked me up to the first drugs....luckily they had hooked me up to the pre-med infusion before this, so by 2:15 p.m. I was done.
I had asked for Dr. Londer to give me permission for a Handicapp sign for my car, and then had to wait another fifteen minutes for him to sign that before we could get out of there. Then Judy stopped at the Anoka County License Center for me, so I could put in the application. I walked out of there about 1/2 hour later with a temporary permit in hand, and promise that 2 hangers would come in the mail within the month. So a great end to a frustrating day.
To top off the frustrations, Judy beat me 3 out of 4 times in cribbage. I almost won 2 of the times, and was within five pegs once and she came from being 24 spaces and beat me by counting first with a great hand and great cut. The other time we were both close and she again counted first and won.....the last time when I finally won she was in the stink hole and I got to count first and finally won!!!
I had a few episodes of cold reaction and one chewing episode of pain which I had two years ago, but I haven't had any since before dinner. I have been warming my water for drinking and washing my hands just in case.
I didn't get to tell you about Sunday, but I overslept for church, and then went to an early movie with Bonnie and Lois and then out or dinner after. The move was "Hope Springs" and we all loved it. I highly recommend it for anyone who has been married for more than 20 years or so. It was hilarious.
That's it for now. Love and Prayers, m
Monday, August 20, 2012
Day 1, Round 2
Don't have time to write this morning, but will try to do it later today. Just want you to know I'm being picked up by Bonnie in a few minutes, and off to HHH for another Chemo today. Wondering how it will effect me today....wondering if the drugs will effect me differently. Bonnie is gotta go. Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Lazy Day!
I slept so good last night....too good....I got up at 7 a.m. and took my pills, and went back to bed for what I thought was about an hour, but didn't wake up till 9:34. Bonnie was supposed to pick me up at 10:10 to take me to church, so I called her and told her I would be ready in time...and then laid down on the couch and dosed in between watching HGTV and talking to Annie on the phone. I read some of the paper, and all of a sudden remembered I hadn't written my blog. Crazy!!
Bonnie is picking me up at 2:20 and we are going to see "Hope Springs" with Lois Bjerke. I think we will probably go out to eat after that. So think I will have a great day if I finally get my butt in gear.
Yesterday after going to the farmers market and each of us brought home a bag of goodies, mine included a couple of zucchini and a butternut squash as well as a loaf of that great bread I always buy. I got a loaf of cranberry pecan. I don't know what the others bought, but we all had a couple of bags.
When we got back home it was almost time for lunch so we had everything in the fridge that was left overs from the weeks meals, plus some sliced cukes and tomatoes, some of the great new bread and a salad. Part of the left overs was some of that corn we bought and only ate 6 ears the first night. They were just as good for our lunch on Saturday.
After lunch we began getting packed and cleaning up and washing several loads of laundry, one of them being my personal clothes, sheets and towels from the bathrooms and the kitchen. But we got it all done and were out of there by 2:30....getting me home by 3:45 or so. Really hated leaving the cabin, but it was nice to be home too. Didn't do a lot last night, but I did get to watch TV and the news, which we couldn't do all week at the cabin.
Well, I need to get moving here, or Bonnie will be here to pick me up and I'll still be in my PJs. Will write earlier tomorrow. Love and Prayers, m
Bonnie is picking me up at 2:20 and we are going to see "Hope Springs" with Lois Bjerke. I think we will probably go out to eat after that. So think I will have a great day if I finally get my butt in gear.
Yesterday after going to the farmers market and each of us brought home a bag of goodies, mine included a couple of zucchini and a butternut squash as well as a loaf of that great bread I always buy. I got a loaf of cranberry pecan. I don't know what the others bought, but we all had a couple of bags.
When we got back home it was almost time for lunch so we had everything in the fridge that was left overs from the weeks meals, plus some sliced cukes and tomatoes, some of the great new bread and a salad. Part of the left overs was some of that corn we bought and only ate 6 ears the first night. They were just as good for our lunch on Saturday.
After lunch we began getting packed and cleaning up and washing several loads of laundry, one of them being my personal clothes, sheets and towels from the bathrooms and the kitchen. But we got it all done and were out of there by 2:30....getting me home by 3:45 or so. Really hated leaving the cabin, but it was nice to be home too. Didn't do a lot last night, but I did get to watch TV and the news, which we couldn't do all week at the cabin.
Well, I need to get moving here, or Bonnie will be here to pick me up and I'll still be in my PJs. Will write earlier tomorrow. Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Happy Birthday Presley!!!
It's also Presley's Grandpa's happy birthday John Kays!!
It's Saturday morning, and that means it's Farmer's Market in Annandale. We thought we would all get up early and go into town. However, when Len's alarm went off at 8 a.m. I had been sound a sleep since 5:15. Totally slept right through my 7 a.m. pills. Luckily I took that break-out pain pill at 5:15 a.m. A good thing and a bad thing. I did wake sorta up sometime in that period, but it was because of a night sweat, and my pj top was all was my skin, but I just through off the blanket and kept the damp sheet to cover me and went right back to sleep. Anyway it's a beautiful morning, most of us have showered, and we're washing sheets and almost ready to go to the farmers market and it's only 9 a.m.
Yesterday was a beautiful day, we did a little shopping in the morning for some more bird food and some screws for Lenard to fix the kitchen table leg and tighten up the top of the table too! It isn't completely stable, but it's a whole lot better, and makes a lot less noise when you lean on it. Then we stopped at the store to get some things to fill in for lunch (like bread), and came back to the cabin for lunch, and then Lenard went fishing to see if he could come up with a few more for dinner, cause we found out that Judy was coming up later in the afternoon.
Judy did arrive at about 4:30 p.m. and we fried up a big pan of fish, and boiled some more of the corn we bought earlier in the week. Great dinner!! Thanks Lenard.
We wanted to watch at least the first quarter or two of the Vikings game and we couldn't get the TV here to work, we went to LaLa's in South Haven to watch. After the half we came back and played Domino's....I won two games and June won two, but Judy and Len didn't win any. But at LaLa's we played Cut Throat and Judy won that game and poor Lenard didn't win all day.
We need to get moving here, so that's it for the day. Hope Presley has a great day too! Love and Prayers, m
Friday, August 17, 2012
Busy Bird Watching
Have had lots of bird watching this morning, and has distracted me from writing my blog.
The red bellied woodpecker has reappeared and eating at the grape jelly feeder, but the orioles don't like him hogging "their" food, and were trying to chase him away. I also saw a brief appearance of the huge Raven that was around this spring. But he didn't come down to the ground to eat. Many nuthatch, sparrow and chickadee's and a single chipmunk have been grazing all morning. June, Len and I all slept a little later than usual....well I did get up and put the coffee on and took my meds and went back to bed for an extra hour.
I slept really well last night and I was told that June and Len did too. We all must had been really tired from the days trip to the funeral we took. That is a story in itself!!!
We left at 8:20 about 10 minutes earlier that we thought we had to leave, armed with mapquest directions to Belle Plaine. But we got up to Cty Rd 3 and headed toward's Annandale and almost got all the way there before I realized we were supposed to be going toward Cokato. Then when we got as far as Norwood/Young America we found a McDonalds and had a quick egg mcmuffin for breakfast and then preceeded to find a county road that mapquest had told us to drive on, but didn't actually exist. We didn't know that at the time, but finally took out a map and started looking for a road that would take us south to Belle Plaine. We took one that took us back southwest to exactly where we were supposed to be. Got there only about 10 minutes later than plan, but in plenty of time for the reviewal and beautiful service.
Annie and Judy both looked like there were doing well, and both of her boys and grandkids were there, and also Janet and Jeannie along with us as family to support her. The chapel was filled to overflowing, and they kept bringing more chairs and more chairs to sit on. Mike (Judy's oldest) did the eulogy and did a great job on that....had us all laughing and crying. His daughter Jessie also did a solo piece on the piano prior to the service, and did a great job on that as well. The lunch after was in the building that Annie and Roger were living in, and the room was much too small for all the people. I think they didn't expect such a crowd. They ended up putting tables out in the hall (where we sat) in the middle of all the traffic.
The trip home was as eventful as the trip down. We tried to do a reverse of what we were supposed to do on the way down, but that ended up on us somehow getting lost in Winsted where a cty road changed names and we drove out of town east about 5 miles before we realized we were supposed to be going north on cty 6 and not east on cty 6. We had to turn around and go back to Winsted to find were we made the wrong turn. (The road we were on that was wrong had buffalo and llama's so that was interesting.) Any way by this time I was really tired and we wanted to stop and buy some vegetables to put with chicken in the pressure cooker for dinner, and when Lanto's in French Lake right on the way, didn't have any....I had them take me back home to the cabin for a nap while they went to Annandale to get them.
The evening wasn't as eventful....we played 2 games of domino's and Len won the first and June the second, and then we switched and played 3 games of cut throat with each of us winning one. So atleast I won once all evening.
Now we are off to town to get some more critter food and some screws to fix my dining room table (well for Len to fix the dining room table.) So must get going....Love and Prayers, m
The red bellied woodpecker has reappeared and eating at the grape jelly feeder, but the orioles don't like him hogging "their" food, and were trying to chase him away. I also saw a brief appearance of the huge Raven that was around this spring. But he didn't come down to the ground to eat. Many nuthatch, sparrow and chickadee's and a single chipmunk have been grazing all morning. June, Len and I all slept a little later than usual....well I did get up and put the coffee on and took my meds and went back to bed for an extra hour.
I slept really well last night and I was told that June and Len did too. We all must had been really tired from the days trip to the funeral we took. That is a story in itself!!!
We left at 8:20 about 10 minutes earlier that we thought we had to leave, armed with mapquest directions to Belle Plaine. But we got up to Cty Rd 3 and headed toward's Annandale and almost got all the way there before I realized we were supposed to be going toward Cokato. Then when we got as far as Norwood/Young America we found a McDonalds and had a quick egg mcmuffin for breakfast and then preceeded to find a county road that mapquest had told us to drive on, but didn't actually exist. We didn't know that at the time, but finally took out a map and started looking for a road that would take us south to Belle Plaine. We took one that took us back southwest to exactly where we were supposed to be. Got there only about 10 minutes later than plan, but in plenty of time for the reviewal and beautiful service.
Annie and Judy both looked like there were doing well, and both of her boys and grandkids were there, and also Janet and Jeannie along with us as family to support her. The chapel was filled to overflowing, and they kept bringing more chairs and more chairs to sit on. Mike (Judy's oldest) did the eulogy and did a great job on that....had us all laughing and crying. His daughter Jessie also did a solo piece on the piano prior to the service, and did a great job on that as well. The lunch after was in the building that Annie and Roger were living in, and the room was much too small for all the people. I think they didn't expect such a crowd. They ended up putting tables out in the hall (where we sat) in the middle of all the traffic.
The trip home was as eventful as the trip down. We tried to do a reverse of what we were supposed to do on the way down, but that ended up on us somehow getting lost in Winsted where a cty road changed names and we drove out of town east about 5 miles before we realized we were supposed to be going north on cty 6 and not east on cty 6. We had to turn around and go back to Winsted to find were we made the wrong turn. (The road we were on that was wrong had buffalo and llama's so that was interesting.) Any way by this time I was really tired and we wanted to stop and buy some vegetables to put with chicken in the pressure cooker for dinner, and when Lanto's in French Lake right on the way, didn't have any....I had them take me back home to the cabin for a nap while they went to Annandale to get them.
The evening wasn't as eventful....we played 2 games of domino's and Len won the first and June the second, and then we switched and played 3 games of cut throat with each of us winning one. So atleast I won once all evening.
Now we are off to town to get some more critter food and some screws to fix my dining room table (well for Len to fix the dining room table.) So must get going....Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Happy Birthday Amby!!!
I forgot to wish my dad a happy birthday this morning, when I rushed out of here. Back at the cabin for another two nights, will go home late Saturday afternoon....that's as long as I brought pills for.
Love ya Dad, m
Love ya Dad, m
Cold an Windy
Today we are going to Belle Plaine to the Memorial for Roger, Judy's brotheer-in-law. We have to leave by 8:30 and I have to write this and get dressed quickly.
We had a great day yesterday, and I was able to do everything I wanted to do. We did get to Knaus's in Kimball and I also had my long-distance Qigong session with Sheila. It seemed to work perfectly, and I was walking without a limp last night.
Will write more tomorrow, Love and Prayers, m
We had a great day yesterday, and I was able to do everything I wanted to do. We did get to Knaus's in Kimball and I also had my long-distance Qigong session with Sheila. It seemed to work perfectly, and I was walking without a limp last night.
Will write more tomorrow, Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Miraculous Day
I am so happy that I was able to handle the drive to the cabin....without pain! I also was able to fill all of my bird-feeders and this morning a beautiful Oriole and his partner the female came to eat at my feeder. Can't get better than that.
We got here yesterday by noon, and had lunch and sat on the deck (Lenard brought me up a lounge from the lower deck so I could lie on it) for a while just enjoying the afternoon. Then Len decided he wanted to get his boat on the lake, so I went with so they could find the boat launch. June and I came back and resumed our restful afternoon on the deck while we waited for Len to find his way back. He had some trouble doing that, but eventually he did make his way back.....after exploring every nook and cranny along the way. With a 10 hp motor that takes a long time.
I fixed BBQ ribs of sort in the pressure cooker, and they were so fantastic....thanks Gary for the lessons!!!
We also had fresh corn on the cob that I bought on the way up at a little stand near Monticello that I always buy corn from. It also was fantastic....the best corn we all had had this year.
After dinner and a short nap, we went down to the lower level to watch the Twins game on TV, but couldn't get the thing to work, so we played Domino's Train instead. They brought a double 15 set of domino's with them, and I've never seen one that large....but even with that we got stuck a couple of times and all ran out of places to play. We did each manage to win one though...I think. We only played 5 games, and by then it was after 10 p.m. and we all came back upstairs and played on our computers for a little while before going to bed.
I slept pretty well, infact I overslept which is a bad thing, cause when I got out of bed near 8:30 I was late in taking my meds and my right hip was killing me. I took my meds and June sent me back to bed, after I showed her how to make coffee. By the time the coffee was done and I slept for about 15 minutes more, I was able to get out of bed and come and enjoy watching the birds.
Today we might go to Kimball to Knaus's Meat Market to buy some sausage...other than that I am having a long-distance phone Qigong session at 3 p.m. and that is it for plans. I do want to get a shower in before Kimball, so I better get moving here. Love and Prayers, m
We got here yesterday by noon, and had lunch and sat on the deck (Lenard brought me up a lounge from the lower deck so I could lie on it) for a while just enjoying the afternoon. Then Len decided he wanted to get his boat on the lake, so I went with so they could find the boat launch. June and I came back and resumed our restful afternoon on the deck while we waited for Len to find his way back. He had some trouble doing that, but eventually he did make his way back.....after exploring every nook and cranny along the way. With a 10 hp motor that takes a long time.
I fixed BBQ ribs of sort in the pressure cooker, and they were so fantastic....thanks Gary for the lessons!!!
We also had fresh corn on the cob that I bought on the way up at a little stand near Monticello that I always buy corn from. It also was fantastic....the best corn we all had had this year.
After dinner and a short nap, we went down to the lower level to watch the Twins game on TV, but couldn't get the thing to work, so we played Domino's Train instead. They brought a double 15 set of domino's with them, and I've never seen one that large....but even with that we got stuck a couple of times and all ran out of places to play. We did each manage to win one though...I think. We only played 5 games, and by then it was after 10 p.m. and we all came back upstairs and played on our computers for a little while before going to bed.
I slept pretty well, infact I overslept which is a bad thing, cause when I got out of bed near 8:30 I was late in taking my meds and my right hip was killing me. I took my meds and June sent me back to bed, after I showed her how to make coffee. By the time the coffee was done and I slept for about 15 minutes more, I was able to get out of bed and come and enjoy watching the birds.
Today we might go to Kimball to Knaus's Meat Market to buy some sausage...other than that I am having a long-distance phone Qigong session at 3 p.m. and that is it for plans. I do want to get a shower in before Kimball, so I better get moving here. Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Heading to the Kiecker Kabin
This will be short, cause June and Lenard will be picking me up at 10, and I'm not dressed yet, so must get moving.
Had a wonderful time yesterday, lunch was fun and well attended, so lots of people to talk to. Then yesterday afternoon's drinks on the Veranda was so fun. Thanks so much to Pat and Dennis for hosting, and the great food, but mostly the great company. Conversations are always so interesting, and we had lots of stuff to talk about with the Olympics just ending and the VP pick just being announced, along with getting caught up on the latest stories from Pat of her Grandchildren, and pictures of Rosie and Bruce's townhouse in Eugene, OR that they are in the process of purchasing. I could go on and on....and we did. I didn't get home till 9 p.m. and went directly to the couch to rest. Moved to my bed about 11:30 p.m. and slept really well.
I kept myself well medicated, and will probably have to do that again today to get to the cabin. The carrot dangling at the end of the string is what will keep me going. Love and Prayers, m
Had a wonderful time yesterday, lunch was fun and well attended, so lots of people to talk to. Then yesterday afternoon's drinks on the Veranda was so fun. Thanks so much to Pat and Dennis for hosting, and the great food, but mostly the great company. Conversations are always so interesting, and we had lots of stuff to talk about with the Olympics just ending and the VP pick just being announced, along with getting caught up on the latest stories from Pat of her Grandchildren, and pictures of Rosie and Bruce's townhouse in Eugene, OR that they are in the process of purchasing. I could go on and on....and we did. I didn't get home till 9 p.m. and went directly to the couch to rest. Moved to my bed about 11:30 p.m. and slept really well.
I kept myself well medicated, and will probably have to do that again today to get to the cabin. The carrot dangling at the end of the string is what will keep me going. Love and Prayers, m
Monday, August 13, 2012
Sunny Day to Begin the Week!
Good day yesterday and good night last night....I think I'm ready for a busy day.
Mary Brue will pick me up for lunch today, and then Sandi Hitch will pick me up to have drinks on the Tkach's Veranda. (A Boston Reunion) It should be a beautiful day to top it off.
Some sadness this weekend. First got word that Joe Neis was put in Hospice. Gene and Joe worked together 50 years ago at Midwest Printing when Gene was an apprentice, and we got married. So been friends for lots of years. Then in the obituary yesterday Maureen Buth died, and her husband Ray also was a printer, and they lived in Blaine and went to St. Tim's and Gene carpooled with him for many years when their schedules matched.
Then yesterday cousin Judy's brother-in-law died. He had Alzheimer's Disease and was in Hospice for the last couple of weeks. Judy think's the memorial service will be on Thursday, but we'll see. June (her sister) and her husband Len were going to take me to the cabin tomorrow, but now I don't know what we will be doing....but Judy won't be joining us if we do.
Please pray for them and their families.
My friend Bonnie Sass, emailed yesterday that her high school friend that lives in Sedona, and I have met and hiked with while I was there, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has spread to her liver. Lot's of prayers there too!
Hoping today will bring lots of love and laughter to offset all these sad happenings.
Love and Prayers, m
Mary Brue will pick me up for lunch today, and then Sandi Hitch will pick me up to have drinks on the Tkach's Veranda. (A Boston Reunion) It should be a beautiful day to top it off.
Some sadness this weekend. First got word that Joe Neis was put in Hospice. Gene and Joe worked together 50 years ago at Midwest Printing when Gene was an apprentice, and we got married. So been friends for lots of years. Then in the obituary yesterday Maureen Buth died, and her husband Ray also was a printer, and they lived in Blaine and went to St. Tim's and Gene carpooled with him for many years when their schedules matched.
Then yesterday cousin Judy's brother-in-law died. He had Alzheimer's Disease and was in Hospice for the last couple of weeks. Judy think's the memorial service will be on Thursday, but we'll see. June (her sister) and her husband Len were going to take me to the cabin tomorrow, but now I don't know what we will be doing....but Judy won't be joining us if we do.
Please pray for them and their families.
My friend Bonnie Sass, emailed yesterday that her high school friend that lives in Sedona, and I have met and hiked with while I was there, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has spread to her liver. Lot's of prayers there too!
Hoping today will bring lots of love and laughter to offset all these sad happenings.
Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Cloudy Day, but not Inside!!
The Son is shining in here....even though I'm not up to going to church, I've said my prayers at home.
I spent almost all of yesterday on the couch....watching the Olympics as usual...don't know what I'll do tomorrow, oh yeah, I guess I have plenty to do tomorrow, with lunch and evening engagements. On Tuesday I may be taken to the cabin by cousin June and her husband Len. Looking forward to that....I haven't been to the cabin in a month.
No big plans for today other than the Olympics closing ceremony....right now watching the
men's basketball team and it's frustrating....we better pull this out!!
Walgreens has a coupon today for their photo books, so I will order my copy of the book Janet put together for Debbie's Birthday present. It's a great picture and recipe book of all the aunts and uncles. I can't wait to get mine.
No other news of interest. Love and Prayers, m
I spent almost all of yesterday on the couch....watching the Olympics as usual...don't know what I'll do tomorrow, oh yeah, I guess I have plenty to do tomorrow, with lunch and evening engagements. On Tuesday I may be taken to the cabin by cousin June and her husband Len. Looking forward to that....I haven't been to the cabin in a month.
No big plans for today other than the Olympics closing ceremony....right now watching the
men's basketball team and it's frustrating....we better pull this out!!
Walgreens has a coupon today for their photo books, so I will order my copy of the book Janet put together for Debbie's Birthday present. It's a great picture and recipe book of all the aunts and uncles. I can't wait to get mine.
No other news of interest. Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Good Week!!
The week is coming to an end, and I think it went pretty well. I feel a little stronger each day, and have had so many nice surprises all week.
My lunch yesterday went so well. Mary Christy picked me up at 12:15 or so, and we headed to Applebees at Northtown, and sat and talked (some eating) but mostly talking for 3 hours. I'm sure they were happy to see us finally Mary and I got caught up on both of our families, and friends and our lives, cried some tears, laughed often, and talked a whole lot!!! It really was a great time, and we have promised each other that it will happen again soon. Especially when she insisted on paying for lunch, I said only if I got to pay the next I'll keep that commitment. I'm hoping in the next 3 weeks or so. We still have so many things in common, and she is planning on retiring soon, so we should beable to renew our friendship to it's fullest.
I pretty much spent the late afternoon and evening watching the Olympics on the couch as usual. Had to call Annie is Chicago when the 4X1 broke the world record and won!!! The 100 being Annies thing. Also had to call Tom and ask him what he was doing 20 years he was at the MOA Nordstrom store when it openned. Channel 11 was doing little bits about the MOA all through their news casts yesterday for their 20th Anniversary Celebration, so I had lots of memories of that time too! Funny, Tom couldn't come up with the right answer!!! lol
No plans for today, may try to do a load of laundry, as I'm running out of pjs again!! Need to bring some back home from the cabin. But maybe not....don't know if I want to do the stairs more than once and if I got down there how would I get back up. Maybe I'll have someone else do that for me.
Judy's brother-in-law is in Hospice and nearing the end, so say some prayers, for him as well as Joe Neis who is in a nursing home with lung cancer and problems related to that....and Cheri and Don Salisbury. Cheri is still recoopering from her triple leg break on Mother's Day in a nursing home and Don is having Dialysis 3 times a week. I know there are many more I should name, but can't come up with all of them now....just say a lot of prayers. Love and Prayers, m
My lunch yesterday went so well. Mary Christy picked me up at 12:15 or so, and we headed to Applebees at Northtown, and sat and talked (some eating) but mostly talking for 3 hours. I'm sure they were happy to see us finally Mary and I got caught up on both of our families, and friends and our lives, cried some tears, laughed often, and talked a whole lot!!! It really was a great time, and we have promised each other that it will happen again soon. Especially when she insisted on paying for lunch, I said only if I got to pay the next I'll keep that commitment. I'm hoping in the next 3 weeks or so. We still have so many things in common, and she is planning on retiring soon, so we should beable to renew our friendship to it's fullest.
I pretty much spent the late afternoon and evening watching the Olympics on the couch as usual. Had to call Annie is Chicago when the 4X1 broke the world record and won!!! The 100 being Annies thing. Also had to call Tom and ask him what he was doing 20 years he was at the MOA Nordstrom store when it openned. Channel 11 was doing little bits about the MOA all through their news casts yesterday for their 20th Anniversary Celebration, so I had lots of memories of that time too! Funny, Tom couldn't come up with the right answer!!! lol
No plans for today, may try to do a load of laundry, as I'm running out of pjs again!! Need to bring some back home from the cabin. But maybe not....don't know if I want to do the stairs more than once and if I got down there how would I get back up. Maybe I'll have someone else do that for me.
Judy's brother-in-law is in Hospice and nearing the end, so say some prayers, for him as well as Joe Neis who is in a nursing home with lung cancer and problems related to that....and Cheri and Don Salisbury. Cheri is still recoopering from her triple leg break on Mother's Day in a nursing home and Don is having Dialysis 3 times a week. I know there are many more I should name, but can't come up with all of them now....just say a lot of prayers. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, August 10, 2012
Surprise me God!!
Well it seems like I've had a surprise each day this week. Sunday was Jan, and flowers and food, on Monday the chemo effects weren't what I expected, Tuesday the call from Mary Christy out of the blue, Wednesday Chicken soup for lunch from another visit from Jan, Thursday afternoon, I got this loud ringing of my doorbell about 6 fast times and I went to the door to see Joe Sedesky with flowers to cheer me and a six pack of dark chocolate ensure (my favorite right now). Joe stayed and visited for about 15 minutes or so, and picked up my mail for me, and as he was leaving Bill and Kim arrived crossing paths with Joe's exit. I had asked Bill to come over and take out my garbage for me and set it on the curb as today is garbage day in our neighborhood. He and Kim did some chores around the house for me besides garbage, and then we watched the Olympics together till almost 10 p.m.
Joe is the husband of Annie's friend Chris who just went to Naperville to shop at Tom and Karen's store there and visit for the weekend. So he thought he'd checkup on me and gave me his cell number in case I needed any help as they don't live far from me, and he is familyless for the weekend too! But of course he would do anything for me, even if he wasn't familyless!! What a honey!! It's so nice to know people are watching out for me.
Another good day and night, and am looking forward to lunch with Mary Christy today....she is coming to pick me up after noon, and I can't wait. It has been so long since we've been together, we have lots to talk about.
Nothing planned for the evening or this weekend, will be resting up for lunch with the retiree's on Monday, and then drinks on the veranda at Patty and Denise Tkach's in the afternoon. Sandi Hitch has volunteered to pick me up for that, and Mary Brue for lunch, so all is set for drivers. So strange....I'm usually the one driving and picking people up, a complete role reversal for me.
Waiting to see what surprises the rest of the week brings, thank you God! It's going to be a Sonshiny day!! Love and Prayers, m
Joe is the husband of Annie's friend Chris who just went to Naperville to shop at Tom and Karen's store there and visit for the weekend. So he thought he'd checkup on me and gave me his cell number in case I needed any help as they don't live far from me, and he is familyless for the weekend too! But of course he would do anything for me, even if he wasn't familyless!! What a honey!! It's so nice to know people are watching out for me.
Another good day and night, and am looking forward to lunch with Mary Christy today....she is coming to pick me up after noon, and I can't wait. It has been so long since we've been together, we have lots to talk about.
Nothing planned for the evening or this weekend, will be resting up for lunch with the retiree's on Monday, and then drinks on the veranda at Patty and Denise Tkach's in the afternoon. Sandi Hitch has volunteered to pick me up for that, and Mary Brue for lunch, so all is set for drivers. So strange....I'm usually the one driving and picking people up, a complete role reversal for me.
Waiting to see what surprises the rest of the week brings, thank you God! It's going to be a Sonshiny day!! Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Game On
OMG!!! Thank you God for all your blessings!! I feel so much better this morning. Don't know if it's right to talk about God and Poop in the same paragraph, but I am not constipated any more, and I feel so much better for it! My back and legs are not cramping and aching either. Been up and moving ever since 7 a.m.
Yesterday wasn't so good....I felt strong in the morning, but then when I went to HHH to get unhooked, they were busy and didn't have a regular cubical to put me in, so stuck me in a room with a bed and no chair, and proceeded to forget me for over 30 minutes, when I sent Annie out to find out where they were, I then waited another 5 or more minutes. It wouldn't have been so bad if I would have had a comfortable place to sit! By the time the nurse came in to unhook me, I was in so much back pain, I wasn't very happy. I just wanted to get unhooked and get out of there. Of course I didn't have any pills with me for breakout pain, having taken one at 12:15 I figured that would hold me, but I guess not.
Annie drove me straight home and I took my pills immediately and laid down on the couch. She went home and got the girls and ran some errands for me as well as, shopping for a mattress pad to put on the couch so I would be more comfortable on my sagging couch. She then returned around 7 p.m. with the new pad, groceries to hold me for a couple of weeks (even though she will only be gone for 4 days in Chicago). She wanted to make sure someone will be checking up on me, and has let everyone know that she will be out of town and the boys are in charge.
I continued in back and leg pain, but Annie got me some "Leg Cramp" med and I took one immediately and then another 2 before I went to bed, and I also took more Sennekot S Med to make me poop. Well, I guess they both worked great, cause I sure am better this morning.
I need to shower and get dressed, and then my cousin Pat is coming to working on Genealogy with me for a few hours, and then I will rest the rest of the day watching TV on my new comfy couch!!
I have got a ride to Lunch next Monday, thanks to Mary #1 Brue, and I have cancelled today's appointment at Pathways, as I don't have a ride or the want to ride in the car down there and back. For now, that's all I have to report. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday wasn't so good....I felt strong in the morning, but then when I went to HHH to get unhooked, they were busy and didn't have a regular cubical to put me in, so stuck me in a room with a bed and no chair, and proceeded to forget me for over 30 minutes, when I sent Annie out to find out where they were, I then waited another 5 or more minutes. It wouldn't have been so bad if I would have had a comfortable place to sit! By the time the nurse came in to unhook me, I was in so much back pain, I wasn't very happy. I just wanted to get unhooked and get out of there. Of course I didn't have any pills with me for breakout pain, having taken one at 12:15 I figured that would hold me, but I guess not.
Annie drove me straight home and I took my pills immediately and laid down on the couch. She went home and got the girls and ran some errands for me as well as, shopping for a mattress pad to put on the couch so I would be more comfortable on my sagging couch. She then returned around 7 p.m. with the new pad, groceries to hold me for a couple of weeks (even though she will only be gone for 4 days in Chicago). She wanted to make sure someone will be checking up on me, and has let everyone know that she will be out of town and the boys are in charge.
I continued in back and leg pain, but Annie got me some "Leg Cramp" med and I took one immediately and then another 2 before I went to bed, and I also took more Sennekot S Med to make me poop. Well, I guess they both worked great, cause I sure am better this morning.
I need to shower and get dressed, and then my cousin Pat is coming to working on Genealogy with me for a few hours, and then I will rest the rest of the day watching TV on my new comfy couch!!
I have got a ride to Lunch next Monday, thanks to Mary #1 Brue, and I have cancelled today's appointment at Pathways, as I don't have a ride or the want to ride in the car down there and back. For now, that's all I have to report. Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Unplugged from Round 1
Yesterday was a fairly good day, I showered and got dressed and Jim and Ann brought me a late lunch and ran some errands for me on the way over, and then did a few jobs around the house for me as well....then we settled into watching the US Beach Volleyball win.
After dinner my shins started aching and I rubbed them with IcyHot, walked around the house, stretched and finally had to take some breakout meds to calm them down, I wish I knew what was causing them to ache and cramp. I'm taking Potassium pills, drinking a ton of fluids also taking Calcium.
No big plans for today, I will get unplugged this afternoon at 1:30 and Annie is taking me there. So that means I'll need to get dressed. Other than that I guess there's more Olympics to watch.
Thanks for all the encouraging emails and Facebook comments. I enjoy and appreciate all of them especially when I get them from those I haven't heard from in ages and or didn't even know were following my trials and tribulations. Love and Prayers, m
After dinner my shins started aching and I rubbed them with IcyHot, walked around the house, stretched and finally had to take some breakout meds to calm them down, I wish I knew what was causing them to ache and cramp. I'm taking Potassium pills, drinking a ton of fluids also taking Calcium.
No big plans for today, I will get unplugged this afternoon at 1:30 and Annie is taking me there. So that means I'll need to get dressed. Other than that I guess there's more Olympics to watch.
Thanks for all the encouraging emails and Facebook comments. I enjoy and appreciate all of them especially when I get them from those I haven't heard from in ages and or didn't even know were following my trials and tribulations. Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Sun is Shining and So Am I
Sorry I am so late in writing this morning, I've been interrupted by phone, Olympics, sleep etc. I woke up late and didn't get my 12 hour med I'm supposed to be taking at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. till 8:15 this morning. Then I laid down on the couch to let it take effect and didn't wake up till after 9 a.m. Feeling good and then I got a phone call out of the blue from Mary Christy who I haven't heard from since my dad died about 12 years ago. So we set up lunch for Friday, and we'll get caught up on each others lives. I am so happy about that.
I got a call from Jimbo, and they are coming just after noon, and they will pick up my prescriptions I have at HealthPartners, and pick me up some lunch on the way as well. After that I got a call from Janet to see how I was doing on the FluFox, as she was with me the first day of chemo I had back in 2010, when the chemo effected my touching anything cold, or drinking or eating anything cold. Last time within 1 hour it was effecting me. This time I only noticed the cold when I toke a drink of Ensure that was in the had to let it warm up to room temperature before I could drink it. Later in the evening when taking a pill, I used tap water and it also was a little colder than room temp, so I will have to pay more attention to that when I am taking pills.
Other than those two incidents, I have come through the first day well, and am feeling good today as well.
Annie came and spent the evening with me last night, watching the Olympics and she couldn't sit still for long, and ended up dusting the whole living room...and throwing in a load of clothes in the washer and dryer. She brought more things for me to eat and took care of my every need. I don't know what I'll do when she has to go back to school in a few weeks.
Speaking of that, I am not able to drive now (as I am on so many drugs, if I got in an accident, they would give me a DUI) so I have a few things I need a ride to. Lunch for the Retirees on Monday, and then the drinks on the veranda at Patty's on Monday afternoon. I also have a 4 p.m. appointment in South Mpls. on this Thursday, that I will cancel if I don't get a driver. If anyone is willing to drive me, let me know. Love and prayers are being felt totally. Love and prayers, m
I got a call from Jimbo, and they are coming just after noon, and they will pick up my prescriptions I have at HealthPartners, and pick me up some lunch on the way as well. After that I got a call from Janet to see how I was doing on the FluFox, as she was with me the first day of chemo I had back in 2010, when the chemo effected my touching anything cold, or drinking or eating anything cold. Last time within 1 hour it was effecting me. This time I only noticed the cold when I toke a drink of Ensure that was in the had to let it warm up to room temperature before I could drink it. Later in the evening when taking a pill, I used tap water and it also was a little colder than room temp, so I will have to pay more attention to that when I am taking pills.
Other than those two incidents, I have come through the first day well, and am feeling good today as well.
Annie came and spent the evening with me last night, watching the Olympics and she couldn't sit still for long, and ended up dusting the whole living room...and throwing in a load of clothes in the washer and dryer. She brought more things for me to eat and took care of my every need. I don't know what I'll do when she has to go back to school in a few weeks.
Speaking of that, I am not able to drive now (as I am on so many drugs, if I got in an accident, they would give me a DUI) so I have a few things I need a ride to. Lunch for the Retirees on Monday, and then the drinks on the veranda at Patty's on Monday afternoon. I also have a 4 p.m. appointment in South Mpls. on this Thursday, that I will cancel if I don't get a driver. If anyone is willing to drive me, let me know. Love and prayers are being felt totally. Love and prayers, m
Monday, August 6, 2012
Here I Go Again
Well today I start the new regiment of chemo....FulFox and Avastin. I have had FulFox before it is a combination of 5FU, Lucaverin and I don't know what!!! Too big a words for me. This drug combination is what gave me the reaction to cold, and the numbness is my finger tips and balls of my feet. So I'm not looking forward to that, but will see if maybe the Qigong can work on that.
Yesterday, I got a surprise visit from Jan Ranum, funny I had been thinking about her earlier in the day....I hadn't seen her in about 6 weeks. She came bearing gifts. Fresh veggies and some bread her daughter Sheila had just baked. She also had a few warm walleye that they had leftover from dinner....they were really good....oh, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Bill, my son, will be picking me up at 9:15 and spending the day with me.....he does play cribbage, but I've never played with him we'll see if I have any luck. Must get going, as I'm still in my pjs. I do ask that you please keep me in your prayers. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday, I got a surprise visit from Jan Ranum, funny I had been thinking about her earlier in the day....I hadn't seen her in about 6 weeks. She came bearing gifts. Fresh veggies and some bread her daughter Sheila had just baked. She also had a few warm walleye that they had leftover from dinner....they were really good....oh, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Bill, my son, will be picking me up at 9:15 and spending the day with me.....he does play cribbage, but I've never played with him we'll see if I have any luck. Must get going, as I'm still in my pjs. I do ask that you please keep me in your prayers. Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Sunny Sunday!
Sorry Lord I didn't make it to church, but I am praising You all day long! Thnak You for all Your Blessings!!
Yesterday, I spent the day alone, but did well. I am concentrating on eating and drinking....and seem to be improving in both areas. Didn't see the change on the scale though. I'll see what the doctor's scale says tomorrow when I go for chemo. I got a lot of other things done as well, everything I had on my list and a few more. I did a lot of sitting and walking instead on just laying on the couch. Talked to a lot of people on the phone including my sister-in-law Carol, my brother Phil, sister Kathleen, and cousin Janet. Annie also called to check up on me and see if I needed anything.
Watching a lot of Olympics again today.... couldn't believe Federer lost in Tennis, and I am now watching the women's basketball game. Don't have any big plans for today, but will do somemore cleaning and answer some more emails.So nice to hear from so many of you. You thoughts and prayers is what keeps me going.
Love you all. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday, I spent the day alone, but did well. I am concentrating on eating and drinking....and seem to be improving in both areas. Didn't see the change on the scale though. I'll see what the doctor's scale says tomorrow when I go for chemo. I got a lot of other things done as well, everything I had on my list and a few more. I did a lot of sitting and walking instead on just laying on the couch. Talked to a lot of people on the phone including my sister-in-law Carol, my brother Phil, sister Kathleen, and cousin Janet. Annie also called to check up on me and see if I needed anything.
Watching a lot of Olympics again today.... couldn't believe Federer lost in Tennis, and I am now watching the women's basketball game. Don't have any big plans for today, but will do somemore cleaning and answer some more emails.So nice to hear from so many of you. You thoughts and prayers is what keeps me going.
Love you all. Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, August 4, 2012
The Sun has Come Out
I have had Annie typing for me the last couple of I forgot that I had to do my blog today!! I have been up since 7 a.m. as usual....I have to take my meds at 7 a.m. so it is a must to get up then. I usually go right back to bed at that time or the the meds can take effect. I have been trying to get up during commercials to stretch and I don't get too stiff. The druggist suggested that I walk during each one, but there are so many, I only do about every other one. The new med is helping with the pain, but it also knocks me out for about an hour. I'm trying to do some things around the house, and cleaned the toilet this morning, and worked on paying some bills and answering some emails. Will do some filling this afternoon, and get the kitchen table cleared off.
My computer keyboard is acting up this week, and not typing H's so I'll have to go back and find all the missing H's and fix.
I have heard that Lottie Virnig got a great report from her doctors appointment this week, and that Joe Neis and family need lots of prayers, and the family of MaeBeth McCann (Zimmer) as she has been placed in Hospice this week.
Thats all for now. Love and Prayers, m
My computer keyboard is acting up this week, and not typing H's so I'll have to go back and find all the missing H's and fix.
I have heard that Lottie Virnig got a great report from her doctors appointment this week, and that Joe Neis and family need lots of prayers, and the family of MaeBeth McCann (Zimmer) as she has been placed in Hospice this week.
Thats all for now. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, August 3, 2012
Good News and Bad News
The bad news is that the cancer has spread to my bones in several different spots. So we will start a new regiment of chemo on Monday for 12 weeks and then go back to Mayo for a scan. So many prayers are in order! The good news is the new regiment of chemo does not cause hair loss:)
Sunday in Vegas - Started with breakfast at 9 and saying goodbye to most cousins. Although a couple had left the night before on the red eye. Later in the day Kathleen and Blair spent sometime at the pool while I went back to my room and rested and watched the Olympics. After dinner, we decided to do some more gambling and with $5.24 in a keno machine playing only a quarter at a time I won $205! Immediately I cashed it in! We went back to the room so Kathleen and Blair could pack and take off for the plane ride home. Judy and June were alone in their room and I was alone in my room until Sharon came back from a show and spent the night in Kathleen's bed. The next morning we all headed out of town about 8:30am , but poor Judy was flying stand by and didn't get home until 8:00pm Monday night. Love and Prayers, m
This was typed with love by Annie!
Sunday in Vegas - Started with breakfast at 9 and saying goodbye to most cousins. Although a couple had left the night before on the red eye. Later in the day Kathleen and Blair spent sometime at the pool while I went back to my room and rested and watched the Olympics. After dinner, we decided to do some more gambling and with $5.24 in a keno machine playing only a quarter at a time I won $205! Immediately I cashed it in! We went back to the room so Kathleen and Blair could pack and take off for the plane ride home. Judy and June were alone in their room and I was alone in my room until Sharon came back from a show and spent the night in Kathleen's bed. The next morning we all headed out of town about 8:30am , but poor Judy was flying stand by and didn't get home until 8:00pm Monday night. Love and Prayers, m
This was typed with love by Annie!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Annie is typing this for me. (Annie says "where is Karen for this part - she in the official blogger when Mary can't type it herself")
I got up early this morning and took my med's at 7:00 and went directly to the couch. I can't eat until after my test today at 1:00pm so I'm really hungry. Thank you for all of the prayers and messages that you've sent last night and this morning on facebook.
Day 3 in Vegas we started with breakfast as a group and then went on to a slot tournament. Darleen won the first round and decided to do another round which June won. Then we all went back to our rooms to dress for the costume contest at Margaretaville. I thought I would be the winner with the cute hat I made but was way out done by many others. Kathleen and Blair had adorable flamingo costumes, Debbie and her girlfriend Pam had hilarious red solo cup costumes but the winner was Jeannie with a parrot costume. After many drinks and lunch we did a little gambling and then dressed for dinner, then did the birthday gift exchange. We also gathered for the picture that I posted yesterday. We not only exchanged gifts with eachother we had a special gift for Aunt Loretta being the oldest, Karen for coming the farthest, Janet for all the help she gave Denise, Denise for all the organizing of the weekend activities, Debbie the birthday Girl, and of course they had to honor me. I really didn't expect that but loved the gifts they gave me especially the sign that reads "I'd rather be lost at the lake then found at home" this is so true! that's all for today I'll report about Sunday tomorrow. Love and Prayers, m
I got up early this morning and took my med's at 7:00 and went directly to the couch. I can't eat until after my test today at 1:00pm so I'm really hungry. Thank you for all of the prayers and messages that you've sent last night and this morning on facebook.
Day 3 in Vegas we started with breakfast as a group and then went on to a slot tournament. Darleen won the first round and decided to do another round which June won. Then we all went back to our rooms to dress for the costume contest at Margaretaville. I thought I would be the winner with the cute hat I made but was way out done by many others. Kathleen and Blair had adorable flamingo costumes, Debbie and her girlfriend Pam had hilarious red solo cup costumes but the winner was Jeannie with a parrot costume. After many drinks and lunch we did a little gambling and then dressed for dinner, then did the birthday gift exchange. We also gathered for the picture that I posted yesterday. We not only exchanged gifts with eachother we had a special gift for Aunt Loretta being the oldest, Karen for coming the farthest, Janet for all the help she gave Denise, Denise for all the organizing of the weekend activities, Debbie the birthday Girl, and of course they had to honor me. I really didn't expect that but loved the gifts they gave me especially the sign that reads "I'd rather be lost at the lake then found at home" this is so true! that's all for today I'll report about Sunday tomorrow. Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
No Chemo Today!
My son Bill took me to get my chemo this morning, as he wanted to hear what the doctor had to say. Well Mayo had still not sent the report or the CTscan to Dr. Londer. But I saw Londer on the way in as he was just coming in at the same time as I was, and I told him I wasn't doing very well. So when I did get into his office he said I didn't look very well, and after talking awhile, he was quite worried that my cancer was back growing in my lower back and he wanted me to have a PETscan ASAP. He didn't think he wanted to do chemo on me today, and because I looked so dehydrated he just wanted me to get fluids today.
I have my PETscan scheduled for tomorrow at 1 p.m., and I see Londer again on Friday at 1 p.m. for the results. Please say a lot of prayers for me!!!
As for Vegas here is a picture of the gang.
We got there on Thursday evening, and basically just had dinner and went to bed. We didn't leave till 4 p.m. and there is a two hour loss of time, so we got to Vegas at 5:30 their time....but it was over a three hour flight. My back was killing me by the time I got there, those airplane seats are killers. By the time we had dinner and got back to our room....we heard from Kathleen that Blair's flight was delayed and she wouldn't be in till after Midnight, so we watched TV, and finally decided to dose till they arrived which was about 12:30 p.m.
Friday morning, we all met for breakfast at 9 a.m., and I think by then there were about 20 of us there. We then went to the casino and picked a machine to have a slot tournament. I think June won that one, and she ended up with about 60 dollars....we each got 4 puls and then cashed out the highest got all. Then at 1 p.m. we all loaded a bus for a tour of the strip, and then he took us to a newer shopping center, where some of us headed straight for the bar, and others shopped till 3 p.m. when happy hour started. We each had chipped in $20 for the trip, and we got to order anything we wanted off the menu for happy hour and we got all the drinks we could drink. By 5 p.m. we were all ready to go back to the Flamingo and party on there. We ad another High Roller Tournament at 10 p.m. that night, and about 18 of us took part. Each put in 10 dollars and pulled once, and then when all eighteen had our turn we hadn't won much....I think it would have been $18 each, so we kept taking turns and ended up winning nothing at all....but had fun trying.
I'll add Saturday and Sunday tomorrow...need to go back to the couch. Love and Prayers, m
I have my PETscan scheduled for tomorrow at 1 p.m., and I see Londer again on Friday at 1 p.m. for the results. Please say a lot of prayers for me!!!
As for Vegas here is a picture of the gang.
We got there on Thursday evening, and basically just had dinner and went to bed. We didn't leave till 4 p.m. and there is a two hour loss of time, so we got to Vegas at 5:30 their time....but it was over a three hour flight. My back was killing me by the time I got there, those airplane seats are killers. By the time we had dinner and got back to our room....we heard from Kathleen that Blair's flight was delayed and she wouldn't be in till after Midnight, so we watched TV, and finally decided to dose till they arrived which was about 12:30 p.m.
Friday morning, we all met for breakfast at 9 a.m., and I think by then there were about 20 of us there. We then went to the casino and picked a machine to have a slot tournament. I think June won that one, and she ended up with about 60 dollars....we each got 4 puls and then cashed out the highest got all. Then at 1 p.m. we all loaded a bus for a tour of the strip, and then he took us to a newer shopping center, where some of us headed straight for the bar, and others shopped till 3 p.m. when happy hour started. We each had chipped in $20 for the trip, and we got to order anything we wanted off the menu for happy hour and we got all the drinks we could drink. By 5 p.m. we were all ready to go back to the Flamingo and party on there. We ad another High Roller Tournament at 10 p.m. that night, and about 18 of us took part. Each put in 10 dollars and pulled once, and then when all eighteen had our turn we hadn't won much....I think it would have been $18 each, so we kept taking turns and ended up winning nothing at all....but had fun trying.
I'll add Saturday and Sunday tomorrow...need to go back to the couch. Love and Prayers, m
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